
Israel presents its case at the ICJ


Israel presents its case at the ICJ

#Israel #presents #case #ICJ

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel.

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46 thoughts on “Israel presents its case at the ICJ”

  1. Skipped most of this borefest lies. No accountability…Just blame shifting. You think we dont see what is happening in West Bank and Gaza. Maybe the world is blind. Thanks to independent media. Everything is there to see.

  2. Thank you South Africa for bringing Israel to court. How can you kill 28000 palestinians and say it is ok

  3. South Africa is right, Israel has long got intentions to commit genocide hence all the evidence in the social media and the protests that are going on all over the world against Israelis.

  4. ' somebody shuffled my papers …."
    Blame Hamas.. it must have been them
    Lucky i woke up at that point in the speech otherwise they would have taken tbe TV remote from me …


  6. Is what a am hearing right, that the one attack on Israel on Oct.7. trumps all the attacks that the Palestinians have indured since 1948.

  7. “If there is a threat to that vision (sic) […] it stems primarily from the fact that they have lived under the control of a genocidal terrorist organisation that has total disregard for their life or well being”

    They sure do live under one mate! — Your employer!

  8. Did the world forget that Nilson Mandela spent almost 30 years to create awarness of appartheid…from terrorist to hero…Hamas terror acts are a result of 75 years of suffering..why does bp one address this??

  9. I dont get it…lets assume all what Israel says it right…but they seem to deny they are killing thousands of civilians and destroying the entire Gaza food and no water and no electricity..come on humanity,,,have we lost all our ethics and dignity..we have displayed that we have no integrity, no honor and no just..we have failed our morals and principles..we are no better than animals to allow all these civilians to die daily…sick world

  10. Islam wasn’t even created when Israelis existed there 3000 years ago. Let alone the fact that israel was constantly the only side in the Middle East conflict who offered peace 7 times throughout history. Palestinians shouldn’t had betrayed their deal when israel was created, learn about the Middle East conflict it’s called a conflict for a reason. Iran is funding all of this circus

  11. I'm so glad I got to see this on all of my free and completely unbiased American news networks this morning! Oh wait I didn't I have to watch other countries news networks to see the real world

  12. Isnt it so funny that only SABC broadcasted this? not even BBC and co??? but they pushed south africa's claim everywhere just yesterday. dont worry i already know my truth. Get the job done IDF.

  13. The proven lies this man spills is sickening and he should understand that we know they are lies. There was and is no proof of their claims and even the Israeli Government has admitted it.

  14. We have all been hearing Israelis excuses even more so the past 3 months and there is nothing new hesr to listen to. They sound like a broken record. Trying to hide behind a figure is difficult business.

  15. You forgot to mention the non jewish people of Palestine and the over 70 years of constant subjugation. That alone, says it all and proves the case for the Palestinian people. However, it will take years to come to a conclustion and a lot of bribery before there is a decision made.

  16. Thank you for your coverage. To hear the truth unfolding brings me hope for humanity. Thank you for that hope.

  17. If genocide was committed on Oct 7 by Hamas where is the court filing with the ICJ? There isn’t one because according to UN in order for it to be genocide intent has to be proven but also the party committing genocide has to have the capacity to carry it out which Hamas does not. As can be seen by Oct 7th Hamas was driven out and many of the freedom fighters were killed. I can’t believe they actually ate trying to use that as there’s no legal basis to it.

  18. That is You Israel. He made the case for genocide that is what Israel did! 58:15 Israel is who committed the Genocide, 😢HE lies, the world is the witness and the mass grave deaths Israel’s running grave. Israel intent and action and proves Israel did it. They are projecting. They just lie and the videos have been debunked and it is a propaganda case

  19. It's actually embarrassing how often they lied about things that have been proven true or proven to be fabrication by their own hands.

  20. I watched the entire 3 hours of South Africa's opening, but ı could only stand to look and listen to these child murderes for not longer than 10 min. Their whole case is a joke. If the court should decide in their favor, than International Law, UN, NATO and all others are rendered useless and unnecessary.

  21. Man the lies make me sick! Yes you guys are losing to people fighting in addidas sweat pants and flip flops! Show proof of everything your saying!

  22. If u left gaza in 2005 so they can grow, then why cant they have a port with ships who inport goods? Why does israel have to control everything that goes in, and everyone that goes out? Parsley, chocolate, potato chips, Donkeys, and fuel among some of the restrictions. Dont act like the ppl of GAZA every had freedom of anything. Israel is a theocracy not democracy. If ppl in west bank decided to resist IDF then it will be same narrative… and everyone has been seing the children getting murdered over there.

  23. Hold up!?! 2:43:06 The argument he’s making regarding the axis powers using the genocide convention to stop allied bombardment bombings in WWII is lost when we consider it was not written until AFTER WWII. 1948 actually.

  24. When he said Israel was a lawful country who complies with international law… How can anything they say be believed in the face of the fact they blatantly disregard international law hourly?

  25. People who understand a little bit of international law know the argument is solid. This is not for emotional people at home who been watching #freepalestine or #goisrael videos on tik tok over and over again. The law requires no emotional and that’s why you don’t see too many graphic images. Anyway this is just the first hearing we’ll see how it progresses. If you support Israel or Palestine, I know both sides have strong emotions and support, you need to keep your mind open for this one otherwise it’s not even meant for you unfortunately

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