
Israel ‘Concerned’ Int’l Court Of Justice Could Charge It With Genocide: Report | Dawn News English


Israel ‘Concerned’ Int’l Court Of Justice Could Charge It With Genocide: Report | Dawn News English

#Israel #Concerned #Intl #Court #Justice #Charge #Genocide #Report #Dawn #News #English

South Africa has formally lodged a case with the International Court of Justice under the Genocide Convention, addressing the actions of Israel in the context of its attacks on Gaza.

The concern is rooted in the indiscriminate use of force and the forced displacement of civilians.

Additionally, there are persistent reports of international crimes, including crimes against humanity and war crimes, alongside indications that acts meeting the criteria for genocide or related offenses under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide have occurred or are ongoing in the context of the ongoing massacres in Gaza.

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26 thoughts on “Israel ‘Concerned’ Int’l Court Of Justice Could Charge It With Genocide: Report | Dawn News English”

  1. According to Francis Boyle, the lawyer who won the Bosnian genocide case in the same court, Isreal will be found guilty.
    And according Francis Boyle the nations who support Isreal are complicit.
    US, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany,…

    BUT the court is in the Netherlands and we all know the double standards of the West. So israel will be not found guilty.

  2. Why did the United States of America cease to be a democracy?

    At University, I was a fervent admirer of the American presidential system to the point that I obtained the best mark of 15/20 in the final exam for my degree in political science. It was the time when America marketed a very beautiful image of itself and was, if anything, the model to be followed by all and the paradise of the rule of law that the people of the earth dreamed of. . We were too young and naive and saw only the shiny side of American society which was reaching staggering levels of technical progress and social prosperity.
    However, this America which impressed us has never ceased since its birth in 1776 to be an imperialist country in the true economic sense of the term because very quickly, it had imposed itself on the whole world as the universal capital of capitalism whose imperialism is only its completed form. Because of the development of capitalism, capitalists have engaged in an infernal race to feed the monster until they invent all the tricks to make money, at first in an honest way, but later more and more dishonest to the point of become crooks.
    These crooks grouped together in sectoral interest organizations to conquer national and then international markets, and when this no longer became sufficient, they began to steal wealth by force of arms. But to steal, defraud and plunder the wealth of other peoples, they needed protectors and justification to pass on their illegal domination. For the protector there was no better person than the elected representatives within the chamber of Congress to legislate laws in their favor and the elected representatives within the chamber of senators to approve said laws. And for the supporting documents there was nothing better than an invincible army and a veto in the security council to silence everyone.
    Over the decades, we have witnessed the formation of pressure groups called lobbies which assert their interests via elected officials on the one hand and the federal government on the other. From this moment, the elected representatives of the two chambers no longer represent the mass of voters but professional groups and economic lobbies. And the federal government no longer represents the 50 federated states, but represents the lobbies at their head AIPAC and Israel.
    This means that deputies are no longer free to fulfill their legislative and supervisory duties and senior officials headed by the President of the United States are no longer free to fulfill their supreme duties but rather take the decisions that industrial lobbies tell them. in their ears. This simply means that the democratic apparatus is no longer functioning. The result is before our eyes as we watch the United States get bogged down in all the conflicts in the four corners of the world. These conflicts are the prerogative of their imperialist policy on the one hand and on the other hand the prerogative of the international Zionist cartel which has infiltrated the command posts where the major decisions of the world are taken.

  3. Israel SHOW ALL explisit Videos, Photos and Testemonies at the ICC hearings of the October 7 HAMAS Masacres!!!!!!!!!!

    AND:Israel counter charge The ANC South African Misgovernment because of:

    The ANC rouge misgovernment harboured, assisted the escapes of Al Bashire, Robert Mugabe, Grace Mugabe, the Guptas etc. etc. then point fingers at Israel? With Mega corruption, mega theft and 75 to 85 murders, 125 to 135 rapes, sweeping Zenaphobia, 400 violent crimes all sorts and 42 % joblessness PER DAY, Marikana massacre, Esimidemi massacre, in South Africa etc. etc. The top 10 ANC members, Mbeki, Zuma and Ramaphosa etc. MUST be Charged and Convicted for genocide IN South Africa, by the ICC! There Are massive lists of Crimes in the SA media, anti ANC crime monitors, opposition parties and SA Statistics!

  4. South Africa, a country that genocides its own people by omission (HIV and neglect in policing) and commission (steals funding which keeps people deeply impoverished and loves farm murders): During the last 3 months of 2022, around 83 people were murdered in South Africa every day (worse than Gaza war). From 1994 to 2020 South Africa experienced 13,000 farm attacks. The RSA government estimated R27 billion lost to corruption per year. On February 7, 2008, research by Nicoli Nattrass estimated that the failure of Mbeki's administration to provide ARV drugs until 2006 was responsible for about 343,000 deaths.

  5. There is no danger to Israel. Go look at a picture of the judges on the panel and it will become clear to every one. Bunch of kangaroos.

  6. How can you charge a country at war with genocide ? Dont make sense. The aim of war is to destroy your enemy… woman and child. Ask Russia if i am correct.

  7. Israel is not concerned at all. They are not bothered as theyv grown to learn they get away with absolutely everything. So until they are hit hard they are not concerned about anything.

  8. Knowing what jewish went through ….. waoww how could you do that to ppl that welcome you in first place…. take them tô the court !!!!! Right away

  9. South Africa needs to wake up with the rest of the world and repent for their foolish acts. God is the judge of all nations and SA will suffer the consequences. What a shame that a once God fearing nation now sides with the world.

  10. You can’t charge Israel for Genocide when genocide hasn’t occurred. The Palestinian population has only grown. Unlike Hamas, there is not a specific civilian nor unprovoked attack committed by Israel. Israel is going after Hamas, Hamas committed a deadly terrorist attack, and now Hamas are hiding behind civilians and their hostages. What is being revealed now is the number of ordinary Palestinians that actually support Hamas and have assisted Hamas in attacks towards Israel. This is a war.

  11. not a chace in a million to charge Israel as long as the hostages are still held by these Palestinian monsters

  12. Saying it publicly that you are going to deprive them food water and electricity starve them is genocide

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