
Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s “Victimless” $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show


Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s “Victimless” $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show

#Jon #Stewart #Deconstructs #Trumps #Victimless #Million #Fraud #Daily #Show

Jon Stewart examines Donald Trump’s deadline to come up with the $454 million bond in his civil fraud case, and deconstructs investment talking heads like Kevin O’Leary calling Trump’s actions a “victimless crime.” #DailyShow #JonStewart #Trump

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Jon Stewart and The Best F**king News Team host The Daily Show, an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning program analyzing the biggest stories in news, politics, and culture through a sharp, satirical lens. The Daily Show redefined the late night show category on TV and, with an audience of over 51M across social media platforms, has become a launching pad for some of the biggest stars in entertainment.

The Daily Show airs weeknights at 11/10c on Comedy Central.
criminal law , Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s “Victimless” $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show, the daily show,the daily show episodes,comedy central,comedians,comedian,funny video,comedy videos,funny clips,daily show,news,politics,jon stewart,trump,fraud,kevin oleary,shark tank,real estate

33 thoughts on “Jon Stewart Deconstructs Trump’s “Victimless” $450 Million Fraud | The Daily Show”

  1. Why is the Judge not also suing the bank? The bank profited from what the Judge is claiming was a "fraudulent" loan.

    Why has he only fined Trump? Isn't the law meant to be blind?

  2. Reminds me google trump charity wsj barrons and business week all had articles how don the con stole from several charities

  3. It is so INCREDIBLE that the entirety of the USA only has one single talented late Night Host and that`s it.
    The others are total NPCs in comparison to Stewart

  4. Wow O'Leary has just admitted out loud he did exactly what Trump did.
    Hope Letitia James is listening!

  5. Oh, my, this is Comedy Central xD had i know….

    Was wondering if the left really had this clown as one of their leading voices xD must better go search something a little more…. serious.

  6. This is the level of "childish" the leftards acknowledge their voters really are. Glad we will see the tantrum once Trump returns to WH.

  7. Investigation into Kushners 2 billion from the Saudis. Also waiting for NY to investigate The entire Trump family and close associates for R.I.C.O violations

  8. Our society is so far beyond broken… Sad. Let's see how November turns out. Please don't help elect a guy who only wants to be a dictator on day one, and has changed his mind on major things so, so many times, on camera no less.

  9. I'm no fan of Trump, but Jon is wrong suggesting that Trump' is reducing his property tax bill by undervaluing his property. The local governments have their own assessors for valuation. These valuations don't always keep up with market changes, hence the need for internal valuations. If lenders, insurers, et al, were really concerned, they could insist on independent audits or appraisals. Apparently they don't rely on Trump's appraisals.

  10. Poor Jon..
    He just can't help himself.
    The left lies so hard and their "analysis" are a standing joke.

  11. Jon Stewart is so damaging to the Establishment. I hope that his fans take what he says seriously, not just laugh about it.

  12. Ugh.. ya, Trump is a clown and beyond ridiculous in all the ways.. 1000% with you on all that… I support the trash talking and public shaming and gleaming endless comedy gold from his many shenanigans, etc but I really wish the fat phobia wasn’t still being relied upon for the same easy, cheap laughs. Body shaming jokes are tired and it’s time to move on. Plus there are plenty of totally decent, non criminal, great people in the world who have bodies that look similar to Trumps, and the vitriol still comes at their expense.. I know Daily Show has an awesome team of writers who are definitely smart enough to write jokes that are so much better and funnier than the old cliche of “haha let’s all laugh at the fat person”

  13. Funny how Jon Stewart has now been caught for doing the same exact thing. Selfrighteousness and hypocrisy go in tandem.

  14. A plausible story: A suited Wall Street executive is visiting is twin brother in jail and says knowingly to his poor brother on the other side of the glass window: "The problem you have is not that you are a crook, your problem is that you are not a big enough crook."

  15. So disappointed in Stewart going to what I feared would happen in his “comeback”. He’s mere become another “Trump bad” mouthpiece. First few pieces correctly labeled Biden is pathetic and old and senile. Stewart had plenty to criticize the Biden administration for but no instead we have this Trump bad garbage. Low hanging fruit for the intellectually lazy.

  16. Hey John get a lawyer….. by NY AG standards, you should be indicted too for overvaluing your asset (penthouse) that you sold…. lol. A f-ing liberal hypocrite.

  17. I just found this news article about how Jon has committed the same crime himself. I really hope that isn't true, but i suppose we can't really know what goes on behind closed doors, but i still hold hope that itself all a shame from the other side.

  18. Here after it was reported that stewart did the same thing trump is accused of. He is so self righteous iam sure he will own up to it 😂

  19. How about the unfunny Jon Stewart be brought up on charges for inflating the price on his house that he didn't pay the proper taxes on. Pay the fat pig AG of New York $300 million dollar fine. Hypocrite!

  20. Aged like milk since the court intervened and cut it down to 1/4th its original requirement. So he got away with it yet again.

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