
Karen Read is she Banging Her Lawyer ???? !! Drunk Once Again ???⚠️ Sebastian Rogers Was Online ⚠️


#Karen #Read #Banging #Lawyer #Drunk #Sebastian #Rogers #Online

Karen Read Banging Her Lawyer ?//!! Drunk Once Again ???⚠️ Sebastian Rogers Was Online ⚠️
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This video is all about KAREN READ information but also try to cover the following subject:
– sebastian rogers update
– sebastian rogers father
– sebastian rogers parents suspects
– lie detection,
– body language
– karen read

Youtube is the very best place to go when looking for videos about KAREN READ.
karen read is obviously something that interests you and other individuals so I made this video about this topic.
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Karen Read Banging Her Lawyer ?? Drunk Once Again ⚠️ Sebastian Rogers Was Online ⚠️
lawyers near me , Karen Read is she Banging Her Lawyer ???? !! Drunk Once Again ???⚠️ Sebastian Rogers Was Online ⚠️


46 thoughts on “Karen Read is she Banging Her Lawyer ???? !! Drunk Once Again ???⚠️ Sebastian Rogers Was Online ⚠️”

  1. Dolly it was a scratch on his knee. If u want to talk facts medical examiner said she couldnt say car accident. And car guys say noaccident. How did lights get on lawn??JS

  2. Alcohol and anger do not mix. A mistake she will live with the rest of her life. Now she needs to serve her time!!!

  3. Dolly. OMG Don’t Do it. 😂😂😂😂 this lady. 😂😂😂😂😂 You can’t even 😂😂😂

  4. Not team either side but you’re wrong Dolly, someone trolled us sharing the video lol It’s a very edited!!!!! That looks like Karen but that is definitely not Jackson. If you actually watch the video it’s clearly edited!! Half the dudes hair is missing when he looks up. Like his toupee is falling off! 🤣 Someone tried adding A.J.’s hair to this guy! 😂 also if you zoom in the guy is also way younger looking than A.J and the teeth/smile is WAY off. Twitter has the video if someone is wondering and wants to look at it better/zoom in themselves.

  5. We know according to you its ok if you go to jail because you dont like her, which means the killers of John can walk .

  6. Oh damn dolly, you solved the case. Betwween this and not taking off her shoes shes got to be guilty.

  7. disgusting! so disrespectful to john and his family. doesnt surprise me. jacksons wife being cheated on

  8. DUI hit and run is intent and this case was NOT overcharged!!!

    Second-degree murder is killing someone with malice aforethought.

    Malice aforethought means that the murder was intentional. Or, the person may have acted recklessly and did not care about others' lives.

    Second-degree murder is best explained by first talking briefly about first-degree murder. First-degree murder is killing someone with malice aforethought and premeditation. Premeditation means that the killer thought about what they were doing before they did it. It can even be a brief thought.

    If you're involved in a DUI crash and cause a death, prosecutors may be able to charge you with a variation of DUI murder. This is also known as vehicular homicide.

    To sustain a conviction, the prosecution has to prove three things:

    The death resulted from an intentional act.

    The natural consequences of that act were dangerous to human life.

    The driver knowingly acted with conscious disregard for human life.

    For the third element, the driver doesn't need to intend to kill another person. This kind of homicide charge is sometimes known as a depraved heart killing. This type of murder carries the most severe penalties, including lengthy state prison sentences, more significant fines, and license suspension or revocation.

  9. Thank you Dolly!!!! I got kicked off the chat in some live chats today. I believe she’s guilty guilty guilty. My theory is he was half asleep drunk and she was beating on him on the ride over. I don’t know all the details because the incompetent police screwed this investigation. As for the cops throwing away their cell phones… I believe they are up to cheating on their wives, backstabbing their friends and selling drugs??? Illegal something somewhere which is why the FBI got involved. The FBI never said Karen was innocent they just said that wasn’t a vehicle accident. Karen had a glass early in the night. I believe Karen argued and beat on John and at some point he stumbled out of the car toxic drunk and confused. 😐 I believe she is evil. 👿 Her voicemails saying it’s normal? Are you kidding me? It’s normal to call someone 53 times and leaving mean messages. That’s psycho. That’s not normal. I believe the cops did illegal things but had zero to do with John because Karen is guilty of that. She beat him senseless in the car. She was drunk and angry he dared leave her to take care of the kids and go out with his friends.

  10. Who took this video they could get in a lot of trouble doing that I think I would quit saying anything about that that is not our business that is their business and they have to answer to God they could get in a lot of trouble for this

  11. Replay crew … Of course he was on the Internet. LE still has his play station an Mac book.

  12. The idiot callers that think Karen's innocent are drinking the defenses kool aid . They believe the lies of her scum lawyer . gullible people.

  13. Great show! After listening to callers who have definitely strong opinions, i think the Jury wont be able to get to a unanimous vote. People seem to dig in and are willing to argue without changing their minds

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