
Is it that complicated to lock-up criminals 🤷‍♂️


Is it that complicated to lock-up criminals 🤷‍♂️

#complicated #lockup #criminals

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25 thoughts on “Is it that complicated to lock-up criminals 🤷‍♂️”

  1. mass immigration is the problem! what could possibly go wrong…nothing it keeps the eyes off Trudeau doing the real crime to all Canadians

  2. Welll. Better start touching those industries then. I really dont want my csr stolen. How many extra man hours would our police have to solve other crimes if they werent arresting the same people over and over again?

  3. How can anyone sane or insane stand there and essentially say "we cant put car thieves in jail for 3 years because this subject touches the car industry and other things"

    Im not even sorry to say that this is the most retarded thing ive ever heard to date.


  4. 3 years is too lenient. You commit grand theft auto 3 times, you should be in jail for 15 years, and if you violently break into someone's home to do it, it should be even more.

  5. Without the car theft, the car makers don't get to sell you another car, the dock workers don't get paid to look the other way and the shipping company doesn't get paid to ship stolen goods. Without the stolen cars, an entire cottage industry will die.

  6. That liberal is a complete idiot.That liberals have shares into these auto companies they want them to steal cars

  7. I’ve said it all along. The car companies don’t want to make it hard to steal a car- new car. The insurance companies don’t want to stop car theft – raise the rates the the police now have task forces to stop car theft which result in jail time 3- months. Finally politicians- well what do we say

  8. Pierre we’re getting tired of the shit. We all know turdhope and freeloader. Are corrupt. Get Canadians to see the corruption. Dig into the two’s finances Show how they have amassed their wealth. Let the public know charges are coming. Make Canada the land of the free again

  9. The Libtard is trying to explain that those corporations got the government bought out and the government has totally lost control.

  10. Canada was the shining light on the hill 8 years ago. Now a bad smell permeates across the whole country

  11. I wish they would steal trudeau and ship him to venezuela where he'd be at home with other devious socialist.
    Trudeau to jail without bail.

  12. He's taking the money…
    Trudeau is the most corrupt, with his minions I've ever seen and Studied…
    We all know there paid to keep the narrative…

  13. So WHY is there no mechanism in place to remove an incompetent and narcissistic Toddler of a Prime Minister?? Corporations have mechanisms in place to remove CEOs that screw up all the time, WHY DON’T WE????

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