
Judge tells Karen Read’s lawyer “I don’t need the hyperbole” in contentious hearing


#Judge #tells #Karen #Reads #lawyer #dont #hyperbole #contentious #hearing

Judge Beverly Cannone and Karen Read’s lawyer David Yannetti went back-and-forth in a hearing about whether a defense witness can testify about an alleged dog attack in the Massachusetts murder case.
lawyers near me , Judge tells Karen Read’s lawyer “I don’t need the hyperbole” in contentious hearing


32 thoughts on “Judge tells Karen Read’s lawyer “I don’t need the hyperbole” in contentious hearing”

  1. How about spending a hundred bucks and buying a microphone that judge doesn't have to lean forward to talk into? I've never seen a judge's bench so crowed close to clerks and others and so low to the ground. Looks like they are holding this in a small work space.

  2. If she is found guilty this judge has opened a castle sized door opening for appeal on the grounds of the judge's clear bias

  3. I think that the defense lawyers have bit egos and are bullies just my opinioni still believe that she is guilty but her defense attorneys are doing a great job at confusing the jury and stirred up the media and all the naive points outside holding up signs

  4. Bev doesn’t have time for this trial. She heaves and sighs too often. She acts bored. Objections are telepathic. And it would seem she,too, is too close to the people involved. It is mainly, however, her bored attitude. How did she get on the bench? Good going.

  5. I sure hope this judge losses her position. She is helping the bad people get away with wasting the courts time. She is a horrible one sided judge.

  6. Hope the new governor addresses these longstanding issues. The sighing says it all. Who has time to listen to a citizen's defense lawyer anyway?

  7. The judge has been in such a rush yet allows Lally to ask 30 witnesses the same irrelevant questions waisting days and days. The only thing we learned was it eas snowing and everyone went to the waterfall for drinks.

  8. Judge Cannone I hope to God when this is all said and done that the CJC goes after you and your judgeship. You have been nothing but a disgrace and a biased judge to the bench.. but Deval did appoint your boot licking behavior, but he was also a disgrace to the people of Massachusetts . But a poor girls life is on the line so because you refused to recuse yourself, you are going to do anything to make sure the real killers of that beautiful man John O'Keefe get away with it. I hope to God in Heaven that you will get justice for your outrageous actions and corrupt rulings.

  9. This Judge is discusting always interrupting and Sustaining 🤮 Shes so bias on this case she needs to be moved off

  10. The judge is a disgrace. The "officials" in this trial, the entire prosecution/law enforcement clownshow, have succinctly and factually made a laughingstock of Massachusetts, and any "justice" therein. These disgraceful public servants have opened a dangerous can of worms.

  11. How long is it going to take what does the judge have a tennis lesson this afternoon😅😅😅

  12. why would they block dog attack testimony if they were interested in the truth? if the evidence supports her hitting J.O. and not a dog attack then a testimony about dog attack should be entirely inconsequential to their prosecution. Unless its exculpatory, in which case they are supposed to allow it, its just WEIRD that the prosecution would try to block it at all.

  13. Judge needs to remember this woman’s life is on the line and she needs to give a little leeway !!!

  14. This woman is the worst Judge I’ve ever seen! How dare she allow Lolly to ramble on and on 50-60-70 witnesses I lost count with his “kinda sorta, ummm.. how do you kinda sorta where did you kinda sorta sit at the kinda sorta bar table when were you born what did you kinda sorta do every moment of your life up until kinda sorta right now” that’s ok but rush the defense?! She is so unprofessional!! She should be removed! Wasn’t she asked to recuse herself? It’s so blatant that she’s in the bag for the prosecution! I’m sick of the way she talks to the defense. It’s disgusting and unprofessional! I’ve never seen anything like it!

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