
Is the Criminal Justice System Broken?


Is the Criminal Justice System Broken?

#Criminal #Justice #System #Broken

At this year’s Aspen Ideas Festival, we asked a group of senators, police commissioners, professors, activists, and authors to comment on the state of law enforcement in America. “This land of the free…now incarcerates more human beings than any other nation on the planet,” says Senator Cory Booker. “Our criminal-justice system is really violating our values as a people.” Other panelists include Ray Kelly, Tracey Meares, Clifton Kinnie, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Bruce Western.

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criminal law , Is the Criminal Justice System Broken?, Criminal Justice,Ta-Nehisi Coates,Mass Incarceration,The Atlantic,Cory Booker,Prison System,Human Rights,Race Relations,Aspen Ideas Fest,Police Brutality

43 thoughts on “Is the Criminal Justice System Broken?”

  1. Not broken a scam, to house criminals release criminals and hire for help from your GOV, just a tax payer bent over,
    thee end.

  2. Is that bald Aussie dude seriously arguing that there are only a handful of people who belong in prison for the rest of their life ? My cousin was raped at 7 years old by my Aunt's shit bag boyfriend. What about him ? My other friend was stabbed to death at 23 years old in front of his father by some crackhead, what about him ?

  3. If you don’t commit crimes you don’t go to jail. Trying to make excuses for black criminality is racist. Blacks need to teach their children respect

  4. You violate our values as a people when you stay in a donor owned party and never say a word about it. The GOP, Democratic, and Libertarian parties are all owned and operated by the donor owners. What does that make you Cory? You are a bought and paid for acquiescent complicit servant to the donor owners. You sing a sweet siren song of false Progressivism while staying in the putrid fetid bowels of the donor owned Democratic Party. We saw how that works when you stood with Bernie years ago to get a law passed that would have allowed Americans to get drugs from Canada cheaper. You stood with Bernie, then at the vote you showed your true colors. Bernie Sanders has since identified himself as a complicit drone to the donor owned DNC, so now you and Bernie can call each other brothers in service to the donor owners of our corpocracy.

  5. the criminal justice system US be like : lol you anyway were a pathetic guy that I let escalate to put you in your place
    I don't care what the consequences are lol

  6. The role of informatics and personal relations in the spread of corruption and bribery in New York, how?

    This is an example that happened to me during a year and a half, with all the events recorded. In order not to doubt myself as I wanted many parties in the story:

    A member of the FBI , the husband of the daughter of an apartment renter who exploits people to the maximum extent, knows the police staff, who refuse to make any report against this woman in any assault. This happened to me and another person. (It reminds me of the police secretary in Egypt, who takes 50 pounds and ends the matter.) The complainant resorts to a human rights community organization because he thinks that it is working to achieve justice in the United States of America, only to be surprised that it is obtaining all the information in tedious detail, exploiting it, and conducting negotiations with the other party over the body of the complainant. (Its protectors are its thieves) It is the role of the information systems analyst in the service apparatus, and he has the ability to access all the information and he may be related to or know a member of the FBI. Thus, the exploitation and personal relationships cycle continue to achieve corruption with maximum efficiency. All of this is a real example that happened to me in Manhattan, in the heart of New York, and not in a random area or a country that he says is from the Third World

  7. Man, why the thumbnail gotta be a black man’s mugshot. Dont know what kinda bigotted illustrator you’ve got working for ya, but you best get yourselves in check, or is everyone who works over at The Atlantic just as racist themselves? Clearly you ain’t bothered promoting such an overtly hateful and racist message, so guess that answers my question. You troubled. Know that

  8. There's 2 things that's happening in the Criminal justice System. The unjustices and then there's the injustices. The unjustices is a Black man selling nickle bags and getting 40 years and his white counter part who's bringing the drugs in, in kilos getting 10 years. The injustice is the Criminal justice system knows this and does nothing about it.

  9. Wow, I know Cory booker. I was on the target where he got hit. He's an actual U.S. hero as an EOD guy. He was fearless overseas, poking around for bombs and disarming them

  10. Black people's lives would be a lot easier if we just stop holding them accountable for their actions

  11. No, it isn't. You people just commit a MASSIVELY disproportionate amount of crime compared to any other racial group.

    Taking some personal responsibility and stop whining.

  12. The Ahmaud Arbery case proves that there needs to be change now those three poor men need to be released they were the victims.

  13. The broken US justice system is like cancel culture. They only punish, don't heal people.

    Liberals should realize they are contradicting their own views.

