
J K Rowling PROTESTS Scottish hate crime law – ‘This will have CHILLING effects on free speech!’


J K Rowling PROTESTS Scottish hate crime law – ‘This will have CHILLING effects on free speech!’

#Rowling #PROTESTS #Scottish #hate #crime #law #CHILLING #effects #free #speech

‘There are police officers who are probably gearing up to arrest her!’

Deputy Editor of Spiked Fraser Myers on J K Rowling’s protestation against the Scottish Hate Crime Bill.

#jkrowling #trans #hatespeech #scotland #humzayousaf #uknews #gbnews

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criminal lawyer , J K Rowling PROTESTS Scottish hate crime law – ‘This will have CHILLING effects on free speech!’, GB news,Trans,identity,transgender,LGBT,identify,pronouns,woke,transition,sport,bathrooms,j k rowling,Protests,Police,met police,war memorials,face masks,misconduct,disorderly,arrest,SNP,Humza Yousaf,Scotland,Scottish National Party,First minister,government,parliament,Holyrood

28 thoughts on “J K Rowling PROTESTS Scottish hate crime law – ‘This will have CHILLING effects on free speech!’”

  1. The trans issue was the sword on which Nicola Sturgeon fell. It would seem that Humza is set on the same path. He is determined to put the final nail in the SNP coffin…
    Scotland does not want this…..

  2. I used to think for a long time that Sadiq Kahn is the UK’s absolute worst high-profile politician but Humza Yousaf is running him close now, possibly in the lead of that particular race.

    This is such a shame not only for the Scots and anyone living in Scotland but also, for anyone outside of but close to Scotland; that’s a whole swathe of beautiful landscape, architecture and culture I have absolutely no intention of visiting any time soon – purely because the politics are so abhorrent.

    I try to not get invested in politics at all because it is all so poisonous to a content state of mind but this feels like a watershed moment for Scotland and the UK. I only hope the Scots vote the SNP out at the earliest possible time.

  3. Disgusting! I fully support JK Rowling! Bet this bogus hate crime bill is a double standard, allowing misogynistic transgenders and the women-enslaving Islam sect to spew their vile free as they please!

  4. This law only benifits a certain demographic of people. The rest of us will be held accountable for daring to open our mouths about them.

  5. Has Police Scotland found the "missing" SNP £600,000 yet ? It's almost as though they aren't meant to.

  6. J K is the only common sense in all of this bless her. a lady with the guts to tell the truth.👏👏👏

  7. "Feelings aren't facts." 12 Step recovery has been teaching this for decades. Now Scotland is making hurting feelings a criminal offense… It's ridiculous!!

  8. I can certainly see her being made an example of in Scotland for some reason, whcih is absurd, there are so few trans in society. Free speech doesn't seem to be so free anymore

  9. Is anyone else getting sick of JK Rowling pushing her woke feminist agenda down our throats? Can we not cancel her and bring back common sense?

  10. How did Scotland end up electing a Muslim that not only hates whites (and has never hidden it) but is also utilizing your basic strict Islamic Law handbook to run the country?
    This shit is expected in Iran or Syria, but Scotland?
    I can't even fathom what this is going to do to tourism.

  11. You have to accept Islamists and Pädophile Elites, that's the Mindset of this Law and Agenda!!!

  12. Its NOT just scotland…bcz of our j system anyone in england can equally be arrested.

  13. Wouldn’t it be awesome if JK was found to be a direct descendant of William Wallace? In spirit, I’d say she is.

  14. I hate Hamza Useless. Arrest me. This has Spartacus all over it. Me. No me. It's me. Arrest us all you Useless Prat.

  15. J k Rowling is standing up for the majority of decent people in scotland who are sick of this Muslim lead jumped up bunch of inept msp s

  16. Hello from Scotland, the good news is that it’s not illegal to say anything in other than the stuff that’s actually written in the law. Not something some unelected muslim said is illegal

  17. What they are saying is that if you say a so called “trans woman” is in fact a man…even when he is one…that is a hate crime. The worrying part is deeper than the silly part. Trans women” are men…100% of them are men. And in every individual case you could easily reference birth certificates, medical records, school records and ANY dna test you care to employ. It is not in fact an “opinion” but a fact. Set against that the individual man who “feels” he is a woman…a factless opinion has had cosmetic plastic surgery and sometimes deep surgery and takes Endless drugs and calls himself “Loretta”. Is still a man. Trying to pass as a woman. The fs t that he needs the drugs and the surgery PROVES he is not a woman. The law requires the denial in the public space of scientific facts. How is that for us, the people of Darwin, Francis Bacon and the rest.

  18. Don't be ridicules, they cant arrest her she lives in England and tweets from England Scottish laws don't apply and not in the jurisdiction of the Scottish police. GBN are just bigging this story up. It must be a slow news week.

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