
Jennifer Crumbley trial: Court addresses jury question amid deliberations


Jennifer Crumbley trial: Court addresses jury question amid deliberations

#Jennifer #Crumbley #trial #Court #addresses #jury #question #deliberations

The jury deliberating in the trial of Jennifer Crumbley, the mother of the Oxford High School shooter, brought a question to the courtroom Monday afternoon amid their discussions. Here’s what was said in the courtroom, and an explanation from our Christy McDonald.
criminal lawyer , Jennifer Crumbley trial: Court addresses jury question amid deliberations, Involuntary Manslaughter,Involuntary Manslaughter Trial,Jennifer Crumbley,Jennifer Crumbley Trial,Oakland County,Oakland County Michigan,Oxford,Oxford High School,Oxford Michigan,Oxford School Shooting

40 thoughts on “Jennifer Crumbley trial: Court addresses jury question amid deliberations”

  1. UPDATE: She was found guilty on all four counts… Hip, hip, hooray!!!
    And let this be a learning lesson for all other irresponsible and negligent parents out there!!!!

  2. If I was the defendant, I would want my attorney to go through her stack of papers and find all the right ones and give her detailed input to the judge regardless of whether it upsets bloggers or not.

  3. Trials can be horrifying.. but the fact that for lives were lost.. seven hurt.. and the whole world devastated.. actions and consequences go by the hand.. the guilty and the innocent.. let this verdict come forth.😢

  4. when I started watching this trail, I thought that the defense atty was state appointed and just passed her bar. To find out she was hired and paid for AND been doing this for 20 years just floored me.

  5. I’m actually feeling sorry for JC in light of her attorney’s inability to behave professionally. I want the guilty to have a fair trial free of borderline misconduct.

  6. The defense attorney is absolutely the worst defense attorney I have ever seen…that woman is so guilty…no doubt! I just hope the jury sees that she knew what her son did and did nothing to stop it!!!

  7. Let’s see one of you go to trial all by yourself & defend someone. Yall are so quick to talk down on this defense attorney when she actually did a good job. She was straight to the point & talked with common sense.
    No ones talking about the female prosecutor when she rolled her eyes & laughed and covered her face at the beginning of the trial acting like a child. Or the male prosecutor who has to talk above someone & stomp his feet when he doesn’t think he’s being heard.
    All prosecutors have is pulling on heartstrings in this case

  8. I think jennifer crumbly should get 20 yrs in prisin with manditory counceling & parenting classes

  9. Sometimes lawyers will do a bad job on purpose cuz they actually end up feeling more bad for victoms side if they find that their client is trully at fault-my moms lawyer did that cuz her lawyer told me that she knows her boyfriend has WDI for drinking/driving history & has to blow 8nto a plastic tube to start his car (but he knows how to start it in alternative way he takes a screw driver touches engine atsame time as transmission which is risky cuz can catch fire) but anyways neither of his biological kids want to live with him and hurler heard my sister is in my testimony and decided to do a crappy job on purpose and my mom lost custody of us but my dad is abusive too but not as often as my mom's boyfriend at the time and he never my dad never hits my sister's cuz they always behave but my dad hates me when I whine about having trouble with my grades and that I need him to hire me a tutor and maybe get me into some different classes where I can have one-on-one help from the teacher and he refused to do that so I was scared I would never survive if I can't graduate and I acted out and but my mom's boyfriend would hit my sister's for no reason cuz he didn't want them there he didn't want us there because he wanted my mom's money to spend on alcohol and if we're there then she's going to spend the money on us instead so it's a horrible situation my mom's still with an abusive guy different guy I'm not like her though I refuse to stay with an abusive person I've been working on doing chakra yoga healing so I can attract good people into my life cuz once you've had trauma it embeds in your aura and toxic people can sense it but you can cleanse your aura and heal it

  10. Why you didn’t switch to the courtroom for this, rather than focus song on the reporter who was obviously struggling with the audio !

  11. Shocked at the outcome today. I really hope they find her guilty. That pathetic defense can not win.

  12. Dont put this poor woman in jail .her only crime is to have a monster as a kid he is heal sick whatever he is a murderer but she has nothing to do with the murders com’on

  13. The defense attorney is unprepared, unprofessional, and emotionally dysregulated. I'm sick of hearing her voice.

  14. Defense atty is always showing confusion. Maybe it’s a strategy so the jury gets confused too??

  15. One thing these terrible parents could have done was simply clean out their son’s room instead of allowing him to use a different room. Had they done so, they may have found bird head in jar, whiskey bottle, written indications of his state of mind. Not having done so, is not criminal. But that’s just one thing they failed to do and it’s the least of it.

  16. Defensive SS is so THICK. There were two separate questions from the Jury and SS couldn't understand either of them.

    How can she defend her clients when she is obviously struggling at this level to under the basic…she just couldn't grasp it at all, it was embarrassing.

  17. I hope this defense attorney is a public defender. If she had to pay for this person, she needs a refund.

  18. They brought Jennifer Crumbley all the way out of her cell so that she could personally witness her attorney being as confused as she usually is.

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