
Job Hopper or Career Loyalist?


#Job #Hopper #Career #Loyalist

lawyers near me , Job Hopper or Career Loyalist?


33 thoughts on “Job Hopper or Career Loyalist?”

  1. The young worker market is full of job hoppers, yet recruitment doesn’t want to hire older workers.

  2. So much confusion in those people, they have read but haven’t open their hearts to understand

  3. no matter how much your "salary" is, the chances of someone being long term happy when they have to show up to a job and are controlled with how much they can make are extremely extremely low. freedom is the best and being able to work independent location and whenever you want is the greatest and beats out any amount of money. of course the goal is to scale consistently with whatever your business may be…

    it would've been so much better for everyone if schools had taught people how to do their own thing and not rely on college and jobs. not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just that it will destroy your freedom, freedom of opportunities, freedom of location, freedom in general and lock you down to one location, doing the same thing everyday forever and make you dependent on it to survive

  4. but some jobs wont hire job hoppers because there afraid hey would leave the company

  5. My dad works in du, it’s been 20 years he works with them and they still barely gave him a raise

  6. Its not always about the money .. sometimes it's about a great work culture, work life balance and so much more.

  7. Question, In my country you are required a minimum of I think 40 years working for the same company for you to get a valid pension. Is that not how it works in the US?

  8. My dad works as a financial advisor and he's been loyal for 20 years and he makes around 800k now

  9. And if you just tell your empleyerr that you got a better offer and they might get a similar raise, also, in Interviews it's often a negative point if you switch a lot of jobs, because employeers prefer employees who stay for some time

  10. Will not work in my field. The advantages I have now since being with my current one for 13 years is being a manager has its perks and my extensive PTO time each year.

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