
Is The President Allowed To Do Crimes?


Is The President Allowed To Do Crimes?

#President #Allowed #Crimes

Today the Supreme Court heard Trump’s claim to “absolute immunity”. And essentially they’re determining whether a President can be charged for breaking the law. So in an effort to make the case that the President has total immunity Trump’s lawyers argued that even if the President assassinated their political rivals, they would be immune from prosecution They also argued that the President could order a military coup on Congress and, depending on the circumstances, not be prosecuted Unless they’re impeached and convicted. And Trump’s lawyers say that actually it’s always been this way. But the justices don’t seem all that convinced that the President is totally immune. With some of the justices pointing out that there’s no Presidential immunity in the constitution because the founders lived under a King who could do no wrong. Others asked why the President would have to break the law in order to do their job. Jackson asked that if the President has always been immune, then why did Nixon need to be pardoned? And later she would ask – if the President can’t be charged with crimes then what’s to stop the Presidency from becoming a crime syndicate?

Produced by: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: Ben Wheeler
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Ben Wheeler, Philip DeFranco
#usa #america #politics
criminal lawyer , Is The President Allowed To Do Crimes?, usa,america,trump,supreme court,2024 election,President,Presidential immunity,trump trial,trump trials,Trump Supreme Court,Trump election,Biden,Supreme Court decisions,Trump guilty

26 thoughts on “Is The President Allowed To Do Crimes?”

  1. The funny thing is you're actually acting as though he did something wrong. Get your facts right

  2. Everyone that thinks presidency should have never been immunity,all you guys have been sleep under a pile of rocks.. dont come up in here when trump is on the stand,fighting for the right that was given from us,the people,to do his job.. nothing is going to happen,cause if it did,all these democratic presidents in the past can,and will be aquitted,THEN No one,i mean no one would want to be president.. stop this madness, learn something before you tell everyone your opinions,and no facts.. cheap jabs

  3. If the President has absolute immunity, then what is stopping the President from declaring the United States as an Empire and sacking everyone in Congress and ruling as Emperor? Just like Star Wars.

  4. Us presidency has always been veto from crimes.. Obama killed that child in front of the world,and other countries wanted to charge him with breaking international law cause usa wouldnt.. why didnt he get into troubles?

  5. Trump: The president has total immunity
    Meanwhile, Grant getting arresting while in office for speeding on his horse

  6. What's to stop a president becoming a crime syndicate… Let's just call it big business and business decisions. a lot has already been gotten away with.

  7. So you’re telling me, not only will the US president always be some old rich dude because of the way the election (and especially campaigning) works, but they additionally want to put them above the law?
    Insert hell nah meme sound here

  8. May god bless the hard working people of the United States of America 🇺🇸! Who truly wish all of this was different in a good way. Sadly these politicians are rotted as fuck, either blue or red, these politicians are chasing the green, they’re united unlike the people that put them there.

  9. …You know, the same can apply to Biden by that logic. He is, legally, the President. Fucking idiots.

  10. The process of impeachment is LITERALLY the trying of the president and the force removal of them from officer. This man should have been laughed out of court. He shouldn't have even been allowed to make it to the Supreme Court.

  11. I like how everyone is complaining about trump but yet they ignore the facts the Clinton’s and Biden held onto government documents for several years and ever gave them back up until recently. But trump does anything “he’s a dictator! He’s a fascist!” Like yea OK BUDDY 😂😂🤣🤣

  12. Wasn't the constitution all about limiting the power of whoever in charge? Heck even the war for independence was because of King's extensive power.

  13. Do they not understand the president they're setting if this is true that he cannot be prosecuted for committing crimes while in office then Joe Biden could just not let him be elected and there's nothing anyone could do about it

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