
Judge threatens Trump’s attorney with jail time


Judge threatens Trump’s attorney with jail time

#Judge #threatens #Trumps #attorney #jail #time

Judge Lewis Kaplan issued a warning to former President Donald Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, ahead of closing arguments in the E. Jean Carroll civil defamation trial. CNN’s Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News
criminal lawyer , Judge threatens Trump’s attorney with jail time, latest news,Happening Now,CNN,CNN New Central,Donald Trump,Alina Habba,Judge Lewis Kaplan,E. Jean Carroll,Trump Civil Defamation Trial,Manhattan Federal Court,E. Jean Carroll Sexual Assault Allegations,Carol Martin,Trump Legal Troubles,Trump Attorney,Kate Bolduan,Trump Closing Arguments,Roberta Kaplan,Harry Litman

23 thoughts on “Judge threatens Trump’s attorney with jail time”

  1. Big fkn deal that coming from a crooked democrat judge. So many of them these days thanks to Hussein Obama and China Biden!

  2. Never understood how Hitler got good people with him trump is showing us exactly the fools believing his lies and donating to help him do it ….

  3. What absoulute proof do they have that trump sexually assaulted her in a deparrtment store? I'm just saying the fact that they came at him with 91 counts in the same year before election. I mean he didn't have any of these cases before he ran for president.
    And if you want to say him walking out makes him guilty … Johnny Depp did the same thing during the amber heard trial. Look how that turned out. Johnny Depps trail at least had a bunch of evidence that people could see for themselves unlike e jean carrol.

  4. These Judges and Lawers are (affaid) of what Trump can do and will do. He said he can stand in the street and killed someone and because he is the president. The he is beca

  5. Why doesnt CNN cover the changes in New York state legislation in 2022 that enabled this farce? Elle mag did not sack her for the reason she gave.
    Trump knows this is a well orchestrated legal persecution campaign by the legtwing Blob, but he is letting it annoy him.
    What should the fine on Biden be for taking influence money via Hunter from the Chinese Communist Party?

  6. Thanks CNN! Your report in the way it does a third party characterization of a judge gone wild, injecting personal animus where none should be will play well under fair use in evidence to accompany the court transcript (unless the reporter here lied about what was said…) an appeal motion.
    CNN is on Trump's side!!

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