
JK Rowling avoids prosecution under Scotland’s new hate crime law


JK Rowling avoids prosecution under Scotland’s new hate crime law

#Rowling #avoids #prosecution #Scotlands #hate #crime #law

Authorities in Scotland say no action will be taken against author JK Rowling after she posted gender-critical opinions online.

The Harry Potter author took to social media, daring police to arrest her after new hate crime laws came into effect in Scotland.

After receiving complaints about the posts, detectives said the comments were not criminal.

Ms Rowling tested the new laws by listing 10 trans women on ‘X’ and saying they were men.

UK Prime Minster Rishi Sunak came to her defence, claiming people who say ‘common sense things about biological sex’ should not be criminalised.
criminal law , JK Rowling avoids prosecution under Scotland’s new hate crime law, 6350160416112,fb,global,msn,world,yt

33 thoughts on “JK Rowling avoids prosecution under Scotland’s new hate crime law”

  1. men parading as Women are guilty of hate crimes against us women. Done. I dissawow them. TERFS are the new Heretics ❤

  2. I'm surprised the British PM even made such a statement that is common sense to most of us. JK hasn't said anything wrong but stated facts

  3. They can bring in all the laws they want, but theyll never be able to stop pples voice boxes from talking. Lol

  4. Sorry, but Rowling is a distraction.
    Face facts – this is a blasphemy law.
    Humza does not care about Trans.
    He wants to stop criticism of lslam.
    This is a recreation of the old Covenant of Dhiimmitude
    Which subjugated non-believers for a thousand years.


  5. Who can say my good humoured comment is hate speech? Im only joking. How can a joke be hate speech? I might be repulsed by a tranny. But again I might think he looks funny, assuming hes in fancy dress. How can a court decide if I am laughing because i thought the man dressed up as a woman was having a laugh and in fancy dress ? Surely the British law cant arrest me for laughing at a joke?

  6. If you have a penis or had a penis your probably a man ,what part of that is hard to understand

  7. She didn’t avoid prosecution, as she hadn’t done anything remotely criminal that would raise the possibility of being prosecuted.

  8. Scary laws and regulations popping up in Europe and Canada to control speech they don't like. So, it looks like JK might have to start pretending that a man is a woman, and a woman is a man, to avoid the terminally offended mob. I still have some faith that this fad will blow itself out because it is hard to force people to believe in fantasy for very long.

  9. Goes to show Scotland has no balls. They had'em removed since they passed this stupid nonsensical new law.

  10. Imagine that- getting arrested because you’re calling men, men, and women, women… what planet are we on?

  11. "First, the Totalitarian Left came for J.K. Rowling. And I did not speak out because I wasn't J.K. Rowling…."

    Hell with that! I stand with Rowling.

  12. And in our next story, Harry Potter says Hermione Granger does not exist. Because it's really Dobby in drag.

  13. You think we look pretty good together
    You think my shoes are made of leather
    But I'm a substitute for another guy
    I look pretty tall but my heels are high
    The simple things you see are all complicated
    Look pretty young, but I'm just back dated, yeah
    … Substitute your lies for fact
    I can see right through your plastic mac
    I look all white, but my dad was black
    My fine looking suit is really made out of sack
    … I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
    The north side of my town faced east, and the east was facing south
    And now you dare to look me in the eye
    Those crocodile tears are what you cry
    It's a genuine problem, you won't try
    To work it out at all you just pass it by, pass it by
    … Substitute me for him
    Substitute my coke for gin
    Substitute you for my mom
    At least I'll get my washing done…
    … I'm a substitute for another guy
    I look pretty tall but my heels are high
    The simple things you see are all complicated
    Look pretty young, but I'm just back dated, yeah…
    … I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
    The north side of my town faced east, and the east was facing south
    And now you dare to look me in the eye
    Those crocodile tears are what you cry
    It's a genuine problem, you won't try
    To work it out at all you just pass it by, pass it by
    … Substitute me for him
    Substitute my coke for gin
    Substitute you for my mom
    At least I'll get my washing done
    … Substitute your lies for fact
    I can see right through your plastic mac
    I look all white, but my dad was black
    My fine looking suit is really made out of sack

  14. You hurt my feelings by telling me that I hurt your feelings…. HATE CRIME! wahhhh What a fragile bunch of children these modern young adults.

  15. This law was never intended to be used against elite white feminist women. It's to be used against white working class boys. Their 'hate monster' ad stated the target demographic by explicitly naming them.

  16. Woke "logic".
    If a biological man says they are a woman, then they are not a Trans-woman they ARE a woman and claiming they are not is "Transphobic".
    If a biological woman say they are a man, then they are not a Trans-man they ARE a man and claiming they are not is "Transphobic".
    Therefore using their "logic" the term "trans" cannot exist making them unequivocally Transphobic.

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