
Irish lawyer’s stunning speech at The Hague accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza


Irish lawyer’s stunning speech at The Hague accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza

#Irish #lawyers #stunning #speech #Hague #accusing #Israel #genocide #Gaza

Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh stood in front of the International Court of Justice as part of South Africa’s legal team taking action against Israel for it’s conduct against Gaza.

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50 thoughts on “Irish lawyer’s stunning speech at The Hague accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza”

  1. This lawyer seems to be taking the truth of the situation and twisting it to totally and completely ignoring what started the war, the citizens of Gaza involved, the war crimes of Hamas and those citizens. She speaks of Palestinians being left dead in the open while ignoring the fact that Israelis were not only left dead in the open but also clearly tortured. As for the humanitiran aid to get through maybe they should speak to Hamas about it. Note worthy is the absence of Hamas representation being present here or are they there in the form of Palestinians representation? And hello alot of her arguements are all as a result of war, a war that Palestinians and Hamas started in the most abhorent of ways. Does Ireland also forget it's own internal conflicts, war within their own homeland and the damage done there. Now Ireland and South Africa to feed, house and medically treat those that in complete support of Hamas. Wake up world! Let's not forget that those in Gaza have for years been bombing Israel and plotting October the 7th.

  2. South African National Anthem translated and adapted for Palestine:

    Language: isiXhosa and isiZulu

    Nkosi Sikelel' iPalestine (God Bless Palestine)

    Maluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo, (Raise high Her glory)

    Yizwa imithandazo yethu, (Hear our Prayers)

    Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo. (God bless us, we her children)

    Language: Sesotho

    Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso, (God protect our nation)

    O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho, (End all wars and tribulations)

    O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso, (Protect us, protect our nation)

    Setjhaba sa Palestine – Palestine. (Our nation Palestine – Palestine)

    Language: Afrikaans

    Uit die blou van onse hemel, (Ringing out from our blue heavens)

    Uit die diepte van ons see, (From the depth of our seas)

    Oor ons ewige gebergtes, (Over our everlasting mountains)

    Waar die kranse antwoord gee, (Where the echoing crags resound)

    Language: English

    Sounds the call to come together,

    And united we shall stand,

    Let us live and strive for freedom,

    In Palestine our land.


  3. Thank you so much for speaking the truth on behalf of the speechless. South Africa is today's world moral compas. We will be forever in her debt 🍉🇿🇦❤️

  4. 8 years ago, an American girl engaged to an Israeli guy I used to know from uni got into a huge argument with me and my friend about the Gaza conflict. She was trying to justify Palestinian children being shot by soldier saying “they were just as dangerous for throwing rocks or whatnot”. Children more dangerous than grown adults professionally trained to kill with automatic weapons. Within 1 year of having moved to Tel Aviv, she had become indoctrinated, her speech was genocidal and Islamophobic. To have been brainwashed so successful, you can imagine how potent Islamophobia, hate for Palestinians and genocidal speech are engrained in Israeli society. I’ve completely cut ties with her after this huge fight. Now looking back, watching this, I know 100% this is a genocide and I am soo happy and proud that Ireland, France, South Africa and many other are speaking up and trying to make Isreal accountable before an entire people become extinct. I hope she, Leigh, her husband and all the cowardly fake friends who took her side in our argument never find sleep. I hope they feel ashamed and I hope they feel haunted for every single death of the 23,000 innocent killed.

  5. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. Genesis 12:3
    Ireland expect the wraith of God

  6. My heart is falling apart listening to this. We cannot let the U.S. U.K. rule it's ok for Isreal to wipe out entire generations of Palestinian people day by day as the world cries silently. Please let our global humanity meet online to help stop the genocide. There are people in the U.S.,UK and also in Isreal who are horrified and heartbroken just as much as our hearts are dying with terror at what these governments are not doing. We must speak or be bystanders.

  7. Palestinians are not suffering or israeli is mot wrong its allahs will which is good for Palestinians


  9. Every day, the vanquished call a halt to their hopeless cause to save their own men women children.
    But no, the vanquished own families are defence weapons. Schools and maternity hospitals their underground forts.

  10. I'm Irish and this whole situation is disgraceful! it should be hamas on trial in this court for starting this war! not Israel for defending itself and trying to relieve Palestinians from the grip of terrorists that stole majority of aid and money to build a terror underworld instead of using it for the people to live a decent life as it was supposed to be!!! when she says schools does she realise most schools teach terrorism? the whole world's peace is at stake here! everyone needs to try different means of information away from propaganda!

  11. the west destroyed the middle east and Africa for their resources and oil the international Court is ballshit

  12. The Irish standing TALL in front of the world.. Amerika ignore the genocide done with the taxes they pay … Genocide Joe will be labeled in history as the President that allowed this to happen.

  13. Haven't we heard all this already get on with it, stop the carnage. Is this just more profit for officials & lawyers while people die, united nations stop stalling & take action !

  14. South Africans are in the International criminal court for the Palestinian cause. But ironically, back at home they host and protect a Rwandan 1994 Genocide god Mr. Fulgence Kayishema. Mr.Fulgence Kayishema, is accused of ordering the killing of 2,000 people hiding in a church during Rwanda's 1994 genocide, when 800,000 lives of Tutsi and Hutu moderates were lost. Their citizens commit XENOPHOBIC attacks on fellow Africans from other countries by maiming and killing them, but their government watches as if nothing has happened. No one has been brought to book for these XENOPHOBIC attack atrocities committed against fellow AFRICANS. ZIMBABWE helped South Africa to fight APERTHEID but she has lost her citizens to these XENOPHOBIC attack by ungrateful South African citizens.

  15. When are they gonna show proof or are they just gonna keep talking about what they seen on instagram

  16. what about the South African occupation of the Boer republic and the murder of Boer families.ocupation of tribal land including zoeloe and xhoza property .

  17. After that YT is recommending "British lawyer rejects outrageous Israel genocide claims" – I don't think my head can take it. The way the west has reacted to this Zionist genocide is revolting, and makes me ashamed to see my government abstain or vote against potential life saving measures. I didn't vote for the fool who's PM, no one did, he lost the lottery, but he is leader of the party responsible for the way the country acts. Give Ukraine £2.5 billion military aid in the middle of a Middle East genocide and a cost of living crisis at home? Well played, you unelectable tool.

  18. Big Respect for respectable Irish lady with deep heart ❤️ thank you stand for Humanity.

  19. Im sorry but any normal human being that isnt a total mental case can not say what the gazans and hamas did on October 7th was called for is just as big a mental case as they dont think they are. The sad part is people in charge are this stupid and bigoted but they voted them in so I guess they're smarter then their supporters.

  20. Unfortunately politics will play a strong part in acquitting this barbaric regime. Makes the definition of a "Judge" a very hollow title. How can any judge not find this corrupt and savage regime anything but guilty. Imagine if this was happening to Israel by an Arab country, the West would show a western "moral compass".. Hypocrisy is the only word that has any mild meaning. Killing leads to hatred and revenge. The circle needs to be broken.

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