
JK Rowling dares police to arrest her as Scotland’s new hate crime laws come into force


JK Rowling dares police to arrest her as Scotland’s new hate crime laws come into force

#Rowling #dares #police #arrest #Scotlands #hate #crime #laws #force

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf has defended the country’s new hate crime laws after JK Rowling spoke out against the legislation and challenged the police to arrest her.

The Harry Potter author says the new laws are wide open to abuse, but Mr Yousaf says they will help tackle the “rising tide of hatred”.

The Scottish Police Federation expressed their concerns over the new legislation, with general secretary David Kennedy saying it was a “recipe for disaster”.

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criminal law , JK Rowling dares police to arrest her as Scotland’s new hate crime laws come into force, Sky,News,Scotland,UK,Hate Crime,Legislation,JK Rowling,Humza Yousaf,Minister,Protests,Backlash,Police,Impact,Law,Rights

40 thoughts on “JK Rowling dares police to arrest her as Scotland’s new hate crime laws come into force”

  1. He needs sacking, absolute nasty piece of work, come on Scotland stand up for yourselves
    I stand by jknrowling 100%

  2. Am mamoudou from sengal in Germany now I live here 4 years in one thing they say am the woman call zara so I need help from sengal guinea and gambia am in a city call kleve in German

  3. Under his Leadership the SNP will cease to exist in the near future a true gift to Starmer due to this FARCICAL BILL!

  4. Wait till the people of scotland rise up, he doesnt know what hes let himself into, despise the man.

  5. Freedom of speech is Democracy. Scotland is now a fascist dictatorship. The people need to take their government back and re establish democracy. Now Rowling is the new Robert the Bruce

  6. the British are the most pathetic, the most miserable and the most wokist white race whose women love to be inseminated by migrants their people and a shame for Europe which has become a minority 34% in London 😂🤣

  7. Fellow Scots we need to organise & send letters to our constituency MSP to get rid of this assault on free speech. It's the thin end if the wedge.

  8. That first minister is walking around with his balls in somebody else's back pocket.

  9. Dictatorship at its best i hope the review their laws she shouldn't be arrested for what she believes in

  10. Scotland is fully corrupted and compromised with disgusting Marxists and cowardly liberals who are the bane to any ethical and responsible society

  11. Trans rights don’t override everyone else’s 👍 your freedom doesn’t get to interfere with my freedom it’s called compromise 👍

  12. Totally ridiculous and discriminatory non inclusive but rather exclusive law this is not to protect but rather to subdued and subjugate free speech and liberty

  13. The government of Scotland has lost its bloody mind. Never mind "peaceful" protests, it's time we rose up actively to prove to these left wing nutcases just how serious we are.

  14. the mentality of the voter never ceases to amaze. This law was passed in March 2021, two months before the Scottish elections. Folk had the opportunity to kick out the SNP then for introducing this law, instead, through ignorance, they put them back into power. Three years later after the chickens have come home to roost, they take to the streets to protest. Having a right to vote should not be automatic, there should be criteria before one is given the vote, why should the ignorant be allowed to dictate how the minority of clever and well informed folk live.

  15. I'm astonished as to how few people have joined the dots on all of this. As I'll this a purely Scottish problem.

  16. why is this needed all of a sudden? Police are not there to police feelings. When they obviously have to remove the "hate crime law" its going to look pretty funny, almost encouraging hate crime at that point. This is all so dumb, what ever the problem was, this is not the solution.

  17. Comies always need censorship… Original version, or this Eko rainbow version of Comies…

  18. Ah forget reporting burglaries, muggings and assaults. The Scottish police will far too busy arresting granny for misgendering someone in her kitchen

  19. The Islamists have been clever about this, hiding in the woke, left-wing insanity that has gripped this nation. The end game is to criminalize the criticism of Islam, as this nation slowly becomes an Islamic one. Sad, scary times we're living in.

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