
Jim Jordan Swears Whistleblower Gave Him Tons Of Dirt On Trump Prosecutor short


Jim Jordan Swears Whistleblower Gave Him Tons Of Dirt On Trump Prosecutor short

#Jim #Jordan #Swears #Whistleblower #Gave #Tons #Dirt #Trump #Prosecutor #short

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31 thoughts on “Jim Jordan Swears Whistleblower Gave Him Tons Of Dirt On Trump Prosecutor short”

  1. Jim Jordan tactics are getting really tiresome and the same thing overall every time. Why is he allowed to be in Congress? When will he ever be voted out of office immediately 😫 😔 😪

  2. COME ON GUYS don’t be so Gullible this guy Is pushing fake news he’s a Democrat and he works for Joe Biden.Biden is a flop and this is all he has left is to lie and cheat,being the election is in a few months your going to see a lot of guys like this guy pop out of nowhere tell there lies.

  3. What fucking rock have you been living under??? Are you referring to all the “whistleblower” evidence the left claimed to have for the past six years, of President Trump’s collusion with Russ… oh wait, that was paid political lies and illegal election interference. Or are you talking about Nutsack Nadler and all of his proof of crimes, that turned out to resemble something like the remains of his liposuction…or was it the evidence Adam Sh^thead had…oh wait, yeah he had nothing ……. Or maybe it was that quid pro quo that Pappa Biden committed… wait, i mean that trump was accused of but slowmo joe was on film committing.
    Those commie boots must taste pretty damn good for you to lick them so much … There have been DOZENS of various whistleblowers testify in congress against various agencies and persons…

  4. Jim Jordan is a bluff henchman of Donald "Fraud" Trump.He is an incompetent lawmaker and working hard for Trump for fear losing his job.

  5. Maybe you’re forgetting George Searles DAs don’t wanna look at anything that’s not their narrative quit being brainwashed

  6. Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia……is all you quacks talked about…..DONT THROW ROCKS IN A GLASS HOUSE……DUMMY 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  7. Well, a good thing the Biden impeachment fell through or he wouldn’t have had time to get to this. 😂

  8. Truth keeps trying but lying & corruption is winning for now but soon the truth will triumph over the scumbag Democrats!!?

  9. Garland stops everything in it's tracks!! The Democrats corruption is protected by the same evil boss that Diddy,JayZ,others Lucifer looks after them baby killers!!?

  10. Everybody on here making comments or a bunch of fucking haters Jim Jordan goes after all the assholes in the Democratic Party that have been pulling the sheep rule over our big dummies


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