
It’s Time To Leave Laura Owens Alone


#Time #Leave #Laura #Owens

On today’s live we will discuss Laura Owen’s latest rants, why I’m starting to feel sorry for her, and where do we go from here. This will be my last post on Owens, unless there’s a good reason to talk about this case.

She called out small-time lawyers moonlighting as law-tubers…I had some thoughts about it, but I’m not going to kick this lady while she’s down. This is an internal, universal struggle between pride, and humilty. Owen’s has demons, as do we all, and she needs to decide what she’s going to do. I’ll offer my advice, on how exactly I would advise her going forward, if she were to pay me double what my youtube channel is making, LOL. I’ll answer the question of whether or not I’d represent Laura, for any amount of money, and under what conditions…

We’re gonna have a little chat. Maybe I’ll do a little role play with dominick….We’ll see how it goes. You’re not going to want to miss this.

In the mean time, Dominick has been working extremely hard on the Patreon, Discord, and Online Merch store for the Tilted Lawyer. He’s coming on to talk about where we’re going with all of it.

We may have guests! Will keep you posted.
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32 thoughts on “It’s Time To Leave Laura Owens Alone”

  1. Feel sorry for her???? How about feeling sorry for the numerous men she's done this to, and continues to do so! She's done this all to herself and continues to drag these men through the courts knowing most people don't have the means of money she has.

  2. @Timestamp (29:06)
    Omar ~ The Tilted Lawyer says to LO: "Your chance of winning this case on appeal are slim to non. I mean 99% chance this is going to get upheld".

    **LO thinking: So there IS a chance then. Nice!

    She just processes reality differently than everyone else. Lol

  3. I guess I don’t understand what this Robin girl is talking about.

    Sorry, but I don’t think I care either😊

  4. She said she’d only do the prenatal paternity test with the stipulation that they date and Clayton would not agree to that so that’s why she tries to pretend that she had to cancel the test because he wouldn’t agree to her stipulation. Then once LO told the media her story, Clayton said hey I’ve been trying to get this paternity test done and posted it and said she just has to do it now, which force her hand as the public was already starting to figure out she was lying.

  5. It does sound like they initially placed her with great expectations and when she could not keep up they assumed issues (or she had them) – but rather than increasing efforts, we see that they threw her out essentially and placed her in inappropriate areas. The squeaky wheel does not always get grease – sometimes they get put off the car.

  6. Look at Dave, rocking the dad role: dad hat, dad shirt, bbq… I'm waiting for the dad jokes.

  7. No, the prevailing thought 💭 is that if you lie long and hard enough people will eventually believe what you say – also she counts on people who have NOT been filled in on the story so that she can abuse these men and gain public support/outcry in her favor. Finally, it provides her the opportunities to abuse these guys further – THAT should NOT be allowed unchallenged by truths and facts.

  8. Say it Lauren – ONLY women can be harassed and the prevailing attitude is that any complaint WOMEN make regarding female issues is to be believed – and NOBODY can speak against them.

  9. I'll leave her alone – I'm here to support MM, GG, and CE – if they persue her through channels, then I would follow the cases that are bought (not specifically her) … and if the people who cover the story, which by association includes her, amd they happen to be commemting on her "literature" and her representations "literature" that is made available on line, then thats just how it is 🤷‍♀️ … not going out of my way ❤

  10. Laura’s filing of the case was without Merit because she didn’t have absolute proof of pregnancy. She had only positive home tests (not reliable) and tests that same day her levels of HGC were not sufficient to show pregnancy. That simple. Not proof of any harassment except on her part.

  11. Tilted Lawyer is not getting it – Laura used photos to speak to one of the victims about – “here I am in the hospital regarding the abortion” – she LATER used one of the SAME images from the string to claim her ABUSE (not abortion and different guy) – OBVIOUSLY she was lying as she met Mike she was accusing of abuse at a different time than when she sent the photos to the other guy – same photo string – she is lying. The pictures match the string when laid on top of each other (hair placed the same etc. as would occur in a string of quickly snapped photos with only small changes for movement) the lot number on her hospital gown is the same further solidifying same hospital, same time, same photos – but sent/used for differently reasons – with different 53:27 claims for why she was in the hospital – She lied! AGAIN!

