
Is this a watershed moment for Jewish solidarity with Palestinians? | UpFront


Is this a watershed moment for Jewish solidarity with Palestinians? | UpFront

We look at whether there is a shift within the Jewish community against Israel’s actions and policies.

Israel’s war on Gaza rages on, now in its sixth month, causing mass devastation and resulting in the deaths of more than 31,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children. With mounting humanitarian crises, Jewish groups across the world have rallied in large numbers to denounce Israel’s actions and policies.

This is not the first time Jewish communities have come together to criticise Israel. A growing number of progressive Jewish groups have been organising against Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians for years.

This week on UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill talks to the founder of Rabbis for Ceasefire, Rabbi Alissa Wise, and the national spokesperson for IfNotNow, Eva Borgwardt, about the Jewish communities mobilising for Palestinian liberation.

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, Al Jazeera,Al Jazeera English,American Jews,Eva Borgwardt,Gaza,IfNotNow,Israel,Jewish communities,Jewish statehood,Jewish support,Marc Lamont Hill,Palestine,Palestinian liberation,Rabbi Wise,Rabbis for Ceasefire,al Jazeera,al jazeera English,al jazeera live,al jazeera video,aljazeera English,aljazeera latest,aljazeera live,aljazeera live news,ceasefire,dissent,history,latest news,news headlines

45 thoughts on “Is this a watershed moment for Jewish solidarity with Palestinians? | UpFront”

  1. Beautiful hearts and minds. Humanity connects with all the differences as it is meant to.All life is sacred.

  2. I called congress daily for first 100 days for a ceasefire. But i have all 3 Republicans in Indiana.

  3. I find it disturbing that I am yet to hear a Zionist voice that expresses any sense of empathy. Israel does exist, but how it exists must be important, surely Zionism can present a voice that doesn't defend the actions we are all witnessing

  4. I am Irish and I LOVE Jewish Voice for Peace and I want safety for the Palestinian people

    Israel ….cannot…… be left in control of Gaza and the West Bank

  5. 9:40 "those that are calling for ceasefire now are doing so carefully not to align themselves with the broader peace movement." This is so well said and so accurate. There are so many people acting righteous and acting like a ceasefire is all that needs to happen and thats going to fix everything. When in reality a ceasefire would simply allow the worlds attention to be diverted away from palestine, and then israel will go back to wiping them out. people should be calling for implementing an actual two state solution before calling for a ceasefire, or call for them both together. but without palestinian statehood everything else is a waste of time


  7. There is a huge difference between orthodox Jews and zionist Israelies. The Jews have never supported the decades of atrocities against Palestine by the zionist Israelies invaders. They do not have a voice in Israel and are often harrassed for their opposition to attacks on Palestinians.

  8. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
    Free Palestine 🇵🇸
    Free Palestine 🇵🇸
    Shame on Israel and Usa

  9. Like south afrixa israel/palestine itself will fix heal itself and try to forgive…then they will be a great unified nation of jew,and gentile as IT IS WRITTEN in the book of life❤😢

  10. Listen…. Western nations do not support Israel because of guilt.

    They support Israel because it is a European/us colonial project.

  11. 2 women "Jews" anti-Israel represent many real Jews.
    How desperate are you Aljazera…

  12. Albert Einstein, "I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state"

  13. "The Palestinians have the right to hate the ones that destroyed their lives"
    – Prof Norman Finkelstein

  14. "Most Zionists don't believe that God exists but they do believe he promised them PALESTINE"
    – Ilan Pappe

  15. These Jews want to be liked so badly there willing to sell out there own people..😂😂😂absolute comedy

  16. The Muslim religion is just an evil religion.
    Gaza, Palestine, and Israel belongs to the Jews.
    The Jews is the mother of true religion.

  17. Two extremely enlightened voices, how difficult it must be to question the enculturation of who you have become and then to stand up and show that you are both independent criticsl thinkers. Brilliant discussion both of you

  18. Stop being so arrogant, stop telling the world that you are superior to any raze , stop practicing APartheid, stop acting the way you have done it for hundreds of years, people are not going to tolerate it , and you will pay for all your sick actions.

  19. Fabulous for a Jew, and a rabbi no less, who says the Oct 7 attack was not anti-semitic!!!!! Of course she is absolutely right.

  20. 1958, President Nasser of Egypt said of the Jews: 'They left here black and came back white'.

  21. Is about time you smell the coffee , but humanity are not going to erase this Genoside acts, .

  22. Wow these two women have really brought this issue front and center. Israel is not a jew it's a state and should be treater as such.

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