
Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury finds shooter’s mom guilty


Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury finds shooter’s mom guilty

#Jennifer #Crumbley #trial #Jury #finds #shooters #mom #guilty

Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty on Tuesday on four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the Nov. 30, 2021, Oxford High School shooting, committed by her son


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criminal lawyer , Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury finds shooter’s mom guilty, Jennifer Crumbley,Oxford High School shooting,Oakland County,school shootings,jury deliberation,Jennifer Crumbley trial,news,detroit,fox 2 detroit,fox 2,michigan,local news,current events,michigan news,metro detroit,fox television,fox,crime,crime in michigan,shooting,murder,murder in michigan,crumbley,james crumbley,ethan crumbley,jennifer crumbley,crumbley parents,oxford trial,oxford shooter,court,courtroom,live court,oxford high school,trial

48 thoughts on “Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury finds shooter’s mom guilty”

  1. Children who are really angry with their parents will now think they can do terrible things and their parents will get blamed.

  2. "Ethan Crumbley confirmed that his father James Crumbley purchased the gun used to kill four classmates last year."

    Interesting how the mom is the focus.

  3. It's about time abusive Momsters & 'fathers' who produce damaged, rudderless, unloved, deranged offspring be held accountable. Made a monster? Do the time along there with the monster your inept parenting created.
    ALL this coulda been prevented.
    Can't convince didn't see the signs. Ethan was clearly needing mental assistance but she refused to help cu, she couldn't be bothered. Treated him like an unwanted imposition and told everyone he was weird and a mistake…and the father let that happen. He'll be judged soon enough. Being a parent is an honor & a privilege. Love your kids. Prioritize your kids! Pay attention!
    She KNOWS that and that's why she started trying to cover her self from culpability by DESTROYING EVIDENCE & fleeing. CHERRY on top is she displays her cold, narcissistic self by saying, given the opportunity, SHE'D CHANGE NOTHING.
    That, right there sealed her fate. Good. That is what she deserves.
    Let this set a precedence for future monster makers:
    New invention ~ ACCOUNTABILITY. ✅️ ⚖️
    Guilty! ⚖️

  4. So, would the mother get manslaughter if she bought him a car and then he ran over a crowd of people? He deserves his sentence, not the parents, they already have to live with the fact their son is a killer and is locked up forever. The fact the parents have been sitting in jail since 2021 is already f'd up beyond a reason. Some people can't see these signs, either thinking it's a phase or just not have the worried mindset in general, especially in this stage of his life he could've easily been manipulating his parents. They like to focus in on his violent drawings as the parents' fault for not "noticing the signs." Maybe instead of them focusing on the mom (which will have no benefit outcome) they should focus on the school he was going to and the environment he sits in for 8hrs a day. The teachers didn't notice it either, but they aren't getting charged with manslaughter or had to sit in jail for 3 years, they shouldn't and neither the parents. It's a pathetic display of our corrupt system, nothing will change how I feel of this matter.

  5. Since the government made it against the law to discipline your children,you can't charge the parents. It's the governments fault!

  6. Then you must hold OXFORD school system in Michigan accountable too because they didn’t check his backpack or keep him in the office when they recovered disturbing drawings from him that morning. Don’t be a hypocrite and act like you care about justice

  7. Some kill there parents, I guess the state cant take them to court. These parents that raise up killers are not going to stop. Here we go again the ßtate trying to make up new laws and the Judges falling for it and groom 12 more judges that are unlearned in the law to judge their brethren. They don't even teach them God's instructions, they differently not going to listen to some man that thinks he's ruler and make them take their child to mental health dr. Its not going to happen. They rebeal against God ways.

    Children are not punished for the sins committed by their parents; neither are parents punished for the sins of their children. Each of us is responsible for our own sins. Ezekiel 18:20 tells us, “The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son.” This verse clearly shows that punishment for one’s sins is borne by that person.

  8. They charged the kid as an adult meaning he was responsible for his own actions as an adult then they charged the parents like the kid was a minor how can the law allow such contradictory events?

  9. Wow this sets stage for ALOT of people being held accountable.
    For example: If you get a gun stolen and that thief uses it in a crime- trust, the owner of that gun will be held guilty of that crime that the thief committed !!!
    Why? If you go by the results of this case…the gun owner didnt make the gun unaccessable to that thief.

    Another example: If a police officers gun gets taken by a criminal and shots someone with it, that officer will be charged with homicide. Why? Because the criminal had access to it.

    I dont think she should have been charged. Parents cant control/prevent what their kids do, especially those the age her son is.

  10. They should have had the trial moved out of
    That county that’s b.s. E.C. Knew right from wrong he wasn’t crazy just depressed. Come on! Straight BS

  11. After the verdict, Shannon Smith immediately started procedures to change her name. She's requested Alina Habba, but I think it's been taken.

  12. Where is our little Mustang guy? He was having a tantrum that we thought she would be guilty, and how stupid we all are.

  13. The son needed love love love poor dear
    Now he needs punishment for thr murders which i believe would never of happened. He was so sad distraught needed attention-so sad

  14. Mom was ho’ing around & she basically ignored her son’s request for mental health care! Her son was shoved aside for her own selfish reasons!

  15. I think there are two reasons they got convicted. Other then. Ignoring the signs. She ran and she didn't seem like she would do anything different. In hindsight, she should have said she would.

  16. Total crok.
    Waste of tax payer money.
    Jury told to find what is only suggested.
    Yes, what happened is bad.
    Parents not fault.
    Just as if school fault.
    Jyst as if America fault.

  17. she serves as a scapegoat! It's so unlikely his child would become a mass killer. she didn't think about it.

  18. Congratulations on your win. Sad on how you got it
    Like the puzzle you made.
    You had your puzzle together before all the fax were in.
    you made that work even it the pic didn’t belong there
    Every family could be but in this situation With your puzzle .
    Bottom line you made things look like sum thing that was not there.
    Michigan needs stricter laws on gun.
    I’m surprise that the school is that lean it on phone and what children do in the classroom.
    Schools have more power on children than parents in school
    No one knew that the school shooter was going to do.

  19. So "hiding" a loaded tactical handgun in an easily compromised lock box – NOT a safe – is not remotely anywhere near the definition of safe firearm storage? Who knew? ALL responsible firearm owners, that's who.

  20. Im baffled that the school staff who didn't call the police that day aren't held accountable. They allowed him to stay in school that day. They didn't protect those children who were killed that day. A simple call to the police & a check of his bag would have prevented this from happening!!!

  21. This is very tragic. She is NOT GUILTY. She didn't know her child's mental health was so bad. This is just as tragic for her.

  22. Yikes. I would’ve rather seen her get sued in civil court. Scary that she’s gonna do time for her child’s crime. That’s a slippery slope 😳

  23. The journal convicted her and it was technically hearsay. It never should have been admitted, because EC refused to testify and say that it was true. This will be interesting for the appeals court.

  24. Tell me you're guilty without telling me you're guilty by running towards Canada after your son is arrested.

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