  12. 2 all those that showed love and support I wanted 2 personally thank u. I took a mental time out last night as heavy trauma is indeed a beast 2 live w. so 2day I wanted 2 b clear and say I wanna continue 2 talk and thank all the kindhearted sports who left such sweet msgs. thank all and Omar 4 letting me reclaim my voice; even IF its taken me almost 2 decades. I refuse 2 hide in silence any longer <3 I have wanted 2 sue the public schools and corrupt facilities as long as Ive lived, but unlike laura I dont got endless funds

  13. People always say they don't understand how parents don't protect their kids. I had four siblings and my mother would line us up outside her Bible school class and two deacons of the Church would come and take one of us and take us upstairs and molest us. This happened from at least age 3 until I was 12. Our family was dysfunctional and our parents hated our guts. We went dress well for church and pretend like our family was so loving and caring. The second we got back to the car she would yell and scream and humiliate us. She would hug and kiss the Bible studies kids yet she never hugged or kissed one of us.

    My brother told her he was molested when he was in his twenties when he was in prison. My sister told when she was in her thirties and I told when I was 45.

    Can you guess what my mother said? She called me a liar when I was the last to tell when she had known for a decades my siblings were molested. She said we were all lying and that no other kids at the church had ever stated they were molested. One of the molesters was a principal at a elementary school. I still see his wife once in a while and I just want to let her have it. She would watch her husband take us upstairs to molest us.

    Children are taught to keep their mouth shut and we all knew better than to tell her that is why it went on for so long. It only stopped because I quit going into the church. I would just sit in the car during church. My mother never once asked why I refused to go to church. Instead I was called the black sheep and the troublemaker.

    I look back now and I know I never told her because I knew she would never believe me and I would be told it was my fault. Just imagine the three to 12 year old telling their parent they were being molested and being told it was their fault. My brother is a drug addict in psychotic and I know it's because of our childhood. My sister was schizophrenic at 16. We all have mental health issues.

    People need to stop saying they can't understand why parents are this way. Again, my parents absolutely hated our guts and told us every single day what a burden we were to them. Understand not every person should be a parent and they despise their children when they keep popping out kids. My parents had a child out of wedlock and gave it up for adoption. My dad had another child before that. And then they continue to have four more children that they hated.

  14. The message was not necessarily only for you there is MG Law and a couple of others I think. People do not want to leave Laura alone as she is defaming and continuing to victimize others.

    They actually did mention this in the trial. Clayton did not want to continue in the sale because she was using it to keep contact – as any woman being persued would not be faulted for avoiding the stalker even in a business situation. He lost money in substantial commissions and tried to encourage her to utilize another agent – she refused and he did what he had to do to try and go “no contact” as all victims are encouraged to do. Even his business understood and let it slide. CLEARLY Laura is trying to deflect.

  15. I don’t know how DG can claim that her perjury was “immaterial” to the case – the PP stuff and Dr. Higley has everything to do with the case!!

  16. @megscrimewatch my inner child/teen self b screaming out THANK u 4 ur support& love during the live chat . id luv 2 come on ur show. can we find a time 2 chat this weekend?

  17. I agree with Omar that it may be time to ignore what she is posting (even though they are infuriating for multiple reasons) and to focus more on supporting those she has targeted/is targeting (both in the past and now). The more people talk about her and attempt to refute her the more she will post to try and reach others to get a base of support and believers who are anti "the cult" and "the judge", I fully expect she will keep posting because she wants "her" story out there on her terms. Getting the stories of those being targeted out there with facts supporting their stories will help them.

  18. Wow, you’re right – that writing style is completely Gingras! Especially something like “to wrap up this real estate saga” or whatever she wrote. He does that when he’s rambled off-topic, which he does a lot.

  19. Those articles are pure fantasy. She’s just trying to make her victimization linger a bit longer

    She was 1:18:19 trying to tie the paternity test to the dating contract. He wouldn’t agree to that so she cancelled the paternity test and he rescheduled it

  20. Robin, i am so sorry you went through all these horrible evil actions and your parents didn't fight for you. My oldest 17 has an 504 for ADHD and my youngest 11 has an IEP for autism. We're in a "good school district" and myself and other parents have to fight hard for their kids. You deserve so much love. You are worthy. You are incredibly better than everyone that have failed you.

  21. It's weird that she goes so hard after sweet Mike M. I can only assume that he is the one that got away being the longest relationship. They bail more and more quickly.

  22. Doesnt matter whether she was pregnant or not. She admitted to perjury and uttering a forged documenton the stand.

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