
Judge asks if a president can order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a rival. Hear Trump’s lawyer respond


Judge asks if a president can order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a rival. Hear Trump’s lawyer respond

#Judge #asks #president #order #SEAL #Team #assassinate #rival #Hear #Trumps #lawyer #respond

Former President Donald Trump is in Washington, DC, for a US Circuit Court of Appeals hearing after a lower-court ruling rejected his claims of immunity in special counsel Jack Smith’s 2020 election subversion case. Trump is seeking to have the federal charges against him dismissed.

#CNN #news
criminal lawyer , Judge asks if a president can order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a rival. Hear Trump’s lawyer respond, US Circuit Court of Appeals,donald trump,jack smith,hearing,presidential immunity

22 thoughts on “Judge asks if a president can order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a rival. Hear Trump’s lawyer respond”

  1. Why are you Americans constantly questioning Joe Biden's honesty when in fact! you have a major Pathological lying Psychopathy on your hands… STOP! treating him like he is normal cause he is not!!! treating as such is totally insane thus! I truly question the American People's mind set.. scary to say the least.

  2. The real hypothetical is, if a rogue Secret Service detail were to hijack Trump's plane and " lose him", could they convince enough people that he fled the country to avoid convictions?

  3. Trump Republicans in a nutshell : calls anything they don't like as communism, but desires rigged elections to blindly give their leader absolutes powers, including killing his political opponents. That sounds like what Putin would do, trying to rebuild the USSR. Oh wait, Trump admires all communist leaders. Hilarious !

  4. I don't know what was dumber, the question or the response to the seal team 6 question. I guess the UCMJ doesn't exist anymore. It's insulting to the Seal Teams intelligence and the Oath they took..

  5. On January 31 2017, on the first raid approved by trump, an American 8 year old was murdered by a seal team in Yemen.

  6. I have no problem with any former presidents being criminally prosecuted for their acts. It's ridiculous that this isn't already the case. Of course this argument is 100% going to bite the GOP in the ass more than it will even touch the Democrats so Trump is effectively selling his party down the river in an attempt to argue that he should be allowed to break the law freely.

  7. The Chinese government's closed and conservative discriminatory policies include boycotting Christmas! Boycott Japanese style commercial streets! Boycott American supermarkets! Resist sexy culture! Discrimination against gender equality! Oppose democratic voices! The Chinese government has a lot of malicious discriminatory policies! So the Chinese government needs to cover up the truth! Silent people!

  8. Joe Biden ordered a drone strike in Afghanistan in 2021 that killed ten civilians including an innocent family with several small children! It was murder – the most serious crime! Was he ever prosecuted?

  9. The commander in chief can issue lawful orders to the military. Traitor Trump found out the hard way that military officers will ignore his unlawful orders.

  10. You've got to hand it to D. John Sauer. He's handling the questioning better than any attorney Trump has hired recently. This level of questioning and depth of knowledge, understanding Trump's charges and case law and history, D. John is pretty good, this is definitely out of Alina Habba's depth. Hopefully D. John Sauer gets paid.

  11. tRump thinks that he is a king
    History is full of examples of real Kings that lost their heads
    The French are very good at disposing of Royalty that thought it could do as it liked
    English history has more than one King or Queen that ended their rule with their heads on a spike
    America fought and won a war to prevent there ever being a King ruling the place and being unacoutable to the people
    Nobody is above the Law

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