
Judge Already Threatening Trump’s Lawyers With Contempt For Violating Court Rules


Judge Already Threatening Trump’s Lawyers With Contempt For Violating Court Rules

#Judge #Threatening #Trumps #Lawyers #Contempt #Violating #Court #Rules

Judge Juan Merchan, the judge overseeing Trump’s upcoming criminal trial, has already had to threaten Trump’s legal team with contempt this week after they made several filings without asking permission to do so. Merchan had handed down a ruling weeks ago letting both sides know that due to the trial starting soon, they would have to seek permission from the court before making any additional filings. Trump’s lawyers ignored this, and Merchan calmly reminded them that if they can’t comply, contempt charges remain an option. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Donald Trump’s lawyers this week decided to off Judge Juan Merchant, the judge who is overseeing Donald Trump’s upcoming Hush Money trial. And they ran so afoul of the rulings and orders from Judge Merchant that he actually had to threaten them with contempt. Now I know the big media focus this week has of course been on Donald Trump getting hit with the gag order and then possibly violating the gag order by still attacking the judge’s family, which technically is not a violation. If you look at the order, it doesn’t include the judge, his family, or Alvin Bragg and his family. It should, but it doesn’t. So Trump didn’t technically violate it with that post on truth social. Nevertheless, that’s not the part the media should have been focusing on because a couple weeks ago, judge Merchant, as they started to approach the trial date, said, okay, from this point forward, and this was his official order, neither side the prosecutors nor the defense can introduce a new resolution.

You can’t file any new motions unless you ask for my permission first, and I grant you the permission to do that. Trump’s lawyers this week apparently decided we don’t have to follow the rules. We are gonna file all of these motions in an attempt to delay the case even further. And Judge Merchant got absolutely off about this, and he fired back at Trump’s lawyers saying, quote, Trump either directly or through counsel, has repeatedly stated publicly that the defense goal is to delay these proceedings if possible, past the 2024 election. This court advises counsel that it expects and welcomes zealous advocacy and creative lawyering. However, the court also expects those advocates to demonstrate the proper respect and decorum that is owed to the courts and its judicial officers and to never forget that they’re officers of the court. As such, counsel is expected to follow this court’s orders. A court of record has power to punish for a criminal contempt.

Interesting, right? Like why do you have to throw that part in there? Donald Trump’s lawyers, even though we’re still weeks away from the trial, have already the jaw judge off so badly now that he’s having to remind them, you keep doing this, I can hold you in contempt. And this isn’t like Donald Trump’s civil trial where Oh, a contempt charge means I gotta pay a few dollars here. No, this is criminal criminal’s not dealing with money. The punishment in the criminal cases is gonna be, you can go spend the night in jail, we’ll see you in the morning, and if it happens on a Friday, you’re gonna spend the whole weekend there. We’ll see you Monday, have fun and county

Lockup, and the judge is already making it known. He has the authority to do it, and he wouldn’t be reminding them that he has the authority to do it if he wasn’t trying to give them one warning shot. That is what this is. This is that shot across the bow to let them know he’s there. I see you. I see what you’re doing, and I have the power to punish
criminal lawyer , Judge Already Threatening Trump’s Lawyers With Contempt For Violating Court Rules, the ring of fire,progressive news,trofire,politics,the young turks,tyt,politics today,us news,breaking news,rof,farron cousins,farron balanced,donald trump,trump hush money,judge juan merchan,trump gag order

27 thoughts on “Judge Already Threatening Trump’s Lawyers With Contempt For Violating Court Rules”

  1. They are playing the old tired game of trying to get the judge to loose ot and make mistakes .this judge is too experienced to fall for it

  2. If they throw Trump in prison I'm willing to bet he will not want to delay the trial any further. 🫵🏼🤣

  3. Four days a week for 6 or so weeks, starting 15th of April, Donald has to sit in a courtroom. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, stuck in a courtroom in New York. No golfing. No Truthing. Sitting, silently! 'Maybe Roy Cohn was wrong,' he thinks. This could be torture for Donald.

  4. One can only wish..i think the big orange wants to go to jail. It will give him an excuse of why he crashed.

  5. Trumps lawyers think they are first rate attorneys. They are not. They were hired because they work for cheap and believe they will get name recognition. They are right about that. We all laugh at their name

  6. The gag order includes "families of court staff", and the judge, as pointed out by the prosecution, is a member of the court staff. Also you are saying the name of the judge wrong. Its not "merchant"

  7. Jail the rear end. Threatening judges family members , piss poor, shows what a scum bag Trump and the fools that supporter this behaviour are, like. Why vote and send money to Trump so he can rip you off.

  8. Not only make an example out of the but be the example who has the courage to do what’s needed to have been done long ago.

  9. I am so tired of Trump getting a free pass from the judges he should be accountable for all of his actions just put is ass in jail what's so hard about that

  10. And he had to put that language nicely too. Imagine the rhetoric he'd like to use against these slime balls if he could.

  11. Yeh but they won’t do anything I don’t know why they waist so much time telling us about it and they do nothing about it they are useing the judge to move the trial bottom line

  12. They are trying to cause a delay in the April 15th trial date. Dont fall for it. She can sue him for defamation later. 😊

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