
Is Your Personal Collection Safe From the New ATF Final Rule on Sales – #shorts


Is Your Personal Collection Safe From the New ATF Final Rule on Sales – #shorts

#Personal #Collection #Safe #ATF #Final #Rule #Sales #shorts

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32 thoughts on “Is Your Personal Collection Safe From the New ATF Final Rule on Sales – #shorts”

  1. That rule in and of itself is Unconstitutional. Want to make a profit and still not making a profit is breaking the law?

  2. The logical extension of this E.O. means, if I want to sell my pickup truck to my neighbor, we must now go to the Ford dealership and have them act as a "go between." 🤔

  3. I’m not sure why the supreme court hasn’t struck down this executive order they can and they have done in the past. I bet eventually they will strike it down.

  4. We are capitalist in this country. Until it comes to the second amendment. Imagine needing to have a permit to start news agency or leave a comment on a YouTube video.

  5. ATF in part of the progressive leftist cult conspiracy. Goal demolition of the constitution, citizen control of government, and institution of rule by government wim.

  6. I can't stand these people. This is obviously a political attack on people that are not with their politics. Tyranny in action.

  7. A: A Vital step to establishing Tyrannical Socialist totalitarian authoritarian rule. You wake up one day and everything in your life will be like this rule. You can, but you cannot.
    B: The rule doesn't Adjust for Currency devaluation and inflation. So if you purchased a gun for 40 dollars in the 1960's and sell it today. Boom ATF at your door because you technically made a profit. See it's a trash rule throw it away

  8. So, how do they (ATF/DOJ) presumptively transition from 'innocent until proven guilty' to proving 'intent'….run your court costs up until it's truly not worth fighting the 'lawfare'?

  9. Sorry ATF. Sold ALL my guns BEFORE your BS unconstitutional rule takes effect. At least that is what the dates on the bills-of-sale indicate. FJB

  10. "Sir, you just sold that highly collectible original 'brown Bess' musket. We have determined that item is clearly usable in self defense and therefore not part of your personal collection. You will have to come with us." –ATF

  11. Will it stop the newly illegal gun sale to disqualified persons? Maybe not, but it will stop criminals like Bryan Malinowski from using FFL to buy handguns and then “sell them as an individual “ to criminals at gun shows.

  12. I'd post something snarky but that'll just be used against me in a kangaroo court trail at a future date. Instead…

    Happy Birthday Uncle Adi! Wish you were here…

  13. It is upsetting I'm retired and was going to downsize personal collection well ill have to plan on keeping until I understand more . Have bea

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