
Judge Reprimands Defense Attorney Over Attitude


Judge Reprimands Defense Attorney Over Attitude

#Judge #Reprimands #Defense #Attorney #Attitude

Judge Lee Coffee reprimands defense attorney John Keith Perry over his attitude after he objected to a statement that the prosecution made during rebuttal. Defense attorney Perry muttered under his breathe after his objection was overruled by the Judge. The TN vs Billy Ray Turner Trial is soon coming to a close. Watch it here:

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criminal lawyer , Judge Reprimands Defense Attorney Over Attitude, billy ray turner trial live,billy ray turner trial 2022,billy ray turner sentencing,billy ray turner memphis,billy ray turner update 2021,billy ray turner update,billy ray turner 2021,billy ray turner 2022,video,lorenzen wright,news,crime,true crime,murder,tennessee,lorenzen wright highlights,lorenzen wright case,trial,Slain NBA Player Murder Trial,Lorenzen Wright case,judge reprimands attorney,judge reprimands lawyer,judge yells at lawyer,angry judge

50 thoughts on “Judge Reprimands Defense Attorney Over Attitude”

  1. Heres a true saying how can you trust that is on the inside even you are got that badge and you took that oath to swear in . Now there is something wrong , just like marijuana  and cannabis  pass by law well whos fault is it 8n the long run the person took that oath guess  what that oath will get you or amy person in truoble and thats the truth , cuase you lied that promise oath that you knew whats going to happen disagreement with marijuana  and cannabis.

  2. Should have excused the jury and then reprimanded him. Unprofessional of the judge. Now more public resources will be wasted on an appeal.

  3. Courts are a joke in general. The feeling of superiority can be found in no greater thickness than in a courtroom.

  4. Even with the judge's tact, intelligence, critical thinking, humility, and candor, there are still racists in the comments section vilifying him (instead of the rude lawyer that mumbled and was a Diva / fascist/ disrespectful.

  5. Can I just say, it’s ALWAYS the defense that gets reprimanded by the judge. Never the prosecution.

    Tells me a lot about the moral character of some of these people willing to represent criminals

  6. I recently served as a juror for Judge Coffee during a murder trial. I must say, I was exceedingly impressed with his diligence and dedication and his regard for the justice system. He was respectful to the defendant, to us, and to the prosecution. The man was born to sit on the bench.

  7. Is that Judicial misconduct to do that in front of the jury?

    If it leads the jury to find a defendant guilty because of how the attorney acted and then the judge reprimanded in front of them….seems like a violation of a defendant's rights

  8. They went out and looked for the gun after his body was decomposing!!! Omfg the guilt I just couldn’t do that

  9. This video is confusing more than anything. Who objected to what? Who said what to whom? Who muttered under his breath? Nothing becomes clear. This is utterly useless.

  10. I think that every defense or prosecuting attorney should be made to wear a shock collar & the Judge have both controls within easy reach.

  11. Judge is polite yet forceful. I think he should have gone all Jack Nicholson on him.." You can't handle the truth!" PS.. Judge ☕ Coffee is my cup of 🍵tea!

  12. I wish I had access to more of this trial or at least know what the case is so I would understand better what the unseen lawyer is arguing about.

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