
JUDGE TO REPORT ATTORNEY TO BE SANCTIONED? Attorney who insulted judge returns for another round!


#JUDGE #REPORT #ATTORNEY #SANCTIONED #Attorney #insulted #judge #returns

Defendant blows off probation then gets called on the carpet before judge simpson and it does NOT go well for him! Yet another example of what our courts deal with every day…


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This remix is intended to provide better insight into how our courts and the folks who run them administer justice to the public they serve. Remember they have to deal with folks who are often having their worst day on a daily basis. We also hope to bring you cases with interesting legal concepts, twists and interactions you may not encounter elsewhere…

This commentary remix work constitutes a fair use of any copyrighted materials under section 107 of the US copyright law. Video was edited only to add relevant commentary and to reduce time in the hopes it will be more convenient to be viewed by more folks thereby raising public interest. All defendants are innocent until they aren’t…officially.

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lawyers near me , JUDGE TO REPORT ATTORNEY TO BE SANCTIONED? Attorney who insulted judge returns for another round!


38 thoughts on “JUDGE TO REPORT ATTORNEY TO BE SANCTIONED? Attorney who insulted judge returns for another round!”

  1. On top of it all, the defendant is quite undefendable. His actions are shocking even by his own admissions (allegedly).

  2. Let me understand it correctly. Are grievances illegal if they are untrue?

    Lets say i go to work as a janitor, i tell another janitor "If you use this mop, i will complain to the boss" If the other janitor is allowed to use the mop, then what i said is not a threat.

  3. He should be residing in the criminal cases against DJT. Von Schitzenpantz would go crazy within minutes and be in jail within an hour. Judge Simpson is an American Hero!

  4. Don’t mess with judge Simpson, lawyers,prosecutors,defendants,witnesses, heck even the court staff. You try it on with this legend and you’re in for a world of pain. Thanks for bringing it to us,awesome video as always.

  5. To many attorneys since the GOP went mad think they can do whatever they want without consequences. It’s a shame that they are destroying the judiciary and the legal profession

  6. Defense attorney has been watching to many MAGA deny deny deny accuse accuse accuse Defense.

  7. Okay wait a minute, let me try to understand this a-hole’s position. This defense attorney threatened to file sanctions against the prosecutor because he didn’t know that they had a witness to confirm the identity of the defendant? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  8. There have been times when Judge is not 100%, but he's way on point here, and certainly is the top tier of judges I've seen. The defense attorney is disgraceful….

  9. Is this the same attorney who Judge Simpson had to reschedule for, because Judge Simpson didn't want to take out his anger at the attorney on the defendent?

  10. Whatcha wanna bet Judge Simpson’s aide called that attorney and told him not to report himself and the Judge said “don’t do it again”. I dunno. He was pissed but he’s a good dude. I bet he let em off the hook as soon as the cameras were off.

  11. yikes, I've never seen someone use the ol' "I'm sorry if what I said MADE YOU FEEL attacked" chestnut in legal proceedings before 😳

  12. The client's expression is priceless, sitting there in hopeless silence as his attorney digs him into an ever deeper hole.

  13. What was it that he said? i watched both videos and could not make it out. I depend on captions a lot but when the video is garbely it doesn't pick up what they are saying.

  14. You're either a person helping mankind or a policeman!
    — USMC (Semper Fidelis) SGT E-5 (5811)

  15. This dude gets more air time on youtube then judge judy. What is up with that? How come the TV stations are not knocking on this mans door?…. Oh wait that is right. He is paid by the state. He is already making gods money.

  16. This one Judge who is so understanding and so professional. That lawyer needs to be disbarred. Such a disgrace to the profession. Deal with your personal issues privately.

  17. some judges deserve to be called names but i dont think this judge is one of them. ive watched a lot of his court room videos and hes stern but fair. but some judges are scumbags like I believe it was Judge Joe Brown or Mathis who had a case on TV and the one person he was talking to mentioned that he was clean from drugs for like 5 plus years and the second he heard that he started referring to the man as a crackhead the rest of the hearing

  18. Funny thing, before I watched this tonight, I was describing Judge Simpkins to my friend as the best person for a Judge because he has never used his robe as anything but fairness and integrity for both sides. He is truly fair. Heck even when some have been guilty but been honest and humble he still tries to be fair. He is a grand example of what a Judge should be.

  19. You can see how much it pains him to have to do something like report this guy. Judge Simpson is a very good and honorable man. We need to protect him as a National treasure at all costs! 😍

  20. Oh blessed thee is judges with long memories, and loathe thee idiot defense attorneys before them. 😉

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