
Is your kid talking to the police? Big mistake! 🚓 Ensure they understand the consequences and protec


Is your kid talking to the police? Big mistake! 🚓 Ensure they understand the consequences and protec

#kid #talking #police #Big #mistake #Ensure #understand #consequences #protec

Is your kid talking to the police? Big mistake! 🚓 Ensure they understand the consequences and protect their rights with legal guidance. 👮♂️ #frankwalkerlaw #criminaldefenselawyer #court #duitrial #policeofficer #kids #duidefense #duilawyer
criminal lawyer , Is your kid talking to the police? Big mistake! 🚓 Ensure they understand the consequences and protec, court,criminaldefenselawyer,duidefense,duilawyer,duitrial,frankwalkerlaw,kids,policeofficer

4 thoughts on “Is your kid talking to the police? Big mistake! 🚓 Ensure they understand the consequences and protec”

  1. Loved finding out later that the officer should not have entered and looked around my home while having me call the person they were looking for when I was like 12 and home alone

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