  14. Ok, so what and how exactly that balck student was protesting? Maybe he deserved it? Plus, if you a radical blob like tanehisi coates talking you can easily discredit the whole video because of clear agenda, bias.

  15. Should just do like other countries cut hand of if u steal if you kill you get killed insted no bs

  16. A country that is rooted/centralized on punishment..& holds 25% of the WORLD’S incarcerated is screaming: A PROBLEM!

  17. Where I'm seeing broken and flaw is 1, inside of the prisons, and 2, when being sentenced. Child molesters, grown adults who take away a child's innocence, sometimes their life, only get sentenced 2-3 years when a man got sentenced to 14 years on a conspiracy. Hurting and beating a child molester is NOT a hate crime. If you hurt someone for their race, it is a hate crime and you deserve that charge. If you hurt someone for being LGBTQ+ that IS a hate crime and you deserve the charge. If you hurt a child molester, for molesting children, RAPING CHILDREN it is NOT a hate crime. They deserve it and if the system wants to protect child molesters then we need to shut it down and find a better solution. COs can abuse and assault prisoners as much as they want whenever they want just because they are having a bad day, fed up with you, mad at you, want to mess with you, or for no reason at all. There is so many testimonials out there. One story being a CO knew another CO peed into a bottle the entire night shift. She asked him why and he told to put it into the inmates coffee! PUT HIS PISS, INTO INMATES CRAPPY COFFEE. The CO who saw told their sergeant and the sergeant made both COs work in seg. together. That was punishment like for the CO who reported abuse to the inmates and a half-assed punishment for the abuser. There is good COs but some are hard to find. We need to pay COs more and train them better so they will decide to help and care and not abuse. Segregation it fucked up and should be counted as cruel and unusual punishment. You strip them of all basic right before locking them away so they can go insane. Sometimes purposely skipping their meals for no reason. They separate them from humanity. They let them go insane and its cruel. They don't care about the prisoners and they can say what they want to them and not get in trouble for it. If a prisoner is suicidal they are on suicide watch instead on getting mental help. They get put in a room and stared at while they have nothing instead of getting them help so they can be as free as they can. We have so much to fix, much more then this.

  18. Well, what's not mentioned is Cult Hierarchies. Cult Hierarchies that emerge from Real-estates, Law firms, and Doctors. Halfway houses are privately open by volunteers with real-estate that are resident within the city, privileges' that are not offered to the public normally are given to real-estate opened businesses by law firms. Institutions are connected to Halfway houses and people are manipulated by doctors to pull the wool over criminal mischief being committed by this Hierarchy. Lawyers are taken advantage of Real- Estates Owners that are secretly carrying out illegal operations. Now there is a Black Market for this, lets not be absent minded of the Dark Grape Vine that these Cult Hierarchies conspire through. Lawyers are more prone to having a serious substance abuse problem that a person with out a job. Real-Estates become familiar with disclosures, yet the common public are victimized by Real-Estate branches people who are more prevailed. Special deals are offered to people who are familiar with the Halfway houses black-market that they share with Recreational Real- Estates that they do business along side of. Cult Hierarchies that are a potential threat to people, especially the poor; usually emerge from this Dirty Dark Side of Society! Disclosures should be Illegal, nothing should be allowed to be hidden in Justice. Judicial propaganda should be illegal as well.

  19. What criminal justice system do, just arrest more innocent people and use brutal force if the riots broke out?

  20. The system is beyond broken and everyone knows it that’s no secret but here’s The bigger picture what are we going to do about it❓❔❓

  21. Only libtards believe this bs . Too funny .. saw this on one gals prof thinks shes so smart and sexy because she's studying at a libtard school being brainwashed cuz she can't think for herself and aspiring to change the world too d funny corniest crap ever when in reality is clueless bimbo and not as cute as she thinks she is.

  22. Should've been executing the worthless sacks of shit that are in prison instead of protecting and feeding them.

  23. The justice system is very broken like hear this
    Guy steals cake: life in prison or death
    Guy kills someone: one day in jail
    Cop kills someone: keeps job
    Cop saves someone: fired and shot on sight
    That’s how broken and corrupt the system is

    Also USA doesn’t understand about justice

  24. Sociaty, einterteinment media,.. Bar People to think money is All you need
    To succes,.. So its not true rate, is down, would be uppersit
    And, thereby valued, only succes, that alternativ, less crime, less money but
    Respect, vision,

    Mafia, international, and that, broke trust in justices system, as allways

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