
Judge Wants to Jail Atty Who Caught Him Acting Improperly during Trial


#Judge #Jail #Atty #Caught #Acting #Improperly #Trial

This saga has been ongoing for the last few weeks.

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49 thoughts on “Judge Wants to Jail Atty Who Caught Him Acting Improperly during Trial”

  1. It appeared that you were trying to not mention that this was not another Fani Willis Cluster F. Which in some ways doesn't matter. But it adds to the whole Fulton County Circus.

  2. I worked for JoAnn’s during the Christmas season in 2013 and the lack of inventory for people who actually make things was annoying then. At this point, I only go there when there’s an advertised deal on something I really need.

  3. This is exactly what happens when judges get appointments solely because of political affiliation or the color of their skin, or in this case both! This "judge" graduated law school at the bottom of his class and failed the bar exam several times on his rise to become a classic incompetent Lawyer! He made the right connections and political contributions then whala he's a judge! He definitely didn't get where he is on merit!

    Also, for what it's worth if you ever get a chance to watch Brian Steele in court, take the opportunity. I've set in on a couple of trials that he's done and he absolutely one of the best..

  5. The whistleblower who reported this was one that witnesses attorneys. She said in an interview that it wasn't right and she didn't want to get in trouble being in this meeting

  6. @Steve Lehto: You should add "Young Thug" in the name title of this video. You might get many more views, from viewers outside of your typical audience

  7. How can the judge and prosecutor be left to preside over the case with such a blatant conflict of interests? That in of itself should warrant this whole thing being thrown out on mistrial.

  8. Two legal districts to stay away from: Fulton County, GA AND Southern District of NY.
    These have been in the news with both having shown clear signs of corruption. We need to have a general investigation to see how wide spread this corruption actually is.
    Other reports stated that the witness's attorney was also present in the meeting – and that the judge suspects it was this attorney who told the defense about the meeting. He suspicion may be accurate because the defense attorney also had information about what was actually discussed in the meeting.

  9. It looks a lot like corruption. Even if there is some good explanation it still looks like corruption.
    There could be some extremely far out reasons that could make what the judge did the right thing. I seriously doubt it but consider this a try at one:
    Imagine that the witness has information on a crime unrelated to the one on trial that for some reason, public knowledge of this has to be restricted for a time. I am thinking of something like a contract killing is about to happen. The judge may not want to risk involving the defense lawyer. The police can act on the information and catch the killer. After that the judge can give the defense side a transcript of all that was said.
    Do I think this happened? Not a chance because we would already know by now.

  10. The allegations were made and the judge confirmed them by saying "someone parrotted this to you"

  11. I saw the court room video of this when it happened. Once the attorney was held in contempt another attorney who just happened to be in the court building that day stepped forward to represent him on the spot. It was none other than Ashley Merchant who is also one of Donald Trump's attorneys in the Fani Willis case.

  12. For anyone wanting a summary of the who the witness was and how they found out. The witness was the trigger man from the alleged RICO murder who was refusing to testify even though they claimed he couldn't invoke his 5th since he was granted immunity. The defense found out because he's a member of his clients gang so word got passed to him.

    There was some reporting that the judge and the prosecutor were pushing on this guy with threats of other crimes being charged if he didn't testify. I'd say it's likely some of those threats extended to include if he told anyone about the meeting. That is why the judge wants to know who told him, because he's guessing like me that it was the witness and he wants to punish the witness for talking.

  13. Glad you heard about this incident that happened a week ago. I hope that next week you hear that SCOTUS ruled that presidents have presumptive immunity.

  14. I'm sure if the SCrOTUS ends up hearing this appeal, they'll rule a judge can do whatever tf they want as long as it's in the course of official duties.

  15. We have watched this Judge for a time now: he’s been acting like he’s in charge of the whole Georgia Supreme Court for a while now, and he refuses to recused himself he also argues a lot with the defendants and Lawyers‼️

  16. Apparently there were like 15 people in the meeting…. All the prosecutors, the witness, his lawyer, court recorder, etc. etc.

  17. This is a Trump centered issue. Democrats are insane when it comes to Trump and will break any law to try and get Trump and his people.

  18. If you are in court and see a judge not upholding the law, when you get home call the bar with this judges name, he or she will have a court date in front of his peers, other lawyers, the bar can remove or suspend his law degree, the bar can fire a judge faster than voters, and will do so

  19. This sort of thing has to be dealt with by having a zero tolerance policy, because we have no idea how many times this judge has done this. Its utterly unacceptable.

  20. IANAL, but this reads like a ton of judicial and prosecutorial misconduct, including deprivation of rights for Mr Steele. Both need a deep review of every case they touched, disbarred, and removed from their positions, with prejudice, along with criminal and civil consequences. The trial is likely hopelessly tainted and since there is prosecutorial misconduct, should be found to be a mistrial after jeopardy for Young Thug. But odds are none of this will happen since there is no accountability.

  21. If the lawyer found out the judges corruption through an illegal manner, which is highly doubtful, it is still corruption from a legal standpoint. This is different than a cop without a warrant.

  22. What do the Michigan canons have to do with anything? Why wouldn't you give the Georgia rules of conduct?

  23. Listening to the judge, he's as corrupt as it comes. he gets caught and instantly says something like "well I'm disturbed by how you know that!" and the lawyer rebuttal was "yeah I'm disturbed as well…"

  24. I’m watching this a day late, July 1st. Seems to me that the United States has a problem with poor judgment! the supreme court has given tRump immunity and this judge rules against someone finding out he acted illegally. Maybe he is looking at a Supreme Court seat.

  25. I don't know why they are attempting to complete the trial, as it is obvious it is going to be a mistrial.

  26. Nothing's gonna happen to this judge. At the end of the day, all judges realize that they are well served by having the bar for judicial behavior at the floor. Only judges get to decide when a judge gets in trouble. So it goes.

  27. Judge is exhibiting classic narcissist gas-lighter behavior. Bad enough in a romantic partner; worse in someone exercising state power.

  28. All the YSL trial needs to be a real circus is a lion tamer. There are plenty of clowns already. It is already the longest-running criminal trial in Georgia history.

  29. "Woe unto you, lawyers! For ye have taken away
    the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves,
    and them that were entering in ye hindered." – Luke. XI, 52

  30. What surprises me the most is that "Who told You?" is the classic way to admit guilt. The judge should have heard that a million times already. If stupidity would ring bells nobody in the court would have been able to hear themselves speaking after that question.

  31. Multiple people reportedly in that meeting Monday morning including Deputies for the sworn witness who had been jailed Friday for taking the 5th after being giving State Immunity along with his stand-in attorney. She, the attorney, told Steele about the meeting. PLUS, the witness told the group that he would just lie on the stand. Also, he said he killed the victim. The lead ADA said she would not hold him in Contempt for just lying but WOULD hold him in Contempt if he admitted to the killing that the defendants were charged with doing. So basically, if you lie and don’t hurt the State’s case, no Contempt charges. BUT, if you lie and it hurts the State’s case, we’ll throw the book at you…keep you in jail until ALL defendants are tried…which could take years to complete! I believe that this one trial has been ongoing for 2 years by itself!! This has to be Witness Tampering with a SWORN WITNESS!!!! I cannot believe that I would be rooting for the Thugs. But, I AM!!!

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