
Judge Judy has strong thoughts on coincidences! #shorts


#Judge #Judy #strong #thoughts #coincidences #shorts

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24 thoughts on “Judge Judy has strong thoughts on coincidences! #shorts”

  1. How bad is your own hair that you choose that wig to wear on national TV? But JJ has a point about cheaters cheating with cheaters.

  2. I can't believe in the 21st century they call living together dating. I had a daughter who refused to move in with her boyfriend. Her boundaries were only if they got married. She didn't force him to get married she said she will not live with someone she's not married to. And believe me he proposed not much longer after. These girls living with their boyfriends for 5/6 or years aren't very bright. And I know how much judge Judy hates cases where people have lived together for several years and expect the court to work out the details with breaking up. Girls please quit living with men who don't think you're good enough to marry. You're even having their babies and they still made no commitment to you.

  3. He was messing with you and had a spouse, you must think you are so very special, if you think he won't do it to you. But wait, you had a spouse too😂😂😂😂

  4. That wig and eye 👀 makeup tell me she's definitely done everything, he accused her of doing 😂😂😂😂

  5. That syrup is horrendous… just needs a chin strap and it could pass for a crash helmet. 😂😂 looks like a Lego man. 😂😂

  6. Judge Judy is one smart lady. I wouldn't have mind having her for a friend or a neighbor. Though i know in reality totally impossible. But friend or neighbor, or your TV fan. I enjoy you totally. And i enjoy hearing your wisdom. I often wonder if any of your
    children gave you any problems or your grandchildren and maybe you have great grandchildren. I'm sure you have a big wonderful loving family.

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