
Karen Read and Boston Cop Boyfriend She’s Accused of Killing: Everything We Know


Karen Read and Boston Cop Boyfriend She’s Accused of Killing: Everything We Know

#Karen #Read #Boston #Cop #Boyfriend #Shes #Accused #Killing

Karen Read is on trial in Dedham, Massachusetts, accused of killing her boyfriend, police officer John O’Keefe, by hitting him with her car and leaving him to die. Her defense attorneys argue she’s being framed as part of a larger law enforcement cover-up. Law&Crime’s Jesse Weber breaks down everything you might have missed during week one of trial.

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40 thoughts on “Karen Read and Boston Cop Boyfriend She’s Accused of Killing: Everything We Know”

  1. She’s going down. Wanted to believe her, but nope. I believe she accidentally backed over him.

  2. Sad that the very last words ever spoken to him by the woman he loved were about how much she HATED him.
    I do hope he never played that voicemail & heard those words himself while freezing to death in a blizzard.
    Being murdered is horrific enough, without hearing those last nasty words from someone he loved.

  3. Is I was aJuror I won't be split. Defense so far has made the case. Very clear persecution has no proven nothing u can't even hear what he says he mumbles his witnesses are getting destroyed. Lally knows she is innocent his growing the case. He is giving up he doesn't believe anything coming out of the Commonwealth witnesses

  4. is it a possibility that read hit him with the car and lter the dog had a go at him while he lay in the snow. has this been suggested??

  5. A man was found deceased on Brian Albert's lawn, and NOBODY in his home at the time was ever investigated. The home was never SEARCHED. Trooper Proctor's text messages to friends revealed that the Alberts wouldn't be investigated because Brian was "a Boston cop." The corruption has been displayed on a silver platter

  6. I love the Free Karen Read community because it really screens out the lunatics and attracts sane, rational people!

  7. My heart and prayers to Karen Read, her family and to Officer O'Keefe's family especially the children 🩷🙏 MSP failed Officer John O'Keefe!

  8. Thank you to whoever made the comment and recommended Lawyer Melanie Little’s video of the k9 dog training expert. It was very informative. After watching that expert & the training arms he showed with K9 bites from Germans shepherd’s, I’m 99.9% confident John O’Keefe’s arm lacerations are from a dog. It’s crazy how exact his wounds look like the examples the k9 expert showed! If you haven’t watched it, watch it. ESPECIALLY those of you are so confident Karen Reed is guilty. I’m not saying she’s innocent, but the wounds on John’s arm are definitely from dog bite.

  9. Yeah I’m convinced she did it everything else as unfortunate as far as the investigators being kind of perverted but there’s no motor for the other police officers to have killed him apparently they all got along so what was the motive

  10. Any doubt goes to favor of the defendant. If the prosecutor can’t demonstrate her guilt beyond that.

  11. I have watched the trial since day one and still do not understand the need for Karen Read to be framed for a cover-up. The body was located to the far left of that house very close to the road. I would not have assumed automatically there was any connection between the body and the house but perhaps a passing vehicle that accidentally(or on purpose) hit him. Wouldn’t the cops know that it would be far easier not to blame Read but some hit-and-run driver. It appears that Read’s actions, comments, phone, and vehicle taillight put the focus on her. I have watched the video of her hitting John’s vehicle the next morning and do not see any signs of pieces of the taillight hitting the snow or flying through the air. Appeared she was hitting his car on purpose. I keep remembering the case where the female dentist ran over and killed her husband with his own daughter in the car. Jealousy does express itself in unbelievable rage sometimes.

  12. This cop at 20:28 reminds me of my Cousin Vinny when Ralph Macchio keeps repeating "I shot the clerk??" after being accused of shooting the clerk and at the stand the cop used against him as admitting he did the crime.

  13. I know what happened, he got into a fight and he was beaten, attacked by the dog and cover up 😢😢😢really sad because they are trying to blame the innocent girlfriend like always. He had kids😢😢😢

  14. she was drinking the night before.. memory is probably a little fuzzy…. might be why she made the statements she did… but lets listen to the whole case obviously…

  15. 10:05 I can’t believe they let the victims mom sit behind the accused counsel during the opening statements….shaking her head etc in full view of the jury.

  16. Has anyone tight she has this many supporters cuz us locals know some of these cops and how they operate

  17. I think the person responsible for John O'Keefe's death was himself. Sounds like he had a bit of a drinking problem & got himself into trouble. It's sad the brother can't recognize how much KR loved his brother & put up with. When a woman tells a man she "fkn hates [him]" What she's really saying is "I love you, why are you treating me this way?" KR is totally innocent.
    16 years ago, my partner went missing for 6 weeks & we later learned he had been murdered within 15 minutes of me dropping him off at home. I was the last one to see him (besides the person responsible). Everyone in his family was suspicious of me & called to question me constantly. They twisted my words around. I loved him & he was my best friend. We got along really well, though we did have a few arguments during our 3 year relationship. Thankfully the whole truth came out within a few weeks & his family embraced me but I was so distraught while he was missing. I had a wild crazy dream about 8 days after he went missing and when I told a friend of his my dream, he thought it made me sound guilty of foul play. In retrospect, I should not have told anyone my dream but I honestly think it was my partner's spirit coming to visit me to let me know he loved me & had passed away.

  18. I agree with you I don’t know how the jury is going to be able to sort through all of this. There is a lot of suspicion on both sides. Thank you for giving the highlights of the trial with your perspective.

  19. The prosecution is going to lose based on constant " what if any ( thing ) " most annoying line of questioning never mind being extremely boring/ unengaging. ( like one lady said , a class on how not to prosecute. ) unfortunate I believe evidence proves guilt.

  20. I really hope all the corruption that is obviously going on in this town/county gets exposed in a big way! I truly believe Karen is innocent and is being used as scapegoat!

  21. Not following closely enough. Ba didn't do anything because he wasn't awake or aware.

  22. There's a seemingly endless amount of bizarre parts to this that don't add up (to the official story by the prosecution). One of the biggest ones for me is the taillight. Polycarbonate exploded into 45+ pieces upon striking the victim at 24 mph? And then 0 were found by first investigators ? But after 12 hours and 2 feet of snow the corrupt lead finds them? Its actually comical they thought this sounded plausible.

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