
Juror Dismissed 😧


Juror Dismissed 😧

#Juror #Dismissed

In a shocking twist of irony, former Attorney General Bill Barr came out Wednesday in support of former President Donald Trump—specifically, in support of him in both his New York criminal trial, and also of him for president.

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criminal lawyer , Juror Dismissed 😧, Facts Matter,Roman Epoch Times,trump,epoch times,facts matter roman,the epoch times Roman,Roman epoch times,facts matter,roman balmakov,roman balkamov,epochtv,the epoch times roman,roman epoch times,epoch news,the epoch times,ntd epoch times,facts matter with roman,facts matter with roman balmakov,farming,no farmers no food,epoch original documentary,Bill Barr Suddenly Reverses Course; Jury Dismissals in Trump NYC Case,Bill Barr,Trump,Hush money

45 thoughts on “Juror Dismissed 😧”

  1. If the charges have passed the Statute of Limitation, couldn't Trump have just taken it to the Supreme Court, citing that Bragg's charges are illegal?

  2. They are so terrified of Trump , that they will do everything to keep him out of the white house

  3. Was there or was there not something that went on in 2016 are 20 that they went through the stormy Daniels and the Michael Cohen fiasco. The lawyer paid stormy. Donald Trump paid overtime the attorney backed the money he the attorney paid out-of-pocket. It was concluded at that time that there was no campaign money used to pay for the stormy Daniel's Michael Cohen. So why is this coming up again. In fact after that stormy Daniels made and sent a letter to Donald Trump saying she made it all up there was no affair. Is it there somewhat thing in the law that says double jeopardy you can't try me twice for The same thing.
    I still remember every bit of the first occasion wherever you better this was brought up sifted through improven that it did not happen. If you have a problem with somebody accusing another person of doing something then being paid off to keep their mouth shut not make it public then you need to put a law against it. Until then how many people out there how many companies do exactly the same thing pay off people to make it go away. As for using campaign fun Donald Trump finest his own campaign. And at some point in time it was proven that he did not use campaign money to Reinverse the attorney the money he paid to stormy Daniels Because he paid out-of-pocket to pay her.

  4. The real question is how dose the DNC pay for Hilarious Hilary’s $100,000 fine aren’t those political donations
    That woman should be in jail
    But we never hear any of that BS court trials on cases like these and yet she is still allowed to practice politics

  5. From what I’ve heard, the questions concerning accounting revolves around the unauthorized ”hush” money paid to Stormy Daniel’s by Michael Cowan, an attorney representing? If Cowan was representing Trump, the proper thing to do would be to pay those legal fees from Trump funds, if Cowan was representing the campaign, then it would be a campaign expense. Why the confusion?

  6. Trump is a criminal. A narcissistic and a conman.
    He isn’t the great hope, far from it. He allowed January 6th to continue for Hours, even as they chased ALL Senators off the he floor, and attacked the Capitol Police. Didn’t you watch it live, or at least on video??

  7. So Alvin Bragg and all other democratic criminals, how does it feel to sell any semblance of honesty and integrity you may have possessed in the past?

  8. Leave the man alone already!!! The more they go after him. The more popular Trump gets. Democrats are running scared.

  9. The real question is what are they gonna do when he actually wins the white house and they start going after these wrong doings

  10. Impearchment of this crime is not legal and this one is. Who did the works first and how u not be sur by lawyer that lie easy and use it as a bill work done, like Wade did.

  11. I hope everyone understands why the government expanded their FISA abilities. They been found violating Americans privacy hundreds of thousands of times. Theyve been working with the DOJ to screen potential jurors by reviewing all data that had been collected with FISA. They know exactly the extreme side that will say guilty regardless of the trial and which ones will say not guilty. They can keep the first and dismiss the second set. It’s not perfect as trumps team can interview them but imagine knowing every text, phone call, comment, FB post, etc. that information will give them a win almost every time.

  12. Dispute all your BS. He was still indicted and he is alleged to have committed multiple crimes against US that includes you. He is a fraud an adulterer, a defamer of women, an insurrectionist and you are defending him . Pathetic

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