
JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate crime law


JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate crime law

#Rowling #challenges #Scotlands #hate #crime #law

Hurting someone’s feelings “cannot be a criminal offence”, says former Victorian Liberal Party president Michael Kroger.

His comments come after JK Rowling challenged Scotland’s new hate crime law in a series of social media posts.

“Of course, JK Rowling should be able to say ‘I believe there are two sexes’,” Mr Kroger told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“She’s not inciting hatred, she’s not inciting violence, she’s expressing an opinion.

“An Islamic preacher who gets up in a mosque and says ‘death to Jews’ basically that crosses the line, that’s hate speech, that’s incitement of violence, that should be criminalised.

“But hurting someone’s feelings cannot be a criminal offence otherwise all free speech dies in Western democracies.”
criminal law , JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate crime law, 6350132772112,fb,msn,opinion,paulmurray,yt

31 thoughts on “JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate crime law”

  1. Everyone go watch South Park season 4 episode 2. Last 4 minutes of episode: “if a man beats up another man for sleeping with his wife, is that not hate?” Or vandalizing a building is that not hate for the government? Hate crime is stupid.. you can consider anything hate..

  2. Government get out. It's too big. People who need protection by the government are losers who are unable to think for themselves.

  3. Here’s what’s needed – no hate laws at all should be written as they’ll all be used to weaponize the justice system.

  4. Grow a set of balls Scotland!. Fight back! Get angry! Take your country back from these leftist losers!

  5. But is IS Blashemy. If you Ridicule or Dont agree with the Islamic god. Free rein on Christianity. These state premiers are Weak. Its about VOTES and thats all. They dont care or they would do Something. Preaching the gospel is not Inciting violence but it becoming blamed for a lot of things. Scotland is Stupid and Unwise to do this. The THOUGHT POLICE.

  6. There is no line. There is no "hatred", because you cannot define "hatred" in that way. When it comes to violence and calls for violence, the case is a different one. "Hatred" or hate-speech is an impossible concept to legislate. Hatred is an emotion and it is there for a reason.

  7. Free speech is under attack in many countries. If people choose to be offended then that’s on them. Free speech needs to exist. Civil Discourse must exist. Tired of government trying to steal everyone’s rights. Let people have an opinion.

  8. Such laws are a clear attempt by the Left to shut down free speech and to promote their agendas. Fortunately the Left are so thick that they haven’t realised the enormous potential for such laws to backfire spectacularly and to be applied against them

  9. hate speech is on the rise, because it's being imported and then it's being publicised in the media. There is more censorship by activists and the left than hate speech by Australians. And the term "hate speech" is being warped and manipulated by leftist activists and the government; re it was racist to vote no to the voice.

  10. So if you are gay you can mock Christians but the reverse can land you in jail in Victoria- sounds very Marxist

  11. Australians used to be admired for being full of humor, toughness and ability to see the truth from bull hit . When are all you men who pretend to love our country stand up?

  12. Old Vincey was good friends with old William Wallace and we stayed in touch by email as this was before the days of mobile phones

  13. We are getting very close to Minority Report scenarios, and it is all over the Western World. The Irish have stood up and said enough of the woke nonsense, and the Raving Lunatics who wield power need to take note of the fact that lots of nations are in revolt.

  14. It's not about trans. It's about a Muslim smuggling Islamic Shari'a blasphemy law onto the statute books. Everything else is a diversion.

  15. Dear Scotland: with your new law, please arrest Trans people for misgendering themselves.
    We, the 98% of the population believe in biology and truth.
    There are ONLY 2 genders.

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