
Is this the BIGGEST Struggle Gun Owners Have? (Do you agree?)


Is this the BIGGEST Struggle Gun Owners Have? (Do you agree?)

#BIGGEST #Struggle #Gun #Owners #agree

criminal law , Is this the BIGGEST Struggle Gun Owners Have? (Do you agree?), USCCA Videos,USCCA,Concealed Carry,EDC,Gun,United States Concealed Carry Association,US Concealed Carry,Self Defense,uscca official

39 thoughts on “Is this the BIGGEST Struggle Gun Owners Have? (Do you agree?)”

  1. I’m on the constitutional carry team. The problem with national reciprocity is the federal government would likely control it. That would give even more power to Congress and their bureaucrats who already have way too much power.

  2. Agree except varying laws per state also too much to keep up with. We need Federal laws on guns that every state is obligated to uphold and full reciprocity. I doubt in the area of drivers license there is much nuance between states and no state is going to get away with something as off the charts as say driving on the left side of the road. Trust me, if you leave even legislation to states some of the blue states will come up with something just as far fetched and then look to “catch” citizens in it (bc they are still at heart opposed to 2A). Ironically arguments concerning cross constitutional are being heard now and ruling precedents are being set that we have a very good chance of at least carry in every state. Federal laws should include stand your ground and castle doctrine and cannot be overruled by individual states.

  3. I would abolish all three letter agencies beginning with the ATF and lastly the IRS.

    FREEDOM will reign once again in this land.

  4. Wonderful. Then that should apply to all laws from all 50 states, all laws and the rule of law set by popular votes

  5. All these laws prohibiting the carrying of a gun under certain circumstances all violate the 2nd amendment. Remember that amendment resides in our Bill of Rights, and those rights should not be infringed. Many people are willingly allowing their rights to be violated and doing nothing about it because its happening a little bit at a time over a very long period. Before we know it, we could wake up with no rights, and there would be nothing we could do about it. Edit: It's not just the second amendment under attack.

  6. 100% agreed. If states supercede federal law. What's the point ?. Before the override of the New york breun case , some states had laws that said ( you can't even apply for a permit without a business or being a celebrity). Supreme Court overrides that behavior that conflicts with federal law. Nobody said..states can not make their own laws. They just can't supercede federal law. To many amateurs on this subject

  7. Actively celebrating 2 neighbors losing their guns after watching their NRA crackpot son come home and get arrested.

    All you do is make sure crazies can still get a hold of them, bot doing sgit for the average American. But its cool, keep voting with your feelings and remind the rest of the world how far youve fallen, lol.

  8. The constitution does NOT say anything about prohibiting criminals from ownig firearms. Everyone has the right to protect themselves.

  9. As President he couldn't just declare that to be law. That may not even be constitutional as it takes power from the states.

    Now, could something similar be crafted as a bill that would be constitutional? Sure. Do it the same way speed limits are set. Carrot & stick. States that don't make reciprocity nationwide will lose some kind of funding. That would then have to pass Congress and THEN he could sign it into law.

    Or there could be a constitutional amendment. But, of course, the President has no impact or say on those.

  10. I would remove the NFA and GCA and remove background checks because you shouldn't have to ask the government for permission to exercise any constitutional rights

  11. States don't have a right to violate the constitution…he's right, this illegal activity needs to stop.

  12. Time out, I thought owning a gun and having a gun was protected under the Constitution. So how could you get in trouble for it. Why aren't you guys pointing that out. Does anyone figure out that any law against having that is against the constitution? haven't we all figured that out yet?

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