
Jennifer Crumbley Recalls Oxford High School Shooting


Jennifer Crumbley Recalls Oxford High School Shooting

#Jennifer #Crumbley #Recalls #Oxford #High #School #Shooting

Defendant Jennifer Crumbley takes the stand in the School Shooter Mom Trial and discusses what happened on the day of the Oxford High School shooting that killed 4 students. Crumbley gives her version of the school meeting about her son and says a counselor didn’t feel the shooter was a risk that day.

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34 thoughts on “Jennifer Crumbley Recalls Oxford High School Shooting”

  1. I cannot believe this entire trial! Why is this judge so non-responsive & out of it? She mumbles, does not speak loud & clear. We can barely hear her. She seems very meek & unconfident. Why is she allowing a closing argument, where the lawyer is speaking about her own life, more than J. Crumbly?? It's out of control. I've never seen a closing argument like this, bringing up inappropriate subjects to soften the blow of this horrific crime! 4 innocent young students were killed & 7 others injured! Why is no one focused on that?! This is a disgrace. J. Crumbly did not apologize ONCE for her son's violent Actions! She shows no remorse to these families…& She is so detached from her son,it's like she has no feelings for him at all. It's sad. Horrible. I feel they should have posted the " deleted text" that J. Crumbly sent to her boyfriend, that she remembered she left the gun in the car & she had a feeling he was going to do harm…in a big sign & left it up on a giant board for the jury to see! And left it up for the entire closing arguments. To let it sink in that she was well aware that her son was NOT stable! Come on. No one even barely mentioned that!! The lawyers & judge in this trial are very disappointing. I cannot even believe this is our modern day court system. Why is everyone forgetting about the 11 students, & their poor, devastated families?! I'm just at a loss for words at the way this case is being handled. J. Crumbly did not lock up the gun or the bullets!!! She hid the bullets in her jeans drawer, & the key in a beer stein? Really? These are mature adults and parents. It is their responsibility to keep their children safe. A weapon should not get into a 15 year olds hands! This is parental negligence. Irresponsible. Just my opinion. Just Had to vent!

  2. At first I felt sorry for her but then I realized how arrogant she is and thinks she’s smarter than the prosecution so I hope she goes to prison!

  3. The way she looks directly at Jury reminds me of another narcissist who lied on the stand… Amber Heard.

  4. If she took as much time and care of her son as she did her horses there never would have been a shooting that poor kid was neglected from the time of birth heart weenching

  5. 0000 is all I need to know, if you truly wanted to be and practiced safe gun ownership the safe combination would NOT have been 0000

  6. He needed help and when in elementary school teacher knew it ! I’m going thru it with my granddaughter the father refuses to see her behavior problems because of her learning problems which was found as young as kindergarten and when she was in 3rd grade he pulled her off the IEP and out of the everything she needed and ever sense she has barely passed basically they pass her just to pass when I fact doesn’t know the work ! She is now in 9 grade . Know for getting in trouble ! Why because rather be the cut up don’t do the work . Or miss assignments . Dad won’t listen . The mom is out of picture so to drugs ! I have tried repeatedly as the grandmother but no one listens . I’m just the medaling grandmother who use to have custody of the her ! Who DSS gave him back custody , he played the game of the system . So this woman is full of crap deserves prison ! 1000%

  7. Yea she had plenty of time to practice she was a gun user , definitely not a plain Jane dressed down ! We already know about her text to Ethan hiding stuff before shooting .. etc etc . Hence why her and hubby separate trial !

  8. I went in to this thinking she was guilty but her story is believable. Also, if Ethan does have a diagnosis of schizophrenia or psychosis, prosecution would have brought in a dr to say so. All his evaluations came back as not mentally ill, not just legally able to stand trial, but not mentally ill. He said himself he wasn't experiencing voices or hallucinations at the time of the shooting.

  9. What kind of defense is this? She took her son to the doctor because he had a mole and that means she is a good mother?!her defense attorney is terrible and it will end with long years in prison for Jen. every answer is so artificially learned that it hurts to listen and look at it.Only Amber H. was probably worse than her at testifying 😉

  10. The shooter was tried and convicted as an adult. He planned the crime, anticipated it, and lied to everyone around him to carry it out, including his parents and school officials. There's nothing more to say. Not guilty.

  11. Ephesians 6:12

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places .”
    King James Version (KJV)

  12. Did I hear that right.. his cats name was Dexter? Guessing named after the HBO series Dexter. Dexter the serial killer who also started with small animals. So many warnings Ethen have his parents.

  13. Innocent the legal system can't afford what will come after finding her guilty like an overload of cases . He was old enough to know.

  14. This lady was too concerned with her affair to be a good mom. Or even an attentive mom. The room situation shows that. She isn’t fooling me.

  15. 19:18 guaranteed they had that app installed because she was a serial cheater and he wanted to know where she was at all times. 🤣🤣

  16. It’s always easy to judge if you’re not in the same shoes we all are not perfect. Mom and dads!! They might be warning signs in our own families we ignore

  17. I know that she’s not the one who pulled the trigger but she sure did play a big role in it. I think the parents of school shooters should be held accountable in some way for now on! Pay attention to your kids and their signs!

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