
“It Is Absolutely Crackers!” Scottish Police ‘Can’t Cope’ With New Hate Crime Laws


“It Is Absolutely Crackers!” Scottish Police ‘Can’t Cope’ With New Hate Crime Laws

#Absolutely #Crackers #Scottish #Police #Cope #Hate #Crime #Laws

Hate crime reports in Scotland are on course to outnumber all other offences put together, figures show, as front-line officers warned they “can’t cope” with the surge.

Around 8,000 hate crime reports have been made in the first week of the new Scottish legislation coming into force, which, if replicated through the year, would surpass the entire annual total of 416,000 crimes reported to police, according to an analysis of official data by The Telegraph.

This would mean that hate crime reports would overtake overall crime within 36 weeks, or at least by the autumn, and dwarf the annual 58,000 reported assaults, the most common offence in Scotland, by a factor of 10.

David Threadgold, Chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, which represents front-line officers, told the BBC: “Police Scotland have gone public and said that on every occasion, reports of hate crime will be investigated.

TalkTV’s Mike Graham is joined by nightclub owner Donald Macleod, who says the new laws are ‘mental’ and ‘a disgrace’.

#scotland #hatecrime #freespeech #police

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32 thoughts on ““It Is Absolutely Crackers!” Scottish Police ‘Can’t Cope’ With New Hate Crime Laws”

  1. I understand the insurance companies will stop insuring petrol/diesel vehicles in ten years' time. This will be devastating for the more remote areas of the country… the highlands of Scotland, Wales and wast country will see a dramatic fall in tourism. If you travel across the country you need at least a 600 mile range. Ecars have max 250 range (in good weather). It would take three days to get to Scotland from the south coast, plus the same to get back. A reoccurring week holiday would use 6 days travelling.

  2. This law will provoke hate speech rather than stopping it. People are so incensed their anger will get the better of them. The best way to stop hate speech is to stop taking about it.

  3. Say what you want about the American system, but having freedom of speexh as the first ammendment, followed second by the right to bear arms in order to protect the first is perhaps the most important legal framework devised. Language, borders and culture define a nation. Scotland and England are lost without these defined and protected. It can only be the result of incompetence or malice. I cannot determine which.

  4. I have huge respect for Scotland. Its culture, people and history. One of the country in my bucket list to visit. It is sad that it is the country that is highly afflicted with the woke virus and adopt one of the most preposterous law.

  5. Goddam its a government race to see who causes a violent revolution first.

    Stop voteing in traitors.

  6. If it's that bad up in Scotland with SNP in power, aren't the people able to call for an emergency re-relection? Something tells me that there are a lot of die hard SNP zealots who'll support that party to the death no matter what they do. There has to be something people can do if the SNP is disliked by a majority, though?

  7. Glasgow dead as it is is still miles better than Dundee which has been destroyed by economic vandal councilors here and that’s before they start fining folk £60, £120, £240, £480 with their Dick Turpin LEZ scheme.

  8. Donald has hit the nail on the head, the Glasgow Nightlife scene of which Donald owns a few places have taken a hit, as have loads of pubs and clubs, the daytime foot traffic has been hammered as well, just look at the loads of empty shops on Sauchiehall St, empty buildings, the LEZ was the final nail in the coffin for Glasgow! Sauchiehall St ran fine with traffic, even the taxi rank had their place but now like Donald says they have narrowed one of the busiest streets in glasgow and even with less cars they have still created major congestion, I mean how does that work? Just proves to me that Glasgow being the cleanest city, they are trying to create congestion to justify these ludicrous road works, wider pavements and empty bike lanes!!! Its farcical! HAMAS USELESS OUT! SNP OUT! Reform In

  9. Im one person who refuses to drive into Glasgow now because there is the potential to get a fine every metre. I didnt mind driving in Glasgow before but its crazy now, I just avoid Glasgow

  10. Same thing is happening in America. Western Civilization has to do away with their…… As long as it doesn't affect me attitude. You're either all for something or all against. The middle ground is how they are gaining complete control.

  11. Certain ones in government who are not there to help the your country. They only seek to destroy what your country once was. Its becoming less about taking care of the actual people from the homeland. They care more for illegal immigrants etc, and others who are not from your homeland. What should matter first and foremost are the ones who comes from a long line of ancestors. Who lived on the land you live in for centuries. Its those people who should come first. Its those people who are part of there homeland for centuries! They are being ignore.. Its is changing fast. People still have control BY way of voting! Vote in people, who actually come from a long line of ancestors and truly care about the people of from your country. And we know "those types" who get voted in, where their best interest truly are at. Hello to all Christians,or Atheist, make your votes count!! Vote OUT the trash.

  12. If hamza useless forms the Islamic State of Scotland then as an Englishman I'm all for independence 😂😂😂

  13. RETURN TO GOD!!!! EMBRACE YOUR TRADITIONAL CULTURE!!!! You are destroying your own country with this cultural Marxism.

  14. I am sure this is a deliberate attempt to destroy our cities and country by Anti-British, anti-western muslim leaders in charge. They are making every single aspect of life worse and they are still going. Crazy

  15. As I said before there is nothing Scottish or National about the SNP. And it's exemplified in Useless. He wants these laws to shut down 'Islamophobia' namely valid criticisms of a backward religion.

  16. Who oh who owns 🇬🇧
    What happened to 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧 cultures and values.
    Time we stopped the woke and got back to teaching 🇬🇧 values because the alledgely state of 🇬🇧 speaks volumes.
    Fantasy over reality seems to be the new norm.

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