
Jakpa & Lawyers run away from…Attorney General gives this evidence in Court


#Jakpa #Lawyers #run #from…Attorney #General #evidence #Court

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lawyers near me , Jakpa & Lawyers run away from…Attorney General gives this evidence in Court


13 thoughts on “Jakpa & Lawyers run away from…Attorney General gives this evidence in Court”

  1. Recording will not cancel this Ambulance issue,no way. Even it cannot reduce the sentence given by the court. Tape or no take Ambulance money is shared just mention names or you go in alone with disgrace.

  2. This Jakpa man is very very mischievous and very bad. He is a 419man and a swindler

  3. Ghana’s money is not for politicians to squander,besides even the president is not above the law.May the God of heaven and the gods of our motherland back this case until justice is served.Wickedness look at how many people who are denied dialysis because of money.hmmmm.very sad.

  4. Great display of legal acumen by the trail judge Afia serwaaa botwe and the learned attorney general Odame

    NDC should do another press conference and let us see
    Nkwasiafoc kwa

  5. Thank you nsem pii tv for keeping us updated regarding this particular ambulance saga . Please when is the next hearing date ? The chief Justice should do something about the live telecast application

  6. So it was all a false plot to secure public sympathy and escape the due judgement due Ato Forson and Jakpa? They didn’t have the courage to present their audio recordings because it was doctored after all

  7. Well done by the attorney general for not responding to that joke of an audio . If sammy gyamfi and the ndc lawyers have any locus they should present it in court . Village lawyers

  8. This judge serwaa botwe is a very wise woman to shut up all the ndc allegations by using that principle of law .. now what is before the court will determine the finality of the case

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