
Is the Supreme Court Ready to Decide Assault Weapon Bans?


Is the Supreme Court Ready to Decide Assault Weapon Bans?

#Supreme #Court #Ready #Decide #Assault #Weapon #Bans

HUGE NEWS today from the United States Supreme Court on two assault weapon ban cases. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the news that both Bianchi v. Brown (Frosh) and Harrel v. Raoul, will go to Conference May 16 to determine if the Supreme Court will accept review of these cases. This is the moment we have been waiting for and one that has been actually pushed, not by those trying to preserve our inalienable rights, but by those that are hellbent in taking them. So learn what all of this means and arm yourself with education today.
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criminal lawyer , Is the Supreme Court Ready to Decide Assault Weapon Bans?, ATF,ATF gun seizures,NFA firearms,assault weapon bans,magazine bans,high capacity magazines,gun seizures,Washington gun laws,Illinois gun laws,Illinois Assault Weapon ban,JB Pritzker,Self incrimination,5th Amendment,Gun registration,gun registries,Illinois AR Ban,gun registration,gun registry,Harrel,Raoul,Bevis,Naperville,Protect Illinois Communities Act,Supreme Court,Assault weapons,Texas,Florida,Maryland gun laws,Maryland Assault Weapon Ban

48 thoughts on “Is the Supreme Court Ready to Decide Assault Weapon Bans?”

  1. The SC needs to come out and say only fully automatic weapons can be considered assault weapons.

  2. Sadly, I am not hopeful in any way shape or form. The Constitutional Republic of the United States is no longer and hasn’t been for some time!!!😔. The reality of that is starting to sink in for a lot of us and very difficult choices are going to have to be made which is going to require some blood shed. May those who love our country stand on all 10, shoulder to shoulder and face the tyranny that is on it’s way💪🏿💪🏿💪🏻💪🏻💪💪💪🏼💪🏼💪🏿🥹

  3. Entire government needs to be fired, and all attorneys banned from law indefinitely.

  4. H.R. 11654 makes all gun control laws Null and Void. It also makes all gun control laws a felony with 25 year minimum mandatory sentences HARD LABOR (Making big rocks into little rocks, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week) if proposed, written, voted to make law, or enforced.

  5. Can you discuss more the cases going on where cities/states are being sued for permit to possess/purchase/own a firearm? I believe one is srour v. New York city

  6. I only wish the Founding Fathers would have wrote something on paper that said something like "The Right To Keep and Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed."

  7. Why are you promoting Right to Bear if they do not accept Washington residents ?

    Multi state coverage offers you protection in 50 states. Residents of New York, New Jersey, and Washington do not qualify for our membership.

  8. One of the main aspect of progressivism is that the constitution should be modified because they know better then the framers? Thus they want to destroy the constitution because it is in the way of being able to revise a more Marxist application of governmental corrections so everyone is the same? Has the same lives and everyone is the same? (Except those at the top) . The only thing standing in their way is the courts and if they can make the courts to become what they want a activist institution then they will be able to pervert the law for the progressive agenda for the betterment of everyone? Or they believe it to be so? How’s that for a subject to cover? It really is a battle going on right now with the lower courts and the Supreme Court right now? Gavin Newsome knows best? Or should I say Biden?😢😊

  9. You keep ignoring me all the time, where is the "description box" where ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  10. If the justices agree to hear arguments would the case be heard and decided in 2024 or would it drag out to June 2025? I’m thinking a decision post-election would keep anti-gunners from capitalizing on a favorable decision in an election year.

  11. LOL>>>>>LOL GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Bo Peep tell me the story of the little boy that cried wolf again….

  12. Man this is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Here in Illinois we are in a living hell here ever since the gun and magazines ban. I hope they take the Illinois ban because it has gun and magazines ban in it.

  13. If you’re waiting on the SCOTUS to take the fight you might as well just keep head butting a brick wall. The SCOTUS doesn’t want to touch these cases. In fact, I’m not sure the SCOTUS is actually doing anything at all since at anytime they could’ve scooped up these cases. Why haven’t they? Is vacation time for them that long??

  14. Assault weapons, according to state legislation include, along with semi-automatic rifles, most handguns and shotguns. Many people who are not in the gun community do not know this and support these bills out of ignorance. The fact that these AWB cover the vast majority of firearms will/should be the undoing of these laws. Now all we need to do is find a way for the states to recognize Supreme Court rulings. Good luck with that.

  15. 1. Can cases get grouped together or would they only be INDIVIDUALLY taken up?
    2. If a case WITHOUT mag cap restriction not taken up, is that just tough luck for those hoping to ditch mag cap limits, for now? Is there a way to force that component into this process?

    Thanks WGL!

  16. None of my firearms have performed assault there fore none of them are assault weapons.

  17. Hopefully the Supreme court will see how unconstitutional these assult weapons are and declare them unconstitutional.

  18. The job duties, responsibilities, and authority of the Washington State Supreme Court Commissioner is spelled out in the link. The commissioner is merely an Administrative Judge appointed by the bench to sort incoming paperwork and make recommendations to the sitting judges on the legal approach to consider when hearing things related to an existing case. His job is not to hear or try cases or issue injunctions — only to hear pleadings and motions and corrections and present those to the bench and offer some guidance as to how the court may wish to proceed.

    According to the document — the commissioner can only hear pleading s and such that are assigned to him by a supreme court justice, nothing in the document suggests he can decide what to rule on — it has to be delegated to him on an already in-progress supreme court case.

    The commissioner does not sit on the supreme court bench. What he and the AG did by issuing the stay in Gators is illegal, unconstitutional, and outside of his jurisdiction and authority.

    And you and everyone else just went along with it. Basically — we let a district court judge issue a stay against a different district court judge. Fucking brilliant.

  19. The rate at which the liberal states can pump their bullcrap anti- 2A laws far exceeds the rate at which the Supreme Court could possibly address them.

  20. There's no mag capacity component in the MD case because MD allows people to own any size magazine. What they do not allow is the transfer or alteration of mags that hold more than 10 rounds. Although it's a royal pain, one can go out of state to either modify a neutered mag or purchase a 10+ round mag, and bring them back to MD. Still it's a PITA. It's kind of nutty.. When I purchase a new arm with a 10+ mag, my FFL will superglue in a block to make it a 10 rounder. I then have to go into a border state to remove the block. Because of this, I use a FFL in a border state, for any long gun that comes with a 10+ mag. I have a feeling MD didn't outright ban 10+ mags because they knew it was unconstitutional.

  21. I love the grounded reality of this channel!!!
    Retirement took a toll on my finances, but with my involvement in the digital market, $15,000 weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD ❤️

  22. curious to difference between right to bear and us law shield, since he doesn’t like them anymore

  23. What happens if they do an end run and uphold it? They have been known to do stuff like that.

  24. I’m not holding my breath. There’s been far too much pussyfooting around the 2A by SCOTUS. I have no faith in the system.

  25. Well as I told Brayden on Langley outdoors to say the same thing on your channel I really hope they do they start taking consideration and start taking these assault weapons and large capacity Mike capacity magazines on and start putting it in to all this nonsense.

  26. This is a crucial step in defending our Second Amendment rights against those who seek to infringe upon them.

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