
Kamala Harris defends her record on criminal justice


Kamala Harris defends her record on criminal justice

#Kamala #Harris #defends #record #criminal #justice

Newly declared presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, who served as San Francisco’s district attorney and California’s attorney general, defends her record on criminal justice as progressive Democrats have criticized her for being a part of the “tough on crime” era. #CNN #News
criminal law , Kamala Harris defends her record on criminal justice, latest News,Happening Now,CNN,CNN Town Hall,Kamala Harris,Jake Tapper,presidential candidate,2020,criminal justice,district attorney,California,politics

20 thoughts on “Kamala Harris defends her record on criminal justice”

  1. She was a prosecutor 😆wtf is she sayi g all that stuff about prison reform shoot she putting people Innocent people according to her words our flawed justice system…. So wrongfully prosecuting people would cause that no🤨

  2. Vulnerable and voiceless victims are those being forced to take plea deals even though they are not the prime suspect but the only one they could get ,the victims are of the system

  3. I justly recently heard that this useless VP will be in California to help Gavin Newsome…..REALY???? She can't visit the border but she can go rub Nancys' nephews nuts…..? What a bunch of self-serving D-Bags..Maybe her even more useless boss should have her jet off to Russa to find his drug addict son's computer……Hey Cameltoe,??? Have ya found what's his names' thing-a-ma-jiggy yet?

  4. Easy there. This is CNN. You can't to speak to this women of color.

    Never say that. Unless you are a person of color, it is racist and you shall be destroyed

  5. Deeply flawed system? She was part of that deeply flawed system? How else could she have risen to such heights without participating in such a morally devoid system that crushes all opposition

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