
JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal, police say | BBC News


JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal, police say | BBC News

#Rowling #hate #law #posts #criminal #police #BBC #News

Social media comments made by JK Rowling challenging Scotland’s new hate crime law are not being treated as criminal, Police Scotland has said.

The Harry Potter author described several transgender women as men, including convicted prisoners, trans activists and other public figures.

The new law creates a new crime of “stirring up hatred” relating to protected characteristics.

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43 thoughts on “JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal, police say | BBC News”

  1. Can't they just fine her a portion of her income every time she acts like an ass? Use that money for education and social services?

  2. This is great and all, but try saying stuff like this without millions of pounds in your bank account.

  3. Has Police Scotland found the "missing" SNP £600,000 yet? It's almost as though their political masters don't want them to.

  4. Have you noticed how very quiet the Woke BBC has been on this fundamental matter of free speech?
    Surely, it's nothing to do with Mr Yusuf being a Muslim?

  5. Harassment, credible threats of harm, slander, direct and deliberate incitement of hate, and maliciously causing physically dangerous panic. Those are all the restrictions of free speech that are needed. Everything else is morality policing.

  6. I live in Scotland and what with the miserable weather,third world infrastructure and stalinist government why Rowling would choose to live here is beyond me

  7. Meanwhile does the investigation into the missing £600,000, the camper van, burner phones and misuse of SNP credit cards etc gets swept under the carpet?

  8. ‘She described several transgender women as men’ – how shocking! And -that graffiti was not racist – it mentioned his religion.

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  10. incredible the justice system has nothing better to do than to state the obvious.. anyway Rowling pointed out you can change your gender but not your sex – which is blatantly obvious: if you are born a male u can be a woman, sure, but not a female. Maybe in the future. Therefore trans-genderism has nothing to do with this controversy revolving around sex, not gender. Mainstreaming complex ideas means that some people can get them wrong… we have to accept that and try explain. This is what Rowling did not do well.

  11. Doesn’t she still have it listed against her name though? So it would be flagged up if she went for a new job? Lucky she doesn’t need one 🤔

  12. It appears that the boys, girls, and others in blue have baulked at taking on someone as wealthy, influential, and powerful as J K Rowling.

    Presumably, they will concentrate their efforts on persecuting the little people, who lack such resources, instead.

  13. This law is rife for abuse by officers misinterpreting it and hyper sensitive people weapon-izing it

    Under the SNP, the Scottish Sentencing Council has decided anyone under 25 does 'not have a fully developed brain' – they can drink, smoke, get married, join the Armed Forces, have their own business – but apparently a 24 year old thug will not be fully culpable for his or her own actions…

    Put another way, the SNP's focus on crime and justice is totally skewered. Police resources will be wasted on the 'wrong pronouns' whilst people get terrorized by yobs

  14. I wonder if the Scottish Government have considered the effect this new law may have on tourism. For example would Edinburgh Fringe Festival be treading a thin line on legality? I suspect tourism in Scotland will take a huge knock as people will not choose to go a place where they are unsure of what they can actually say with impunity.

  15. Well done, JK! New British value — to be prosecuted for having an opinion that differs from the officially dictated one!

  16. Of course they won't. They will arrest those saying the same whose arrest will not attract complete world comment.

  17. Christians look holy by standing against transgender for themselves, They dare sacrifice Jesus, massive users

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