
INSANE SMUG ‘KAREN’ DOESN’T REALIZE I’M A LAWYER! Your Honor, I Am the Owner r/MaliciousCompliance


#INSANE #SMUG #KAREN #DOESNT #REALIZE #LAWYER #Honor #Owner #rMaliciousCompliance

INSANE SMUG ‘KAREN’ DOESN’T REALIZE I’M A LAWYER! Your Honor, I Am the Owner r/MaliciousCompliance


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This is YouTube channel RedWheel.
I know that the name is terrible, but what can I do with this 🙂
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INSANE SMUG ‘KAREN’ DOESN’T REALIZE I’M A LAWYER! Your Honor, I Am the Owner r/MaliciousCompliance
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28 thoughts on “INSANE SMUG ‘KAREN’ DOESN’T REALIZE I’M A LAWYER! Your Honor, I Am the Owner r/MaliciousCompliance”

  1. Sovereign Citizen popped up on my radar, when a friend of my son's stepson's, was looking it all up and thinking about filling out the paperwork that would give him Sovereign Citizenship.
    He only explained a little bit, i did a little online research and came to the conclusion that either this was the best kept secret or it was the equivalent of a conspiracy theory.
    What intrigued me was those who applied for and or achieved Sovereign Citizenship could not give advice to anyone or show them how to achieve that much desired status.
    The claim was that once you were awarded that Citizenship you never had to pay for anything. You receive a bill and all you had to do was forward it to the the Secretary of the Treasury and it would be paid, no questions asked. This included monthly utility bills or the purchase of a new car.
    I asked the guy to at least let me know when he was awarded the status.
    Last I heard he was buying an adult toy store and it had an online version. He offered to pay me to do the updates to the online store's catalog of merchandise, because the vendors didn't have a standard way of submitting their product's photos, descriptions and prices and item numbers.
    So I'm pretty sure he like myself figured out that becoming a Sov Cit was a pie in the sky way for people to get on the bad side of the government.
    Maybe Trump has some supporters who he'll grant Sov Cit to for a hefty donation to his legal bills.

  2. That last story. If he couldn't afford it before he for sure can't afford it now . Maybe next time, the neighbors threatened by the tree can pool resources and pay a guy to take it down. Just saying it would have been a more viable option.

  3. Story 3 : Yeah, similar story, but better response from the neighbor.

    I informed the property owner [a private high school] by letter that there was a large walnut tree on their property that was dead, and it was situated directly behind the shed on my property. Now, having lived almost 35 years or so at the time, and having been a property owner for 10 years, I knew that any time a tree falls, it will take the most inconvenient path that allows it to do the most damage to anything around.

    The property owner sends someone to check on the tree and whoever they sent tells them "Naw, it's not gonna fall on his shed!"

    Fast forward 1 year – and during a large windstorm, the tree falls on my shed.

    I write the property owner a nice letter which references my previous letter by date, and tell them to come remove their tree, repair my fence, and replace my shed.

    They do – and within 3 weeks they have completely taken care of the problem.


  4. The last story: it is great that he won the lawsuit but now he or she has to collect. You cannot get water from a rock.

  5. People hate “sovereign citizens” for a good reason. They are idiots that think they can do anything with no punishments

  6. Get a bonus for creating a bogus function. Then get a bonus to make it disappear. This sounds like the American way.

  7. The only thing better would have been for the VP in the first story to get caught messing up the records and being fired.

  8. Every sovereign citizen that shows up in court, should be jailed until their tiny minds come to the simple conclusion, that they have no idea just how stupid they are, and they've only screwed themselves by listening to these fools about being a sovereign citizen. Really all it is, is a misunderstanding of the definition of a SC. We under our laws are indeed SC, we just understand we live by community rules, we voted for as a group

  9. Op could have also said something to HR about how the VP is incompetent and I think he might have lied on his credentials.

  10. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😺😺😺😺❤❤✌✌🙏🙏

  11. That last story, my neighbor has a few dead trees. But she rents and the landlord won't do a thing about them.
    Every time there's a bad storm, I'm expecting one or more to come down. Depending on how they fall, they could land on the house, her car or take out the electric lines. If they do that, I'm stuck at home. The street is a dead end, and I'm in the last house.

  12. The last one, I had a slightly similar experience. Except for me it was our tree. We called multiple tree services and they all said that they would not touch it because it was touching wires. The electric company was supposed to be responsible. It took two years of back and forth with the electric company to finally get them out here to remove the branches that were touching the wires. Every time a wire was knocked off in the meantime they just hooked it back up and never touched the tree. Every time I went and told them that tree services wouldn’t touch it because of the electrical wires. I pleaded with them to remove the limb that had broken and was leaning on the wires. They would tell me that a work order was placed and to be patient. Two years!!!

  13. Story 3: OP? Seriously? Look them up in your county tax assessors office. That's public information and required to be made available to anyone who seeks it. FOIA!

  14. If they have no money then you aren't going to get s###. You can go after their house but that would require another date in court. I'd still file a lien to make sure they can't get a loan against the property or sell it.

  15. Hi RedWheel, what's up?

    Just watched your video and I must say it's really informative and helpful.

    I was thinking if I could help you make thumbnails for improved CTR and better views? Let me know, I can offer one for free.

  16. Story 2 – YES! That's exactly what it seems to be with sovereign idiots. Like saying <insert a bizarre combo of words> and they get what they want. The fact many act so arrogant when spouting absolute childish nonsense like a toddler, then have a tantrum when it doesn't work, makes it very satisfying to watch them get own. It never gets old.

  17. Delete/edit data story: That VP was incredibly uniformed on the legal processes for what you guys were doing. Well done on how you short-circuited him. And you got TWO bonuses for your malicious compliance. Even better.

    Sovereign Citizen story: I watch some of these guys get caught up in YouTube videos on occasion, sometimes with police, sometimes in court. So idiotic and it never does them a bit of good.

    Fallen tree story: Unfortunately, it's one thing to win a judgement, it's another to actually have it implemented. All you can do it to keep on them with your lawyer and the proper city and court officials.

  18. Sovern citezenship does exist in canada. But canadian laws apply once you leave the reservation. And on reservation theres still rules and laws you have to follow.

  19. 1st story: This is what you get when you hire people who know nothing about anything to do with a project simply because they are someone's family and they want them to be on the project.

  20. Am I supposed to see something besides the fire burning? Great stories again today, thank you! I'll catch up with you again tomorrow morning!

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