
“It Will Waste Time!” Online Misgendering ‘Could Be Investigated’ In Scotland Under Hate Crime Law


“It Will Waste Time!” Online Misgendering ‘Could Be Investigated’ In Scotland Under Hate Crime Law

#Waste #Time #Online #Misgendering #Investigated #Scotland #Hate #Crime #Law

Scotland’s minister for victims and community safety has said people “could be investigated” for misgendering someone online under a new hate crime law which came into effect on Monday.

MSPs passed the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act in 2021, consolidating existing hate crime legislation and creating a new offence of stirring up hatred against protected characteristics, although sex has been omitted in favour of a standalone Bill designed to tackle misogyny.

Asked whether misgendering someone on the internet was a crime under the new law, Scotland’s minister for victims and community safety Siobhian Brown told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: “It would be a police matter for them to assess what happens.

“It could be reported and it could be investigated – whether or not the police would think it was criminal is up to Police Scotland.”

TalkTV’s Rosie Wright discusses the story with political correspondent in Scotland at The Sunday Times John Boothman.

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#scotland #scottish #freespeech
criminal law , “It Will Waste Time!” Online Misgendering ‘Could Be Investigated’ In Scotland Under Hate Crime Law, debate,free speech,freedom of expression,live,live news,news,politics,talk radio,talk radio live,talk radio tv,talk tv,talk tv live,talkTV,talkradio,talkradio tv,talkradiotv,talktv live,uk,trans,transgender,trans identity,gender,gender identity,jk rowling,scotland,scottish,hate crime,hate crime law,snp,crime,police,police scotland,uk police,hate crimes,misgender,misgendering,controversial

35 thoughts on ““It Will Waste Time!” Online Misgendering ‘Could Be Investigated’ In Scotland Under Hate Crime Law”

  1. Freedom of speech why do i need it, I've nothing to say and even if I did nobody would listen.

  2. The Equality act 2010 protects you if you misgender someone, so the Hate Crime bill is as useless as Humza.

  3. No need to cow tow to these tyrants!!!!! Voting them in, BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!! So lets VOTE them OUT!!!!!!! SIMPLES!!!!!!

  4. Somebody forgets something and says 'I had a senior moment'. Elderly person overhears, takes offence and reports person to police!

  5. So if the Palestine protesters protest in Scotland they all will be arrested thats the law !

  6. And the people who defend this are the ones who don't know that they could be arrested for the exact same thing if they change their mind

  7. COME ON SCOTS. REBEL REBEL : 🎶 O flower of Scotland When will we see
    Your like again, That fought and died for, Your wee bit hill and glen,
    And stood against him, Humas Yusaf, And sent him homeward, Tae think again. 🎶
    Gather in crowds, stand around, all saying exactly what you think. Go on line at midday and write what YOU think. SPEAK FREE. BE FREE. IT´S YOUR COUNTRY. Your country does not belong to one man. IT´s YOURS.

  8. Irresponsible politicians (legislators) in Scotland are destroying a previously well-functioning society. That can only teach voters one thing. It actually matters who you vote for.

  9. What's next…making people wear a patch on their clothing that says man, woman, or trans for example.

  10. scottish authorities are playing a very dangerous game!! and people better stand on their little feeties and arm their handies or the government is going to OVERSTEP even FURTHER!!!

  11. Here's the idea: the government WANTS to create the problem of the police being overwhelmed by complaints so that they can then propose a 'more manageable' digital solution to control us – one that the government conveniently 'prepared earlier'.

  12. Is hating the SNP part of it too? It didn't help brushing all white males between 18-30 somethings as criminals. Oh dear Dumza ain't that brite.

  13. Hello…police…there is a burglar in my house I can hear him down stairs… police arrive and arrest you for assuming gender

  14. This isn't true. I live in Scotland and hate this hate bill. But it doesn't make misgendering a crime. They won't be forcing me to call a man a women I can guarantee that

  15. Pernicious law from the Scottish Nasty Party. Wrong in principle because we cannot legislate for beliefs. Wrong and divisive in practice because only particular groups and included and the police should have better things to do. There is nothing guaranteed to stir up hatred than using the criminal law to tell people what to think. Possibly that was the intention.

  16. I hope it does waste police time – put in as many complaints as possible people – even if they're not investigated, somebody will have scrutinise them and it will all take time.

  17. The people outnumber the establishment by a ridiculous amount, the answer seems pretty clear to me, it just requires backbone 🤷🏻‍♂️

  18. This woman's silly Smiley-Breakfast-TV manner is wholly inappropriate for the subject matter. We're talking about tyranny, censorship, and the end of Free Speech – not some cat in Coventry that can play the piano.

  19. I have an inability to fly a plane can I put in a complaint in if I'm refused a job in that case.?

  20. I know it's April Fools Day but come on Humaz you didn't have to make an ass of yourself.

  21. Police will not come out at all if you report your house was burglarised and ransacked, but tell them the thief left behind a horrid note ridiculing your home decor, and 4 cops will rush round.

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