
Jennifer Crumbley’s Little Secret..!


Jennifer Crumbley’s Little Secret..!

#Jennifer #Crumbleys #Secret.

00:00 Docket
00:39 Intro
00:59 Jennifer Crumbley’s Little Secret
07:54 Bryan Kohberger Update
09:22 Alec Baldwin Pleads Not Guilty
11:15 Doctor Cleared
13:22 Dumb Criminal

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37 thoughts on “Jennifer Crumbley’s Little Secret..!”

  1. Too many people nowadays are having kids that they don’t want to parent. Maybe they should be held accountable in someway when their lack of parenting causes something unimaginable

  2. WHAAAAT? 😮🤯🔥 Someone call the Fire
    Brigade, there’s an 4 alarm fire, in her pants!
    Not a FAILURE?? There’s something called MEDICAL NEGLECT, and IMO she is MORE responsible than EC. The CHILD told the ADULTS, he (the child) was having VERY REAL signs of a SERIOUS ILLNESS, & begged for help for his symptoms. The CHILD was denied medical attention, by the ADULTS. THEN while the CHILD was asking for medical treatment, for clear signs of serious illness, the ADULTS denied the CHILD even ONE visit to a doctor, BOUGHT the CHILD A GUN, taught the CHILD to use it, left it for the CHILD to have complete access to, all the while KNOWING the CHILD was not normal mentally; because the CHILD TOLD THEM. I think there’s an argument that he was better off DEAD than with her. If he had died he wouldn’t have killed those children, he wouldn’t be in prison for life & he wouldn’t be a target for the rest of his miserable days; while being passed around to convicts. (In Florida, about 3 out of 100 are DIAGNOSED with HIV.) How is that “life” sounding better than death, to a 15 year old?

    I think the PROCESS of the prosecution was wrong. I think the parents should have been charged and tried with a neglect and abuse case, & they should have then been charged with facilitating murder or something. EC should have been in a psych evaluation while that took place & treatment notes should have been considered in the charges, adult prosecution, the trial and sentencing. Then he should have been committed for his sentence. What was learned from that should have also been used. Then the CHILD should have been given what I think of as the “Hinkley treatment” (John Hinkley).
    If the CHILD was showing that he was rehabilitatable, he should have been placed in treatment until he was deemed safe for society, or if no signs of improvement/safety for public he would be transferred to prison. THAT would have been the logical, decent & just thing to have been done, imo. I realize my opinion is different than most, but I was an elementary/middle school nurse, and now am a grandma to a 14 yr old. I was a poor, single, working mom. I was also a child in a terrible situation, who needed saved. I ADHD and PTSD;m and situational depression from neglect and abuse- starting in THIRD GRADE, so I had real challenges. I understand what it’s like to be vulnerable, neglected, abused desperate, unloved, alone, afraid, sick; while having no one to talk to, or turn to, for help. The pressure of knowing that if any of your friends knew, they would pity you. The pressure to fit in, while feeling so different from everyone around you. The fear that it’s YOUR FAULT your parents hate and hurt you, (That’s what they tell you. It’s YOUR FAULT they abuse you) and the shame of being unlovable, next to a golden child. I see this from many perspectives, and from all of them they both failed, so horribly. The justice system has failed abused, and neglected, children since its beginning & this is just another instance of it. Scott thinks the charges they face are too much; I think it’s not enough.

  3. But Scott. He CLEARLY was not experiencing “normal teenager” behavior. He very obviously without doubt has deeper issues that need/ed to be addressed

  4. Why on earth would they buy this kid a GUN of all things? I wouldn't give a normal kid a gun. And sex in a parking lot like some horny teenager!!! What the heck is wrong with people? Society has gone down the toilet.

  5. All these people who are against the parents better pray their kids don't nut up and do this! As horrible as it is, if they're found guilty, it's everyones turn next! Being an adulterous, crappy parent doesn't mean jack in these circumstances.

  6. I am dealing with a grandson, who definitely has problems! He is 18, so all I can do is suggest he get some psychological assistance, and maybe get a diagnosis! Medication? He flies off the handle over comments, that do not amount to a hill of beans! Sounds bi polar???? 😢😢😢

  7. Being dismissive of young people’s mental health issues are THE main reason that this shooting occurred, yes?

  8. Yes, I think you're wrong. He was very much begging for help and they were refusing to help him. And it's not that hard to find. Most schools now offer 6 free therapy visits with a licensed therapist. Even if this school didn't, they could have asked for recommendations from the school. But they didn't do anything but laugh at him. Had there been any proof of trying I wouldn't find think of them responsible. But there is literally nothing showing they tried to help him. And in the end they even refused to take him home when the school asked them to. That, in itself, makes them guilty as hell.

  9. What an insensitive and informed statement u made about the Shooter’s fears. He has serious mental illness and his presentation is typical for that age. Get educated!

  10. What an insensitive and informed statement u made about the Shooter’s fears. He has serious mental illness and his presentation is typical for that age. Get educated!

  11. OK so a lot to unpack here. I agree that sometimes parents need to tell kids to suck it up. I agree that most of what he said was typical teenage agnst. That being said. You can't say suck it up to mental health problems. They're diseases. You wouldn't tell a diabetic to suck it up and ignore thier need for medical treatment. Nor would you say the same for a broken leg. You would take them to a Dr. If the brain is broken it needs treatment and when your kid says I'm having visual hallucinations, as in, clothes are flying off the shelves, they need to see a Dr! Psychiatrist stat! That being said it does not excuse what he did. He did it. He knew he was going to do it. And instead of telling his school therapist that he was going to do it, he just did it!

  12. Americans are Crazy! I’m so glad My kids are grown. This Generation! Political idiots get all this money to argue with each other and call names. They all need Term limits. Mayors Police chef’s, Warden’s All of them.

  13. Sounds like normal life. Test anxiety, my mind went blank taking tests. I don't think the parents are not totally responsible.

  14. Would you give your car keys to a intoxicated person so they could go on a beer run??? That's what drunk people do, right?? Obviously when he mows down a family its not your fault or problem, right???

  15. FFS the mote I look at Crumblys case, the more Im starting to think he needs his case retried. He was crying out for help! I dont condone what he did but he kept asking for help but was neglected, mocked for what he was going through and then armed.

  16. I would normally agree with you Scott except nowadays when kids don’t just cry in their room and listen to sad music, they commit acts of violence.

  17. You lost me. How you can make a blanket statement like ALL teenagers are a like that doesn't fly. You don't know every teenager in the world, so your thinking is off base. I know you have a hardened perspective due to your years in the law profession but that doesn't give you a degree in mental health issues.

  18. Crumbly parents are guilty of negligence resulting in homicide imo no reasonable adult should have bought that kid a gun and no parent should allow gun access to a child without adult supervision. Guilty!!🙏🙏🙏

  19. Did you hear about the ex president that was adjudicated a rapist? Oh yeah and the subsequent PAYMENTS. We see your selective commentary for what it is. Magaty.

  20. Trial seems more about whiny Shannon her lawyer who’s so rude demanding and hopeless and judge seems to let her get away with it

  21. Unbeknownst to the parents was also the whereabouts of the gun and bullets beforehand..At HOME. Come off it Scott. Guilty.

  22. You actually need to grow up Scott. Clearly you have not embarked on that journey yet. The world is watching your idiocy.

  23. Yes. Watch out bad parents. You should be held accountable for getting guns for kids and easy access to guns and bullets. Ignore your child's mental health issues at your peril. At least see a GP and get a referral. Way to completely ignore everything that went on here Scott. You are what is wrong with America.

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