
Israeli videos of humiliated prisoners in Gaza “could breach international law” | BBC News


Israeli videos of humiliated prisoners in Gaza “could breach international law” | BBC News

#Israeli #videos #humiliated #prisoners #Gaza #breach #international #law #BBC #News

Videos of Palestinian detainees in Gaza, showing them stripped, bound and blindfolded could breach international law, legal experts say. The videos were filmed and uploaded online by Israeli soldiers

International law says detainees must not be exposed to unnecessary humiliation or public curiosity.

BBC Verify looked at hundreds of videos openly shared by Israeli soldiers in Gaza since November 2023. We verified eight showing detainees.

The IDF says it has terminated the service of one of the reservists identified, and videos like these do not represent its values. It did not respond to any further request for comment.

Dr Mark Ellis, a leading UN advisor to international criminal tribunals, said the footage may violate the rules for treating prisoners of war.

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Merlyn Thomas.

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21 thoughts on “Israeli videos of humiliated prisoners in Gaza “could breach international law” | BBC News”

  1. Definitely keep complaining about these damn pictures and don't compare to the Hamas pictures released by Hamas torturing people.

  2. Shame on you bbc, history will judge you for the side you took in this genocide. Why has ut taken you so long to report this, despite it being available since oct 2023. The good people will hold you to account. BBC governors should be purged of the zionist lobby. Each of the governors should be investigated in this regard.

  3. 'could be' ? 'may be' ? 'is it'? – Only BBC and western media are so stupid, neutered, coward hypocrites to use these words in face of what they witness, document and barely air.

  4. Those are the ones that have been calling for "the death of Jews".
    Islam teaches that.
    How is punishment to them wrong?

  5. the Jewish world woke up because of you, the second world war happened because of you, there is a war in the east, because they let you in there!!! Zelenszky is a Jew, he also did the war! FACTS☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

  6. There are no innocent Gazans. A population that sends thousands of murderers is almost entirely involved in one way or another. The school books, teachers and clerics teach them to murder Jews and anyone who is not Muslim. The residents of Gaza elected Hamas in free elections because Hamas promised to kill Jews and all non-Muslims.  Unfortunately, on October 7 Hamas kept his election promise. On that day the residents of Gaza cheered around dead naked bodies in the streets of Gaza and distributed sweets to the kids and celebrated.

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