
Is JK Rowling lining up a 1st April challenge for Humza Yousaf and his new Hate Crime Scotland Law?


Is JK Rowling lining up a 1st April challenge for Humza Yousaf and his new Hate Crime Scotland Law?

#Rowling #lining #1st #April #challenge #Humza #Yousaf #Hate #Crime #Scotland #Law

JK Rowling appears to be no fan of SNP Humza Yousaf and his new Hate Crime laws.

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criminal lawyer , Is JK Rowling lining up a 1st April challenge for Humza Yousaf and his new Hate Crime Scotland Law?, Craig Houston,JK,Rowling,SNP,Humza,Yousaf,Hate crime,Scotland,Parliament,Holyrood,Harry Potter

20 thoughts on “Is JK Rowling lining up a 1st April challenge for Humza Yousaf and his new Hate Crime Scotland Law?”

  1. We all know what this legislation is really about : safeguarding the ascendance of a selected group.

  2. Humza was never voted in the sooner all of snp.are out of power the better they are ruining Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  3. Two tier policing – complicit government and Police supporting the Fifth column invasion of this country. This country's government has been taken over by the Fifth column now and policing has gone mad ever since Bliar Blair, with its Woke politics and thought crime. Less 'thought Police' imprisoning folks for selling stickers or eating breakfast within a mile of an extremist protest and more more more Police walking-the-beat and carrying out neighbourhood Policing at the local level on all real crime and not supporting Partisan Woke politics. Votes have consequences….. no more Fifth column politicians – Vote Reform!

  4. Humza Yousaf will bet he first person prosecuted under the hate crime law for his speech about the predominance of white peoples in positions of power. The man is delusional about what he is doing. The hate crime law will be quietly repealed.

  5. I hope JK takes these idiots to court and shows them up for the clowns they are. The trouble is that this sort of draconian legislation is springing up all over the developed world.

  6. fyi mp's speaking in westminster are likely exempt to hate speech laws due to laws created in the reinstatement of the crown after cromwell which grant the right of assembly and freedom to discuss any matter without fear of prosecution to parliament

  7. have yous seen the twitter comments half these folks get… i can understand why there's all these new online safety and hate crime laws coming about. UK culture clearly has a problem, i just hope the implementation of the law works well and doesn't make things worse.

  8. Always thought a crime is prosecuted in the country where it occurs, regardless of where the criminal charged resides.

  9. Like I've said, I'm off to within 000000000001 of an inch of the Scottish boarder at Carter Bar with a mega phone and tell offensive anti yousless jokes. Up yours yousless.

  10. Remember one of the first things the Nazis in Germany did was to get the German people to report on their neighbours. I'm surprised how quickly Islam has made inroads into the UK

  11. as I am aware the April 1st law cannot be used retrospectively only from April 1st. The law is only enforcable after it comes in not before that.

  12. I should probably state, today pre-April 1st, that I believe the Bible. All of it (with relevant interpretation, eg that some parts are poetic language and some Old Testament laws do not apply outside of pre-Christian Israel/Judah).

    If this becomes a prescribed view in April, I'll refer people to this pre-April comment.

    Reference to the above comment, should be taken as evidence that I have not changed my mind between comment- posting date and referencing date.

    Thank You.

  13. If something is viewed online in Scotland and somebody deems it offensive, it is irrespective where it was uploaded (Yup, crazy).

  14. This law is. the start of an Islamist take over of our country We Scots had better wake up before it is to late.

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