
Irish government tries to pass controversial Criminal Justice Bill | Journalist David Quinn


Irish government tries to pass controversial Criminal Justice Bill | Journalist David Quinn

#Irish #government #pass #controversial #Criminal #Justice #Bill #Journalist #David #Quinn

‘It’s completely based on the perception of somebody that a hate incident has taken place.’

Journalist David Quinn reacts to the Irish government currently trying to pass a Criminal Justice Bill, which has been the subject of heated debate.

#ireland #irishpolitics #criminaljustice

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criminal law , Irish government tries to pass controversial Criminal Justice Bill | Journalist David Quinn, GB news

45 thoughts on “Irish government tries to pass controversial Criminal Justice Bill | Journalist David Quinn”

  1. I was considering visiting Ireland soon. Never mind. I don't want to spend time there if this is the route the country wants to go down.


  3. Senator Michael O'doule has 'ASKED' for this law to be postponed until it is examined line by line so it does not infringe on human rights.

  4. TOTALARTARIAN rule coming into Ireland with this law. It will be ABUSED. NOT ALL JUDGES OR POLICE FAIR MINDED PEOPLE.

  5. There are a small number of good Irish people fighting this – that said, the majority of Irish are docile. They feel helpless. The Irish have been here before with the Catholic Church (God is always looking down at you) and "snitching" culture in Ireland. Living in Ireland is like a mild version of North Korea. England is a much better country to live in.

  6. The only hatefull thing going on here, is the disrespect the Irish goverment are showing to the Irish people !!

  7. Im a white ,Irish, Catholic, hetrosexual male!
    And I guarantee, people will be allowed to say whatever they want about me!

  8. All Irish politicians are bought by W.E.F. Capitalism without socialism is fascism Socialism without capitalism is Communism. The Euro is gonna break shortly after the dollar so it looks like we are heading towards a Gimp Communist State.

  9. It started with Brazilian elections and now it is spreading fast to all the globe nations. Communism masked as socialism giving cards. Fortunately, there are some enlightened human beings that work to make the difference at this right moment (Italy, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Hungary, El Salvador, Nigéria, KENYA and a few more.) Truth and Good will prevail and the bad ones will be defeated.

  10. Helen McEntee and the government's hate speech laws are really only aimed at indigenous Irish, Catholics – including priest's who teach Catholic doctrine, anyone (Irish) who opposes government policies or says anyone wrongful about any politician.

  11. If any claim is made against me for hate, I would feel unsafe, insecure and unprotected. Therefor, I can now claim where said action is being taken against me, that this is also hate.

  12. You can be pretty certain that any EU country bill like this one is aimed at restricting absolutely everyone –
    apart from the far left who get a free pass to hate everyone else.

  13. The Australian government is also looking to do introduce a similar bill under the guise of stopping 'misinformation' and 'disinformation'.😠

  14. So Ireland will be no craic anymore because you can't even make a joke without the Gardaí showing up. On a different note, farmers, don't shoot your cows! China's hoarding food and California just legalized making meat in labs. It's all a land grab. Farmers around the world are being harrassed for using chemicals, yet the Amish in America are being harrassed for doing the opposite.

  15. They have shelved it for now…. Might be the end of it…. But the Global Migrant Compact demands it, so id still be worried about it.

  16. This is coming straight from the WEF playbook,all the Irish people are being sold out ,and overrun by foreigner's who don't share their culture.

  17. Ireland has gone soooo far down the gay, trans, extreme liberal, anti-christian, anti-Irish, woke path that it’s a tyrannical cesspit now!
    The WORST thing you could be in Ireland now, is to be white, native & Irish!
    The politicians & Gov & police absolutely HATE the native Irish people!
    We should use their own hate laws against themselves! They’re an evil & rotten shower.

  18. All started with COVID 19 lockdown,once Government got away with locking people down ,they completed their test in authoritarianism

  19. Is influential minister 🇮🇱 Alan shatter involved ….or is he retired …he's done plenty of damage to Ireland . 🤔

  20. IRELAND is the cruel colonial master of its own people now. They can't blame the British empire on this one.

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