
Joe Biden Wants To Reform the Criminal Justice System He Helped Create


Joe Biden Wants To Reform the Criminal Justice System He Helped Create

#Joe #Biden #Reform #Criminal #Justice #System #Helped #Create

The presidential candidate deserves praise for retreating from his tough-on-crime stance. But let’s not forget that his policies contributed to mass incarceration and the police misconduct that people are protesting today.

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Reason is the planet’s leading source of news, politics, and culture from a libertarian perspective. Go to for a point of view you won’t get from legacy media and old left-right opinion magazines.

During a week of protests, looting, and violence ignited by the murder of George Floyd, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden pledged his support for meaningful criminal justice reform and doing more to prevent police abuses.

Biden deserves praise for getting behind vital reforms as he campaigns for president in 2020, but it’s worth remembering that the former senator from Delaware is partly responsible for some of the worst aspects of today’s criminal justice system.

From the crack crackdown of the 1980s to the crime legislation of the 1990s to the post-9/11 war on terror, Biden throughout his career has represented the Democratic Party consensus, shifting his views to fit whatever best serves his own political career. Over his 44 years in the Senate and then as vice president, Biden was a leading architect of the modern criminal justice system, contributing to mass incarceration and the police misconduct that people are protesting today.

Produced, written, and edited by Justin Monticello. Graphics by Lex Villena and Austin Bragg. Research by Regan Taylor. Audio production by Ian Keyser. 

Music: Cooper Cannell, Futuremono, and Lex Villena.
criminal law , Joe Biden Wants To Reform the Criminal Justice System He Helped Create, libertarian,Reason magazine,,,reasontv,Joe Biden,Election 2020,Donald Trump,Civil Liberties,African-Americans,Black Lives Matter,Crime,War on Crime

41 thoughts on “Joe Biden Wants To Reform the Criminal Justice System He Helped Create”

  1. Mandatory 5 years for a gram of crack but you can walk free being caught with an oz of fentanyl

  2. He haskit tivanseer for . His crime bill was the wirar ever for black Americans that ever exist.

  3. #LOCK HIM UP💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯

  4. His last comments are exactly what he has done. He lies about everything . There's never been more division since the civil war. He's ushering in an era of immorality crime and war . These are the signes the Bible warned us of. Stay strong America. Keep the faith. God's will be done.

  5. Sadly today, Biden has amplified that which plagues America and used it all for "political gain"
    The power of hindsight!
    I pray Americans wakes up

  6. Biden should simply abdicate the office of the Presidency, step down voluntarily. It would be the right thing to do. Really.

  7. Maybe our much vaunted 4th estate could hop off the lap and swing into action and challenge the status quo.

  8. What do the 2000 MULES, the BLM riots and FBI misconduct all have in common?

    Sorry Joe, AMERICA is onto you..

  9. Now that he is president hes increased gun control laws that are criminalizing more people on a far greater scale than the war on drugs ever did. You see ATF hitting dentists, fire fighters, and good people with multiple felonies for new gun laws only present in new york. So i guess if you live in new york you cant have the same rights as everyone else. his administration is so corrupt its sickening.

  10. I have to give him credit for being able to pull the wool over the Blk communities’s eyes in making them believe that he’s not a racist .
    (Biden is a piece of sh*t) let’s make sure he’s a one term president.

  11. Mandatory minimumz for drugs, people go looking for drugs (ask your son Joe) How about mandatory minimumz on pedophiles and child molesters???? No child goes looking to be ruined, for life. Sex offenders CAN NOT BE REHABILITATED, THEY REOFFEND EVERYTIME!!!!!!!

  12. Joe Biden says it restored the cities no it didn't it created a totalitarian regime which he's 100% apart of because you know why he's the president he finally became the president after trying in his past isn't that ironic it just goes to show you that the more evil and the more corrupt a politician is they can be anything they choose to be in life

  13. Joe Biden hasn’t signed one executive order to protect black people from violence yet Jim Crow Joe Biden has signed over 30 executive orders and all of them ignore black people

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