
Is it legal to ‘MISGENDER’ trans people? Barrister weighs in amid furore over SNP hate crime law


Is it legal to ‘MISGENDER’ trans people? Barrister weighs in amid furore over SNP hate crime law

#legal #MISGENDER #trans #people #Barrister #weighs #furore #SNP #hate #crime #law

The SNP’s hate crime law has sparked outrage.

#snp #freespeech #freedom #humzayousaf #hatercrime

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criminal law , Is it legal to ‘MISGENDER’ trans people? Barrister weighs in amid furore over SNP hate crime law, GB news,news,politics,SNP,humza yousaf,free speech,freedom,socialism,communism,culture,biology,gender

38 thoughts on “Is it legal to ‘MISGENDER’ trans people? Barrister weighs in amid furore over SNP hate crime law”

  1. Man mansplains what rights women are allowed to have under his interpretation of the law. The fact that the law is siding with women who think they are men rather than women who know they’re not shows that the law and this performing seal know exactly who is the man.

  2. The mental gymnastics this "barrister" does to try and avoid answering Andrew's questions is quite frankly, funny and absurd.

  3. So woman are not the victems now, it is now men?? What??? What ??The real question for such people is why didn't those parents make more of an effort to put some common sense into it?That young (Men/Women/It; Yellow submarine ,didn't really learn from mom how many women are in danger these days because men are allowed to just walk in and out of their spaces, btw I can't just throw a man out, as a woman I'm not up to it…But the Gay/Trans.. Man are now the victim? And once again over time, men appear to be endangering women again.

  4. What a willy wet this guy is. The reason that anti trans is more prevalent is that we are hearing more from their activist supporters. He spouts loads of rubbish of which he has no proof.

  5. the only way this man's generous interpretation of how male criminals, claiming to be be women, should be treated, is to completely disregard the effect on the women in prison.
    He simply thinks that's of no importance!

  6. The young Barrister is what is wrong with the world today. He just couldn't see that sending men (trans) to women's prisons is wrong. Let us hope that he never has female children as he has just made the world a VERY unsafe place for women and girls… Oh, and it is WOMEN that are more in danger of being raped, not a transvestite. Especially when you place a 'pretend' trans in a women's jail…

  7. Mis-gendering ONLY happens when you get suckkered into believing someone is a certain gender that they are NOT. 'Male or Female' a fact that will never change, anything else is merely a matter of choice.

  8. It's impossible to "misgender" somebody… I mean calling a man pretending to be a woman a man is called "The Biological Truth". I bet this comment gets deleted by YouTube!

  9. Could it be the rise in anti-trans crimes correlates directly to the rise in Trans activism? This is a negative spiral that will never end unless people like J K Rowling stand up and call it out for the madness it really is. In the meantime, whilst we are all at each others throats over this issue, the blasphemy element of this hate legislation slips under the radar. Why do I feel we are all being played?

  10. Blah, blah, blah.
    Where did GB news find this barrister?
    The host did a great job challenging the barrister👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  11. Im looking for some money to build a time machine to take me back to the 70's when we never had shit like this

  12. Trans people who are murdered statistic is from prostitution.Prostitutes are more likely to be raped/murdered.
    He’s a well paid TRA.
    All women want is for our personal spaces to be free of biological men.We want our language left alone. We want men to stop ruining our sports.We want the state to stop lying to our children. It’s not much to ask.

  13. So it’s already covered by existing laws. His statistics are flawed. Basically he’s a ideological lier

  14. You can only "misgender" someone if you call them the opposite of what they were at birth which is what they will always be. If they want to play pretend they can of course but should not expect anyone else to partake in their fantasy.

  15. This lawyer is an absolute dope when it comes to statistics. 58% of trans offenders are sex offenders with a very high risk of repeated sex offending. The risk profile has already been determined and therefore all these trans women must be excluded from geting into womens' prison. The rights of vulnerable women must get priority, not the high risk male offenders group. This is similar to saying we should put peadophiles into primay schools.

  16. Even the minister who helped create this law can't explain exactly how it works … it is a vague subjective law that will enable the Scottish government to arrest ANYONE who makes a comment they don't agree with !

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