
It’s easy for criminals to get guns legally


It’s easy for criminals to get guns legally

#easy #criminals #guns #legally

criminal law , It’s easy for criminals to get guns legally, Ffl,Gun shop,Criminals,Law

35 thoughts on “It’s easy for criminals to get guns legally”

  1. If not guns then knives and bats if not them cars . It’s not the tool it’s the mindset . It’s not that hard to understand

  2. They "banned" guns in london and the redrum (obviously backwards) rate went up due to sta88ing. It seems when you take away law abiding citizens rights to defend themselves criminals still find a way. Imagine that!

  3. Why are we explaining anything to ppl this stupid? Feel the need to explain urself to an infant much??😂

  4. If everyone just focuses on the big bad guns then we don’t have to think about why so many people turn to using them! Yay gun regulation!!

  5. I dont own any guns , never thought i needed to as i live a very under the radar simple life. But the passed 5 or 6 years has brought me to educate myself a bit on them. I plan to get a few when my the DmV stops screwing with me getting my license transfered 😅

  6. If you want criminals to be the only ones with guns because they can get it anywhere around the corner, instead don't talk about thinks that you are Ignorant about

  7. It’s so easy to get a hot gun man just grow up in a impoverished neighborhood and you’ve probably been offered one

  8. Because criminals will always get the gun it’s not hard to do so i can literally walk out my door go down 5 streets find a guy who sells guns from his trunk and buy them from him I can legally own guns so I have zero reason to do that one because I don’t know if it’s a clean gun yeah I can think like a criminal yeah I can do all the things they do but why would I? Answer cuz I’d rather own my guns legally than have them taken away and never be able to own guns

  9. Laws don't affect criminals. They are, by definition, people who don't follow laws! Do people really think criminals who are robbing or murdering people really care if the method/tool they are using is illegal, even if it's only illegal for them and not for everyone?!

  10. Sir I hope you check your comments I like listening to your videos I'm watching them but today you are dead wrong no where in the constitution does it say the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed unless they are not a law-abiding citizen unless they are a criminal no where does it say that the founding fathers knew that criminals existed and yet they still made a constitutional right called the Second Amendment guaranteeing the right of the people to keep and bear arms nowhere in that second amendment paragraph does it say excluding criminals excluding mentally ill excluding anyone deemed to be untrustworthy know where does it say that and there's a reason why it doesn't say that none of that is written in there because they knew that a despot a tyrant a king or an out-of-control president would just tell the Judiciary to document anyone and everyone that he doesn't like to be untrustworthy to have a gun or let's just go around convicting people of minor crimes or even serious crimes whether they're innocent or guilty or not so that we can effectively take away everyone's gun rights that's why it's not written in there up until now your videos have been good but today you are dead wrong nowhere in the constitution does it say the right of people to own guns as long as they're good decent people as long as they're trustworthy as long as they're they're not convicted felons know where does it say that you better look at the law books they've had felony crimes on the books in this country since its founding they knew what a felon was 247 years ago which means they didn't put felon in the Second Amendment for a reason it's because everyone's allowed to have a gun even criminals because guess what you are not a criminal if you're not in jail if you did 30 years in jail and you get out you're no longer a criminal you paid your debt to society you're done if you went to jail for 3 years 2 years 1 year your debt is over you get a clean slate but that's not what our government has done they've intentionally unlawfully and illegally created laws to block people from getting guns because their plan has always been the same we need to disarm these people so that we can control them

  11. Here we go again a none gun owner just knows how things work and knows what’s best for people who own a gun

  12. Fake Religion is the problem.
    Monotheism is a political tool not a spiritual science 🙄. The Deuteronomic Reform.
    Without mental health , you cant have a healthy society nor expect politics will be a solution.

  13. Remember, the government can’t relegate what the government doesn’t have access too, and you can bet your ass that the government has no control over the black market to keep guns out of criminal hands

  14. I wish these people would just go try to purchase a gun so they can see firsthand how not easy it is to get one.

  15. Because not having guns inconveniences those who care about defending against, and not instigating, violence. It inconveniences people who care about minimizing, and not maximizing, collateral damage. In the meantime, be grateful that the worst society has to offer are apparently too unimaginative to realize that pipe bombs are cheap at Home Depot.

  16. S*** our government can't be trusted take the guns away from them
    Argument kills me if someone is a criminal and they go through the system they should be able to get their gun rights by regardless of their charges but this is not true
    So wasn't that the whole point of being incarcerated punishment plus rehabilitation This just proves that the government don't believe in their own system to rehabilitate people

  17. Yeah, so they'll stop using guns and then they'll start using knives and then you'll have to ban knives and then once you ban knives they'll start using forks and then you'll have to band forks.

    Then no one will be able to eat

  18. i think that anyone that has a problem with private gun ownership in America doesn't belong here. does not deserve to enjoy the benefits that citizens and their guns brought to them, and need to move to another country.

    our second amendment exists for free citizens to be able to protect themselves from a tyrannical government, whom our founders had just dealt with themselves shortly before writing those amendments in our constitution.

  19. As a teen i think guns have actually saved me. There was a shooter when i was in elementary and i was saved by a cop with a gun. The shooter did not get the gun legally.

  20. Because, Shall not be infringed, is in our Constitution.

    Laws don't apply to those who don't follow them.

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