
Jury selection results in surprise news at Trump’s criminal trial


Jury selection results in surprise news at Trump’s criminal trial

#Jury #selection #results #surprise #news #Trumps #criminal #trial

The Legal Breakdown episode 255: @GlennKirschner2 discusses jury selection on day 1 of Trump’s criminal trial in NY.


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45 thoughts on “Jury selection results in surprise news at Trump’s criminal trial”

  1. Jeez. I have to unsubscribe. I swear I get four notifications a day with these "updates" and virtually nothing has happened in months. Catchy titles but it's just redundant at this point. In reality the news is "nothing has happened yet. Still waiting for something interesting."

  2. Last week there were some concerns for another delay based on legal rulings outside the court. Are those risks still in play?

  3. Oh yeah he can stay awake he has plenty of cocaine and Adderall. Why you think he is up at 2-3 am losing his mind on his True Confessions social media site

  4. That sleeping, especially in this case, should concern the people who think he should be president.

  5. Maybe some of those potential jurors opted out cuz they're concerned about their safety and privacy given Stinky and Co.'s history? Would he nice to know, but I get why Judge wants to move this along. It's not like there's a shortage of people to call up for jury duty.

  6. Reality is that due to NO TRANSPARENCY, the AMERICAN CITIZENS are left out AGAIN. ALL other trials cases are televised ( O.J. Simpson, George Floyd, mass shooters parents, etc……, but we’re kept in the dark regarding the FORMER president trump.

    We’re just provided a CIRCUS.

    Wake up America. See what you don’t see…….Hear what you don’t hear.

  7. Trump snoozing because he thinks he’s invincible and above the law! Trump has to get his sleep somewhere, since he’s up all night spewing lies!!! Vote 💙💙💙

  8. I'm worried that Trump falling asleep cause not worried. People self removal will leave opening for Trump supporter to lie on stand and fill jury with Trumpers who are known liers

  9. Donald Jackass Trump has dealt with civil trials all of his life, he is such a narcissist, he doesn't think it's any different.

  10. Hey Christians beware Trump will be waking up at 3 o'clock in the morning because that's when the devil does his work you know —————– tweets

  11. No Access Hollywood tape, but full transcript of Trump mouthing off about his pussygrabbing!!!

    Kudos to Judge Merchan.

  12. I’m kinda surprised that more potential jurors didn’t opt out. I mean, sitting in a jury pool sucks, but trump does have that “I’m going after anyone who I think is against me” vibe.

  13. Stinky Rump actually DID "assist" his attorneys yesterday by falling asleep (so no scowls or grunts during his nap time) re the Parker warning! 😂😂😂
    Unfortunately, that probably hurt his "look" in other ways. Sure makes for good memes 😆😂.

  14. The funny thing is that a person who HONESTLY believes they could not be unbiased is far more honest than someone who hides the fact hoping to be able to influence the other jury members to procure some outcome.

  15. I did jury duty 3 years ago, and YEAH, it took me a week, and even I felt "I don't want to sit in a court room handling a case like this." So I didn't pass the picking part

  16. What about many Jurors don't want to be there in the first place. Many people would do anything to not to be there. Not because they have a strong opinion but because they don't want to spend days in court

  17. Trump needs a little pick-me-up and snort every hour. His lawyers should request an hourly bathroom break 🤷🏻‍♀️

  18. I thought this was standard jury selection. I remember being called for jury duty and many of us were able to excuse ourselves if we felt we couldn't be fair. There weren't any follow ups.

  19. Maybe someone on the Trump team slipped a tranquilizer into Don's breakfast to reduce his impulsiveness in the courtroom.

  20. How and why would we the united States, allow a treasonous, man would be allowed to run for President! He is a Horrible Human Being. Please Please GET HIM AND PUT HIM IN PRISON. NO TELLING WHO HE SHARED THESE PAPERS with! He needs to be charged for taking those top secret papers. He is a dier and a very Dangerous Man..

  21. DrozyDon and the Trump Criminal Family is a real thing. Don does nothing better than project his own faults.

  22. It is pretty much a given if Trump makes a critical comment about someone else he is talking about himself

  23. Trump's nicknames for sleeping…

    The Nod father!
    Don Snoreleone!
    Dozy Donald!
    Dozing Don!
    Snooze criminal!
    Dozo the clown!
    Nap time Trump!
    Dopey Drumpf!

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