
JK Rowling DEFIES Hate Crime Law, Risks PRISON, and Scores Huge WIN for Free Speech!


JK Rowling DEFIES Hate Crime Law, Risks PRISON, and Scores Huge WIN for Free Speech!

#Rowling #DEFIES #Hate #Crime #Law #Risks #PRISON #Scores #Huge #WIN #Free #Speech

In an age when few genuine heroes exist, J.K. Rowling just struck a huge blow for freedom from the tyranny of woke! Rowling spoke the truth in a lengthy April Fool’s Day tirade against biological sex offender males declaring themselves to be women at the zero hour to serve their time in female prisons, risking being charged and convicted the first day this controversial law went into effect. Well my friends, despite calls from the Trans community to throw her in prison for allegedly violating a new totalitarian “hate speech” law in Scotland, Rowling has not only prevailed, she received an endorsement of the Prime Minister you will not believe, and further declared her fight for free speech is NOT over! HERE are the glorious details! #jkrowling #freespeech #harrypotter

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47 thoughts on “JK Rowling DEFIES Hate Crime Law, Risks PRISON, and Scores Huge WIN for Free Speech!”

  1. When my wife went to change her last name after marriage to me, our lawyer said what your name and information is on you government birth certificate is what you always will be known as legally in the law.

  2. Holy crap. You think events I'm a foreign country reflect a victory for you. I knew this accountvwas in a steep, America brain poisoned political decline. But this is a new low in delusion.

  3. Whether or not Police Scotland decided not to charge her because JK is to high profile is beside the point. The thing is, she had the 'balls' to do it. On the other hand, hamza yusuf's racist rant about white people having all the best jobs in a country where 95% of the population is white was done under Parlimentary protection within the Scottish Parliment, showing what a coward he really is.

  4. For any man seeing this (specially if you are straight) and cheering on her I just want to remind you that while opposing the woke is praise worthy she is still a raging f**inist that hates you for being a man. If you need evidence her twitter feed is more than enough, if you care to read through it. So rather than a fight for "freedom of speech" this is more about the woke eating their own.

  5. Men do not belong in private female spaces. This goes both ways. Women do not belong in private male spaces. Full stop.

  6. And just like that, this law is done. She publicly and explicitly broke it, and they refused to prosecute her. So anybody ELSE that they try to prosecute under this ludicrous travesty will simply point this out and have a slam-dunk for selective prosecution.

  7. She was never going to be arrested or have any charges against her. She is way too well known.

    This law is designed to go after regular walks, the chap that works at your local supermarket or the woman that's a nurse.

    The world doesn't know about these people so will not care if they get arrested.

  8. If people have the right to dress up and pretend to be the gender that they were not born with then people also have the right to refuse to indulge what we know to be a mental health disorder. It’s really that simple. You can’t demand people respect your opinions and beliefs while refusing to respect their opinions and beliefs.

  9. She is famous and wealthy, she can fight it in the courts with expensive lawyers and cause a massive shitshow on social media so they've left her be. They're still going after the little people who don't have the fame or money to defend themselves against the woke tyranny.
    Note to Humza Useless, I was referring to the average citizen as 'little people', not making a derogatory comment about the vertically challenged.

  10. All hail doomcock, We must remembengland is not the united sthanks They do not have freedom of speech They do not know what a woman is Ask them and I will get upset, Can you release Harvey on just England, hail doomcock I await your next transmission

  11. Its wild. 10yrs ago i wouldve never thought saying a man cant be a woman would be something you can be arrested for 😮 sad

  12. The reason she's so brave is she has more money than Scotland. This law punishes everyone, not just women.

  13. Completely disagree. We knew that the socialists would not go after such an important liberal. That would only make them look bad among groups of women either conservative or liberal. If that was the case then they wouldn't go after Riley Gaines, Katie Hopkins or Kellie Jay Keen. Boycott and mock, the way of the Fandom.

  14. No, If it wasn’t a famous Celebrity saying it, who knows how many people would have gotten arrested over this bullshit. She would have become martyr against their agenda, and they don’t want that. They know that people are getting sick of their bullshit.

  15. "Its $h¡T€ being Scottish,we're ruled by @rsholes,cant even find a decent civilization to be colonised by ".

  16. Some people may wonder how the people of Germany was okay with slaughtering the Jews back in WWII. Well they weren't, they were all afraid to speak and get punished for it. Well that's the same case of today. Many of these lefties of today think if they were German back then, they be one of the good ones. No they wouldn't. They side with the establishment just like they do now. JK however, She showing some real integrity standing up against the establishment.

  17. The UK arrested an 8 year old kid with autism for saying 'That police officer looks like Grandma who's a lesbian, mommy!'. I suspect they WILL arrest her, to their own downfall.

  18. I don't think it is a win for us that wish common sense. After all J.K. Rowling is a fe m inist, in her declaration it implies that being a man equals to be a criminal, and being a woman a victim of men. I hope to be wrong but knowing that she is a wealthy far left individual, she surely adscribes "goodhood" and evilness along racial and gender lines.

  19. Just remember history is filled with people who are looked back quite favorably, who were actually imprisoned, and sometimes killed for their beliefs.

  20. Canada was suppose to get that stupid "hate speech law" but didn't happen even mister black face Trudeau knew this would made him even more hated if he pushed this stupidity here.

  21. Such a hero…She will not go to jail, since she is rich…truly a inspiration for ages to come.
    Lets see if that cares over to some random citizen

  22. I'm glad JK Rowling's did what you did and said what you said. Scotland is just woke as hell to even think about putting this into their own laws it's just Twilight Zone part 3 of ludicrousy.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. Men pretending to be women go into a woman's prison and do what they did to women outside of jail inside of jail now I know that some women in jail ain't going to take this no hell of a way some of these men the acting like women are going to die in the women's prison this I know. I do agree with JK Rowling's sayings.

  23. Shouldn't put too much stock in JK still though, she's still quite the sexist feminist (You'll notice for example she said "If they go after any WOMAN for simple calling a man a man, not if they go after any PERSON)

  24. I wonder when they'll outlaw love – or any feeling beside "righteous outrage" for that matter

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