
James Sexton: Divorce Lawyer on Marriage, Relationships, Sex, Lies & Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #396


#James #Sexton #Divorce #Lawyer #Marriage #Relationships #Sex #Lies #Love #Lex #Fridman #Podcast

James Sexton is a divorce attorney and author. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
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How to Stay in Love (book):
If You’re in My Office, It’s Already Too Late (audiobook):

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Full episodes playlist:
Clips playlist:

0:00 – Introduction
2:34 – Why marriages fail
24:05 – Sex and fetishes
33:22 – Breakups
59:09 – Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
1:19:09 – Complicated divorce cases
1:25:55 – Cheating with the nanny
1:28:12 – Relationship advice
1:36:54 – Cost of divorce
1:58:45 – Prenups
2:13:06 – Cheating
2:20:50 – Open marriages and threesomes
2:33:38 – Sex and fighting
2:58:33 – Kevin Costner’s divorce
3:08:17 – Lying
3:15:45 – Productivity
3:23:39 – Jiu Jitsu
3:32:11 – Sex, love, and marriage

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20 thoughts on “James Sexton: Divorce Lawyer on Marriage, Relationships, Sex, Lies & Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #396”

  1. Here are the timestamps. Please check out our sponsors to support this podcast.
    0:00 – Introduction & sponsor mentions:
    – Eight Sleep: to get special savings
    – InsideTracker: to get 20% off
    – House of Macadamias: and use code LEX to get 20% off first order
    – MasterClass: to get 15% off
    – AG1: to get 1 month supply of fish oil
    2:34 – Why marriages fail
    24:05 – Sex and fetishes
    33:22 – Breakups
    59:09 – Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
    1:19:09 – Complicated divorce cases
    1:25:55 – Cheating with the nanny
    1:28:12 – Relationship advice
    1:36:54 – Cost of divorce
    1:58:45 – Prenups
    2:13:06 – Cheating
    2:20:50 – Open marriages and threesomes
    2:33:38 – Sex and fighting
    2:58:33 – Kevin Costner's divorce
    3:08:17 – Lying
    3:15:45 – Productivity
    3:23:39 – Jiu Jitsu
    3:32:11 – Sex, love, and marriage

  2. I took exception when he got to the Depp trial. I don’t know how he can be so flippant when we all saw that Heard literally tried to ruin Depp’s life. Otherwise, I would have enjoyed the entire podcast.

  3. Lex this is the first time i got a bit of a glance of u, i could not read u, yes i admired your intellect since i happened to watch a few of ur podcasts subscribed but u present yourself please i dont say it offensively my first language is spanish sometimes its hard for me to to translate plus even born in texas i grew up mostly north of mexico we like is like if u were watching some spanish or italian series we are loud we wave our hands we are sarcastic and joke around with double meanings specially my family🤭 sometimes people think we are fighting and we are joking i grew up even as born int the us ok because i grew up in mexican politics and also mexico city and north of spain even worst we are blunt without meaning to offend ok solemn no expression extremely self controled , intelligent analyze intrests different topics but i thought is it shyness too self controled no feelings, this interview i loved even hurtful in certain aspects for me but thats life i saw a lot of a caring human able to laugh but a bood human being…i can be tough and serious but hey my culture and witts we sometimes have to laugh enjoy and even be able laugh at ourselves

  4. Well i had a good marriage, love fall in love i still love my ex friendly divorced for 24 yrs we are still great friends, love what romantic movies say i ve never felt i guard my heart i cant trust i am trying to stop my exes knock at my door and never went down the aile again nor will

