
Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury deliberations begin


Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury deliberations begin

#Jennifer #Crumbley #trial #Jury #deliberations

The trial for Jennifer Crumbley, the mother of the Oxford High School shooter, is now in the hands of the jury as they get instructions on Monday from Judge Cheryl Matthews.

Crumbley is facing up to 60 years in prison if convicted of four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the Nov. 30, 2021 shooting committed by her son


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37 thoughts on “Jennifer Crumbley trial: Jury deliberations begin”

  1. Guilty. I’m 64. My parents are extremely lucky they had kids in the 60s, otherwise they would probably have gone to jail for the MANY CRIMES my brother committed and they did NOTHING to stop him!!!

  2. This makes no sense the son is being tried as an adult BUT then the mother is being charged for her CHILD taking her gun… is he a child or an adult, if its her fault then her son should be tried as a juvenile… If its the son's fault & he is tried as an adult then its his fault for taking gun.

  3. The law changing about having guns locked after this happened. Obviously, the reason is because it is a duty every gun owner should already be doing this with kids in the house. Kids' brains are not fully developed until they are in their 20s. Teens need the same attention as toddlers and infants, just different. These parents were negligent.

  4. Why isn't the school staff on trial?? I believe the school staff could've and should've checked his backpack. JC should've listened to her son when asking for help, but she isn't guilty of the crime. She never imagined her son would do what he had done.
    The school is ultimately responsible. They could've prevented what happened because they were the first ones to see his drawings and words. JC shouldn't be serving up to 60 years for a crime she didn't commit.

  5. Come on quit wasting money on shit you already know the kid did it we all know let all involved get back to there lifes as best they can instead of a recurring nitemare

  6. I’m normally a pro prosecutor guy up to a point, but after seeing this has got to be the most incompetent judge I have ever seen. The second that officer said that he didn’t believe that she knew he was going to commit that crime, the judge should have ended it right there. Instead that judge let the prosecutor slut-shamed the mother.

  7. The mumbling Judge is at it again…..!! My volume is at the highest and still can only make out about half of what she says…..🙄 Once she addressed the jury it got better.

  8. The circus 🎪🎪 is distracting the American people from the migraines coming in on the border the Democrats way

  9. How can't the country see what's going on here?? The state of Michigan NEEDS Jennifer to be convincted. These charges are the best thing that happened since the shooting. Convicting the parent/s takes blame away from the state, the school, the system, and places it all in individual hands of the parents. This is not right. This is wrong. We need bigger systemic changes to stop these massacres caused by distrurbed people.

  10. This prosecutor is a weasel. All he has done is bash her affair. I would love to see his skeletons. I hope she is not held accountable for Ethan’s decision.

  11. Thé poor woman it’s enough to admit that your son is a monster internally please don’t blame her for what her 15 year old son did this isn’t justice she is just the mother otherwise prosecute the school who kept him inside the kid is sick and born like this it is his nature don’t put this woman in jail dm her only crime is to be the mother of a psychopath maybe among your family you have one that doesn’t mean you are. Reflect on this please

  12. IMHO, I think she's done. Her testimony did not help her at all. The prosecution made her look like a selfish, lazy parent who just wants to get her freak on. Combine that with the fact that she lied while on the stand just adds fuel to the fire that she's about to feel.

  13. SHES DEFINITELY NOT GUILTY!!!!! She’s not a perfect parent and no one is but that don’t mean she could have ever seen that day coming with what very little evidence state showed.. Free her then the state needs to give her an apology!!!

  14. I honestly don't think that Ethan's Mum should be held accountable for this. So what if she had an affair and was busy with horses? That does not make her a bad Mum… Where do you draw the line in the sand when it comes to parental responsibility? Even if she bought a gun for a Christmas present, took him target 🎯 practising, and locked the gun away, it should not implicate her in any way in the actions of her son going on to committing this crime. He was not influenced by her…

  15. Of course the prosecution wants the jury to have the shooting video, the picture of the blood in the bathroom and the picture of the victims lying there dead. Those things have zero to do with whether she was negligent. They are just hoping that playing on emotion works. They should want her to be convicted on the facts…not emotion.

  16. I understand that the Americans have the right to bear arms but there has to limit to the exception this will continue to happen until someone takes the initiative to start to do something about it

  17. So what about all the inner-city kids that have been shooting each other for decades? Shouldn't the parent of those kids be charged for the gang shootings?

  18. This was a just charge and will hopefully send a strong message to others in the future. Let this be a warning to parents who ignore their child’s mental health care, supply their unbalanced child with deadly firearms and then ignore every red flag that screams out for attention and action. That is exactly what the Crumbley’s did and now they’ll hopefully and rightly endure the consequences. She will receive a guilty verdict if justice is served today.

  19. It's going to be a guilty verdict. I'm able to see into the future, that might sound crazy but its true. Mark my word's, the jury will come back with a guilty verdict on day 3 of deliberations

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