  5. Its like Joaquin sabina sarcastic but real without trying to be as we his admirers call him the master

  6. Love this episode as hurtful as it is, James Sexton my beloved late lawyer Robert Yzaguirre thought me all i know he was well, yes he made money but we became friends and ended up becoming a member of our family he warned me about lawyers but not all lawyers are heartless not sying he wasnt a smart fox dont get me wrong but listening to two intelligent analyzing people with a heart Mr Saxon u touched many of my life story that since 5 yrs old which i think you both can read within the lines turned me into a tough ffing b e atch and fight to the end to protect myself when my heart is broken and ended up without my well 4 yrs non e istent family which i gave all for them and as Lex said their rose colored glasses knowing my temper our tempers if attacked iwill strike hard direct to the point and the truth what can i say family dynamics…..because i cant wont kneal to anyone but my mom and they know i am dying but i am the witch but i am terminal they have me blocked because they im 56, their in their mid 60s with their 28 yr old wifes and i tell them as it is so i am the witch blocked why? Because they know its true and like the last battle of the titans u can live in your disney world fantasy your money ur choice unfortunatelly life is not a fantasy and i cant afford to live in a fantasy so and etc…but well as i told them i can not force u to love ur little sister what can i say

  7. Women are good at lying about there true feeling bc they are brainwashed from day one they arnt allowed to care. Why you get fake women is bc they are trained from day one of being able to understand that is literally there job. If women honestly spoke out there true feelings I think this video would not be what it is.

  8. Sex is gross. Like why the hell do men put so much effective on something so gross. Expecially blow jobs like that's where you piss from no one want to do that but they want to be loved so women do it for attention. Sex is gross and risky for women. We secretly don't want it after a while it makes you feel gross. Men need to grow up and connect the dots how gross it is.

  9. Divorce lawyers usually will protect the other side more than defend you or the child.

  10. I wouldnt change it, i went to adopt toxic roxy the two yr old, at the shelter when my princess was sick, my 13 yr old was there i couldnt leave him there they seldom adopt seniors so his here i fear he gets sick but he is my bububooo 🥰🥰❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾

  11. You are right in the first battle of the titans my ex family whatsapp chat my brother tried to patronize me so i went off, as u see i write a lot to get to a point but in court they probably wont understand the dynamics of my family, so then in person one of my brothers went at it he started screaming hitting the table hanging from my jew chandelier and showed me my response to the condecendent attack from my other brother i told him hey stop it my table is glass u are going to brake it court wont see that then he showed me my answer and said is i show this to a psychiatrist they ll say u are crazy i said do remember brother i talk a lot to get to a point because poor me i am bipolar and im always on the mania, and oh yes i repeat things because ohh poor me brother i suffer from hepatic encephalopaty and i forgot i said it BUT INCOHERENT I AM NOT DUDE!!! Because all that text everything its true and i have proof and witnesses!!! So lets go, uhhhh no i didnt say i will take it to the psychiatrist, so sometimes….texts yes its written but did anyone see him hitting my table screaming like a neanderthal, because thw pther one that started it erased his attack, so?

  12. When my ex sister in law my friend from kindergarden caught my brother coming out of the hotel room well they separated and then went back and i told her, are u sure u can REALLY FORGIVE HIM? Because if not, its not going to work, i was right we were having lunch the 3 of us we were talking about horses and then she spit at him that and the s** hit the fan it went like that for a couple more years needless to say they are divorced and she still loves him

  13. Lol ask some of my exes 🤭 but on another note i never show my vulnerabilities because sooner than later they will be used against me

  14. Funny u mentioned the dogs, my two babies each 8 lbs me in a queen bed i cant move i am in a corner one on my back the other one curled between my legs and my behind i am cramping 🐾🐾🐾❤️❤️ my rescues, my merlin was with me 17 yrs still miss him my princess passed on xmas at 12 still crying for her my jr is 13 and toxic roxy is 2 i am alfa with my eldest brothers or any person, my dogs own me 😵‍💫 ohh gosh now u mention foot fetish u reminded me of an annoying guy at a bar that wanted me to show him my feet i am prettyblunt i said nooo leave alone and he started insulting me oh gosh

  15. Exactly Lex, my exhusband was the only one that heard me in awe accepted me as i am and believed in me admired me and treated me as a queen and me the same the only one i could have an intresting intelligent conversation we have been divorced 24 yrs and we are still best friends and we never have disrespected each other

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